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Getting to the Root Cause for Hormonal Health with Dr. Darin Ingels

The Woman's Doctor

Release Date: 02/23/2023

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More Episodes

Today on The Woman’s Doctor we discuss how an unhealthy gut leads to chronic illness and what you can do to heal your microbiome. Dr. Darin Ingels is the author of The Lyme Solution and has treated thousands of patients with practical and cost effective therapies that you can implement today. Whether you are facing lyme disease, autoimmune symptoms or even brain fog, all can be healed by healing the gut first. 


The microbiome thrives on leafy vegetables and fermented foods, just some of the first things you can add to your diet to improve the diversity in your gut. If you want individualized recommendations, Dr. Ingles describes how labs can now determine the diversity and balance of your specific microbiome! Understanding your internal terrain can help you determine exactly what you need to be adding or removing from your diet.


Unfortunately, we live in a toxic environment and the average person is exposed to thousands of dangerous chemicals with only a fraction of them ever being tested for long term exposure. The more you can reduce the use of toxic cosmetics, eat organic food and be intentional with your diet, it is possible to heal and attain hormonal harmony!



Key Takeaways:

[3:10] What women need to know about how to address your health issue

[4:20] Your gut function plays a critical role in your neurological function

[5:00] The accumulative effect of the environmental toxins

[5:50] How chronic infections can act as endocrine disruptors 

[8:20] The microbiomes role in the development of chronic illness

[10:10] Vegetables and fermented foods are the best foods to rebalance your gut

[12:00] Lab testing to assess the diversity and balance of your gut

[13:00] Visit a functional medicine or naturopathic doctor to identify the underlying illness 

[14:00] How to avoid toxins in your environment, cosmetics and food

[15:10] Shaping your genetic disposition with epigenetics 

[17:10] Achieving hormonal harmony after lyme disease, underactive thyroid and stress



Mentioned in This Episode:





“We’ve got this really tight connection between our gut and our brain and we used to think that all these neurological issues, or mood issues were really just a problem with brain chemistry and we’ve learned so much now that that is actually such a small part of it.” [4:19] -Dr.Ingels


“Why is it that you could put 100 people in a room, expose them to the same virus; some people get sick, some people get no symptoms at all, and everything between. The difference is the terrain.” [7:23] -Dr.Ingels


“We’ve now found that the gut is involved in pretty much every chronic illness from heart disease to diabetes to chronic immune dysfunction; so, it’s really about, how do we get the gut back into a healthy state.”  [9:03] -Dr. Ingels


“How many people do we know that have never been on antibiotics and never had this outside influence or medication and eat natural, healthy, organic foods? I think in western culture that’s such a small population that we don’t even know what a normal microbiome is anymore.” [11:30] -Dr. Ingels


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