4D Design
EPISODE 24 - HOW TO BUY PAINT Take ALL the Paint Chips! Do not be shy - take them all and I mean all of them Paint Decks - Good option if you're serious about color Paint Brands - what is available in your area? Sheen - This is a huge decision. When in doubt choose Matte SAMPLES - Actual Paint and Stickers / Visualization Refinement - YOU HAVE TO DO THIS / DON’T GO FAST Stomach vs mind - immediate decisions vs emotional / somatic decisions AK links: Four D Design - Holistic Design Star Tile - Multidimensional...
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An assortment of resources / stories about Paint. History of Pigments - they all have a specific time period Can look at the history of art through pigments Basically people always paint if they can! Things not always good for you! (or even will kill you or destroy your internal organs: Lead White Pigments are Organic or Inorganic - and now we have Synthetics. AK links: Four D Design - Holistic Design Star Tile - Multidimensional Ceramics Star Tile Studio - Joshua Tree, CA Email Me:
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Choosing color shouldn't cause a panic - it can be a fun adventure, and it just requires meticulous attention to bring any beautiful color range into your design. Today's episode gives you professional advice for choosing colors and constructing palettes. The next 2 episodes will be all about paint and how to work with paint chips! Pro Tips (Summary) 1. Broad Categories - Color is not just one tone - have one part of the palette that is Broad / 3 tones - even better, multiple parts of the palette are 3 tones. 2. Everything has color - even Wood and Metal / have to be...
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Do you ever treat rooms in your house differently because you know that guests will be coming over? What do you change about the rooms and why? Today's talk is an exploration of the psychology (and physical reality check!) behind designing spaces in our own home for Guests, either real / specific or imagined. AK links: Four D Design - Holistic Design Star Tile - Multidimensional Ceramics Star Tile Studio - Joshua Tree, CA Email Me:
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People often ask about Feng Shui - and though I know a little about it I did a slightly deeper dive this week and am giving my report! It's an ancient system of design which is both practical and mystical, concerned with the flow of energy and balancing elements in all of our spaces for optimum health and success. Some people think it makes no sense but others see it as a non-negotiable way of life. Where do you fall? A few general guidelines, tips and tricks: Note this is a long and complex tradition that takes years or decades to master, this is just an intro for the...
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Today's episode is an introduction to minimalism and the concept of styles being influenced by everything that came before it - that design can be a reaction to the previous generation, and minimalism can be seen as a response to excess consumption or decoration. We'll look at the origins of Minimalism, its current place in popular culture, and see it through different lenses. Below are a few links / additional resources. Influences from Japanese tradition[] See also: The idea of simplicity appears in many cultures, especially the Japanese traditional culture...
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Here are a few links about the number 8 and its significance / meaning. GENERAL THEMES Eternity - perfection / balance Wealth Reaching towards the Divine Lucky Number 8: The Symbol of Prosperity In Chinese culture, the number 8 is regarded as one of the luckiest numbers. This belief is deeply rooted in linguistic and cultural factors: Pronunciation: The number 8 is pronounced as “ba” in Mandarin, which sounds similar to the word for wealth or prosperity, “发” (fa). This phonetic similarity has led to the strong association of 8 with financial...
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Both the hexagon and the Merkaba symbolize the number 6. It is the first perfect number, meaning that 6 is both the sum and product of its factors: 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 1 X 2 X 3 = 6 The number 6 is the symbol of the Law of Correspondence, i.e. as above so below. In other words, it is the equilibrium between the microcosm and the macrocosm which mirror each other. It also represents the concept of fractals which are repetitive patterns that can be scaled to any size. In the Merkaba, the descending tetrahedron represents Spirit or the divine feminine principle, while...
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Some further basic reading on the properties of the number 4 and the square. In Buddhism, the square reflects the 4 sacred truths. The square is often associated and depicted with the 4 noble and sacred truths: Dukkha, Samudāya, Nirodha, and Magga. To summarize, these truths are the truth of suffering, the truth of suffering’s origin, the truth of the end of suffering, and the path to the end of suffering. The traditional Buddhist mandala also contains 4 squares, representing the gates to the 4 stages of life. In Islam, the square is a symbol of strength and establishment....
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Today's episode looks at the history of the "Architect" in the modern sense and the decisions made along the way that created a divide between the people who use buildings and the people who design them. Architects are notorious for having their own language, with some words that are necessary and some that are not. This episode takes the entire issue apart piece by piece, and ultimately proposes a way forward. Some further reading (very entertaining!) Great interview / rant against Archispeak: About Architects being terrible
info_outlineBoth the hexagon and the Merkaba symbolize the number 6. It is the first perfect number, meaning that 6 is both the sum and product of its factors:
1 + 2 + 3 = 6 1 X 2 X 3 = 6
The number 6 is the symbol of the Law of Correspondence, i.e. as above so below. In other words, it is the equilibrium between the microcosm and the macrocosm which mirror each other. It also represents the concept of fractals which are repetitive patterns that can be scaled to any size.
In the Merkaba, the descending tetrahedron represents Spirit or the divine feminine principle, while the ascending tetrahedron represents matter and the divine masculine principle. It symbolizes the embodiment of the Divine (your light body, your soul) into the organic form. In this state, creation naturally occurs and it becomes easier to connect with higher frequency beings and Source.
HUICHOL art - the truth of space time