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How to Find the Best Doctor to Work With

The Thyroidless Life

Release Date: 09/20/2022

Post-Thyroidectomy Regret: How to Move Forward and Take Control of Your Health (A Listener Response) show art Post-Thyroidectomy Regret: How to Move Forward and Take Control of Your Health (A Listener Response)

The Thyroidless Life

Feeling overwhelmed or frustrated with your post-thyroidectomy journey (or perhaps listenting to episodes that Dr. Rebecca talks about her own regret)? You're not alone. In this heartfelt episode, Dr. Rebecca Warren addresses the emotional challenges many face after thyroid removal. She shares her personal experiences and emphasizes the importance of self-advocacy and informed decision-making in navigating the healthcare system. Dr. Warren dives into: The importance of understanding the shortcomings of the healthcare system, especially for women's health. How to move forward with a mindset...

Why do I feel HYPER if I have HYPOthyroidism?? The Role of Antibodies in Thyroid Tissue Destruction show art Why do I feel HYPER if I have HYPOthyroidism?? The Role of Antibodies in Thyroid Tissue Destruction

The Thyroidless Life

Understanding the symptoms of thyroid issues can be really confusing, especially when you search and find different answers than what you are experiencing. In today’s episode Dr. Rebecca dives into the symptoms that can confuse you if you have antibodies (Hashimotos or Grave’s disease) and what they mean. In this episode she dives into:  The bewildering symptoms of heart palpitations, anxiety, and overheating in hypothyroid patients. She also explores "Hashitoxicosis," where the destruction of thyroid cells leads to transient hyperthyroid symptoms in hypothyroid patients. The...

19 Years After Thyroidectomy: What I Wish I Knew BEFORE Going Under the Knife show art 19 Years After Thyroidectomy: What I Wish I Knew BEFORE Going Under the Knife

The Thyroidless Life

Are you on the brink of thyroidectomy, or have you recently undergone the procedure? Dr. Rebecca addresses the critical steps and insights she wishes she'd known nearly two decades ago, post-thyroidectomy. This episode is a treasure trove of wisdom for those about to navigate life without a thyroid. In this enlightening session, Dr. Warren discusses: - The importance of slowing down and considering all options, including the possibility of active surveillance for certain thyroid diagnosis. - How to make an informed decision and the value of understanding your thyroid and overall health before...

The Study That Made Me Angry This Week: Unmasking the Dismissal of Persistent Thyroid Symptoms & Challenging Outdated Practices show art The Study That Made Me Angry This Week: Unmasking the Dismissal of Persistent Thyroid Symptoms & Challenging Outdated Practices

The Thyroidless Life

When 6,058 endcrinologist from multiple european countries were polled for this study, they determined that for a MAJORITY of patients that had hypothyroid syptoms while being on T4 ONLY was ALL IN THEIR HEADS and patients have unrealsitic expectations on how they should be feeling...   This episode is a heartfelt exploration into the often-dismissed symptoms of hypothyroidism and the struggle to be heard and adequately treated in the medical community. Dr. Warren passionately argues against the study's conclusion that cognitive behavioral therapy is the primary solution for patients with...

Navigating Carb Cravings and the Secret to Refeeding for Thyroid Hormones When Keto or Low Carb show art Navigating Carb Cravings and the Secret to Refeeding for Thyroid Hormones When Keto or Low Carb

The Thyroidless Life

What do you do when you find your body starts craving certain things? Listen to it, and figure out what it needs.  This epsiode goes into the world metabolic flexibility, intuitive eating, and the delicate dance of hormone health and reconnecting with listenting to our bodies.  In this episode, you'll delve into: - The perplexing phenomenon of cravings and binge eating during low-carb or keto diets, particularly around ovulation, and why it's a natural response rather than a failure. - The concept of "refeeding" and its significance in maintaining a healthy metabolism and hormone...

Beyond the Thyroid: The Importance of B12 & Homocysteine levels in Thyroid Hormone Balance show art Beyond the Thyroid: The Importance of B12 & Homocysteine levels in Thyroid Hormone Balance

The Thyroidless Life

Dive into the essential world of Vitamin B12 and its profound impact on thyroid (and whole body) health with Dr. Rebecca Warren in this eye-opening episode. Truly healing your thyroid and healing post thyroidectomy is a journey and you don't want to make it much more difficult by having deficiencies that can be easily tested and addressed! The hope for this episode is that it can help you identify B12 deficiencies that can stand in your way to thyroid hormone balance. You'll uncover: The pivotal role of Vitamin B12 in multiple processes in the body  The interplay between B12 levels,...

TSH Testing ALONE is not Enough, The TRUTH About T3 Only Meds, and Rethinking Hypothyroidism with Dr. Antonio Bianco show art TSH Testing ALONE is not Enough, The TRUTH About T3 Only Meds, and Rethinking Hypothyroidism with Dr. Antonio Bianco

The Thyroidless Life

Join Dr. Rebecca Warren on a compelling journey through the intricacies of thyroid hormones in the latest episode deep dive with Dr. Antonio Bianco. With over three and a half decades of dedicated research under his belt, Dr. Bianco brings a wealth of knowledge to the table, shedding light on the often misunderstood and overlooked aspects of thyroid hormone health. In this episode, you'll discover: The science behind why testing TSH only will not help you get well and stay well  The surprising truth about the safety and efficacy of T3 medication, debunking long-held myths that have...

When NOT to Fast, Keto, Parasite Cleanse, Cold Plunge and Any Other Current Hack You’ve Heard About... show art When NOT to Fast, Keto, Parasite Cleanse, Cold Plunge and Any Other Current Hack You’ve Heard About...

The Thyroidless Life

Dr. Rebecca Warren takes a step back from the fasting frenzy to focus on when it might actually be counterproductive for your health. She brings her own health battles and expertise to the forefront, advocating for a personalized approach to healing. This episode is a must-listen for anyone navigating the complex world of thyroid and hormonal health, covering: - The potential dangers of fasting when your body isn't prepared, especially for women with hormone imbalances - The importance of understanding your unique health status, including insulin and c-peptide levels, before adopting a fasting...

COMPLETE Wellness Panel Breakdown: How Other Blood Markers Influence and are Influenced By Thyroid Hormones show art COMPLETE Wellness Panel Breakdown: How Other Blood Markers Influence and are Influenced By Thyroid Hormones

The Thyroidless Life

Dr. Rebecca Warren takes you beyond the surface of standard thyroid panels to unveil the comprehensive lab work that can revolutionize your understanding of your body's health. With her personal journey as a backdrop, Dr. Warren passionately advocates for a deeper dive into the labs that hold the secrets to your well-being. This episode is a masterclass, revealing: - The significance of a complete thyroid panel and the wealth of information it provides for those with or without a thyroid - The profound impact of iron, ferritin, and vitamin B12 on thyroid health, and the symptoms of their...

Making the Case for T3 Testing, Meds and Beyond: A Holistic Thyroid Approach show art Making the Case for T3 Testing, Meds and Beyond: A Holistic Thyroid Approach

The Thyroidless Life

Step into the realm of self-advocacy and holistic understanding with Dr. Rebecca Warren in this enlightening episode of The Thyroidless Life, "Making the Case for T3 Testing, Meds and Beyond: A Holistic Thyroid Approach." Dr. Warren passionately dismantles the conventional medical approach that has left many thyroid patients unheard and underserved. She challenges the status quo and invites you to explore the comprehensive care your body deserves. This episode is a beacon for those who have felt lost in the healthcare system, covering: The historical context of thyroid medication and its...

More Episodes

In this episode I discuss what it looks like to find the right doctor. We live at a time where you have more resources available to you to get yourself well and to understand your body better but you must first understand that you are fully responsible for your health. 

Not only do your get to choose what your care looks like but you get to set the tone for what shared decision making looks like with your practitioner. 

I share my personal story of firing my own doctor when I was 20 years old and share what I’ve told my clients through the years, questions to ask, and how to prepare yourself.

I know sometimes it can seem so discouraging to feel like you can’t find the right team but you can and I hope this helps encourage you in that process! 

If you enjoyed today's episode make sure to subscribe and leave a review! 



- Ready to take your health to the next level? Learn more about my Thyroid Inner Circle Community. If my doors are open, you do NOT want to miss the opportunity to sign up! If doors are currently closed, join the wait list for the next opportunity to join: Thyroid Inner Circle

- Have you had a thyroidectomy? Join my Healing After Thyroidectomy Facebook Group

-  Check out the basic and advance supplements I recommend for thyroid hormone health! Once you register, navigate to the "Shared Protocols" tab. Here you will find not only my thyroid protocols, but several others to support optimal health: Shop my online store



- Get your free optimal thyroid e-book.

 - Do you suffer from adrenal fatigue? Check out the Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) test for detailed insight into your cortisol and cortisol levels throughout the day: Dutch CAR

 - Do you have hormonal imbalance? Whether you are cycling or in peri- or menopause, consider taking a deep dive into your sex hormones and their metabolites: Dutch Complete


Disclaimer: This podcast is for information purposes only. Statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast including Drs. Warren disclaim responsibility from any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein. Opinions of guests are their own, and this podcast does not accept responsibility of statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests’ qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have a direct or non-direct interest in products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem, consult a licensed physician.