Faith Journey Podcast
With my first guest being my husband Justin, I wanted to have an open discussion about dating, marriage, and parenthood. We both have experienced a lot of the wrong things in order to get to something right, but most importantly with God. Navigating through life’s hardships as one can be challenging yet rewarding. We both get super vulnerable and transparent and share what God has done in us and for us in this season of our life. I hope this episode encourages you to not give up in your pursuit of finding her person. To not look for the perfect person, but someone who is willing to change...
info_outline Episode 6 - A Beautiful GoodbyeFaith Journey Podcast
I wanted to dedicate this episode to my beautiful mommy, Linda. I lost her a couple months ago unexpectedly and this has been one of the hardest things I have ever had to endure so far in my life. I will forever have the tragic memories of her last days here but the memories of her healthy will always supersede. The warm memories of her love and her laughter, will forever be apart of me. She was the best mother anyone could have asked for. And she had every excuse to not be. But she fulfilled her God given assignment and has prepared me to fulfill mine. Me and my mother had a tough...
info_outline Episode 5 - RelationshipsFaith Journey Podcast
Even though this topic deserves more time in which I will touch more on this with guests, I wanted to share briefly what God has taught me about relationships. This has been and will always be a journey of learning and growing. Not having a firm foundation and a good example in the most important years of my development as a child has made it hard for me to cope in my adult life. Luckily God drew me in, saved me, changed me, healed me, and showed me how to love people the way they should be loved. This allowed me to sustain my relationships and filter out the relationships that needed healthy...
info_outline Episode 4 - God Speaks In All WaysFaith Journey Podcast
Although the bible is the biggest source of hearing from God, he also speaks in many other ways. In this episode I share the visions and dreams I have had from God and how getting close to him through his word has helped me on my faith walk. His promises have allowed me to step out in faith in many situations and fully trust him to lead me to the places he has shown me. Spending time with God through deep meditation and prayer... with ALOT of patience can go such a long way. Be still. Hear his voice. And take action. If you don’t hear it, wait. His timing is always perfect.
info_outline Episode 3 - God's WillFaith Journey Podcast
What does it mean to follow the will of God? In episode 3 I cover the two types of will. There is of course the sovereign will of God and then there is the revealed will. Sovereign will is the unknown, Gods plan for our life. Living out the day by day, moment by moment. Then there is a revealed will which is written all throughout the Bible. How do we follow Gods revealed will for our life? Well, read his word and find out! Here are a few I’ve taken from my studies: Make Disciples (Mathew 28:19-20) Love one another (John 15:12) Serve one another (1 Peter 4:!0) Build each other...
info_outline Episode 2 - Born AgainFaith Journey Podcast
In this episode, I talk about the meaning of what it is to be born again and what Jesus means when he says he is the resurrection and life. Being yielded to transformation through the holy spirit requires constant surrender of what we think we know. His word is our truth and our standard. Jesus says no one will enter the kingdom unless we are truly born again. So what is that? How do we become born again? There is a spiritual death to life story after we receive the gift of salvation. Its like Jesus says to Lazzurus, "Get up and take off your grave cloths". Instagram: ; Podcast instagram: ...
info_outline Episode 1- IntroFaith Journey Podcast
In this episode, I wanted to share a little bit about my testimony and set the tone for episodes to come. I know that picking up our cross and following Jesus is not easy, surrender is a daily choice. Figuring out Gods will for our lives takes a great deal of patience and dicipline. Im a huge advocate for spending time in Gods word. Dont read it just so you can be educated, read his word so you can be transformed. There is a huge difference between being a christian and being a disciple, but we can not do it alone. Healing and freedom happens when we take it all to Jesus. When we let go and...
info_outlineIn this episode, I wanted to share a little bit about my testimony and set the tone for episodes to come. I know that picking up our cross and following Jesus is not easy, surrender is a daily choice. Figuring out Gods will for our lives takes a great deal of patience and dicipline. Im a huge advocate for spending time in Gods word. Dont read it just so you can be educated, read his word so you can be transformed. There is a huge difference between being a christian and being a disciple, but we can not do it alone. Healing and freedom happens when we take it all to Jesus. When we let go and shed the old, while embracing the new.
Click here to follow along with my 50 Day Devotional Book
Instagram: @theapostletone ; Podcast instagram: @faithjourneypodcast
Producer: Justin Roberts