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A Brief History of the American Indian Movement

American Indian Movement Podcast

Release Date: 07/27/2022

In the 30 years of its formal history the Amerian Indian Movement (AIM) has given witness to a great many changes.We say formal history, beause the movement existed for 500 years without a name. The leaders and members of today's AIM never fail to remember all those who have traveled on before, having given their talent and their lives for the survival of the people. 

At the core of the movement is Indian leadership under the direction of NeeGawNwayWeeDun, Clyde H. Bellecourt, and others. Making steady progress, the movement has transformed policy making into programs and organizations that have served Indian people in many communities. These policies have consistently been made in consultation with spiritual leaders and elders. The success of these efforts is indisputable, but perhaps even greater than the accomplishments is the vision defining what AIM stands for. 

Indian people were never intended to survive the settlement of Europeans in the Western Hemisphere, our Turtle Island. With the strength of a spiritual base, AIM has been able to clearly articulate the claims of Native Nations and has had the will and intellect to put forth those claims. 

I will read this to you in the next episode. ~KBegay Indigenous Architecture