Inside Freediving
I sit down with renown freediving coach Harry Chamas and the deepest man in Asia, Huang Hua Yang to speak about equalisation. What problems we see time and time again, how to solve those problems and Huang Hua Yang tells Harry and myself about the problems he's encountering at 117m and beyond, while we try and give him solutuions.
info_outlineInside Freediving
I sat down with freediving world record holder and legend William Trubridge and the current president of AIDA, one of the main regulatory bodies for competitive freediving to have a chat about the future of freediving! It was incredibly interesting and a little bit spicey!
info_outlineInside Freediving
In the first ever episode of the Inside Freediving Podcast I chat with two world champion freedivers, Florian Dagoury and Fatima Korok about modern training methods for freediving. What works. What doesn't. What the best in the world do to train and what is all a gimmick!
info_outlineIn the first ever episode of the Inside Freediving Podcast I chat with two world champion freedivers, Florian Dagoury and Fatima Korok about modern training methods for freediving. What works. What doesn't. What the best in the world do to train and what is all a gimmick!