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Evening Devotional: The Feverent Pursuit of Fellowship with the Lord

The Chuck Spurgeon Project

Release Date: 07/14/2024

Evening Devotional: Seek The Lord During Your Afflictions show art Evening Devotional: Seek The Lord During Your Afflictions

The Chuck Spurgeon Project

PM Edition for July 25 Tonight's devotional focuses on Hosea 5:15, highlighting how God uses trials and tribulations to draw His wandering children back to Himself. The theme is the sanctifying purpose of afflictions and the faithful response to divine chastening. Key Points Purpose of Afflictions: Losses and hardships serve as tools in God's hands to bring wandering believers back to the fold. Dependence on God: Adversity reminds us of our dependence on God, steering us away from complacency. Divine Discipline: God's loving discipline aims to redirect our hearts towards Him, especially when...

Morning Devotional: The Wisdom of Fleeing show art Morning Devotional: The Wisdom of Fleeing

The Chuck Spurgeon Project

AM Edition for July 25 This morning's devotional focuses on Genesis 39:12, emphasizing the wisdom and necessity of fleeing from temptation. The key theme is recognizing when to escape from situations that could lead us to sin Key Points Wisdom in Fleeing: In the face of certain sins, the best and often only strategy is to flee. Avoiding Temptation: Like the ancient warnings about the basilisk’s gaze, even looking at temptation can be dangerous. Protecting Purity: Removing ourselves from potentially compromising situations preserves our character and purity. Value of Integrity: It is better...

Evening Devotional: The Mighty Camp of the Lord show art Evening Devotional: The Mighty Camp of the Lord

The Chuck Spurgeon Project

PM Edition for July 24 Tonight's devotional focuses on Joel 2:11, highlighting the overwhelming might and grandeur of the Lord. The theme is the magnificence of God's power and the assurance it brings to His followers. Key Points Divine Power: God's power is unmatched, commanding legions of heavenly beings and the elements of nature. Heavenly Armies: Cherubim, seraphim, and all spiritual forces stand ready to execute His will. Nature’s Submission: Elements like wind, rain, and fire follow His commands, demonstrating His absolute control. Living Creatures' Obedience: All creatures, from...

Morning Devotional: Stand Still and See the Salvation of the Lord show art Morning Devotional: Stand Still and See the Salvation of the Lord

The Chuck Spurgeon Project

AM Edition for July 24 This morning’s devotional focuses on Exodus 14:13, emphasizing the command to remain steadfast and trust in God's deliverance during times of great distress and seemingly insurmountable challenges. Key Points Act of Faith: Standing still is an act of faith, rejecting despair, cowardice, haste, and presumption. Rejection of Despair: Encourages believers to trust in God's love and faithfulness, even in the worst times. Courage Over Cowardice: Urges believers to remain steadfast in their Christian principles and not retreat to worldly ways. Patience Over Haste:...

Evening Devotional: The Blood of Jesus Christ Cleanses Us from All Sin show art Evening Devotional: The Blood of Jesus Christ Cleanses Us from All Sin

The Chuck Spurgeon Project

PM Edition for July 23 Tonight’s devotional focuses on 1 John 1:7, emphasizing the immediate and continuous cleansing power of Christ’s blood. The key theme is the assurance of immediate and complete forgiveness through Jesus.   Key Points Immediate Forgiveness: Forgiveness is not a future hope but a present reality available the moment we trust in Jesus. Continuous Cleansing: The use of the present tense "cleanses" indicates an ongoing process of purification from all sin. Complete Forgiveness: The cleansing power of Jesus' blood covers all sins, whether small or...

Morning Devotional: Even You Were Like One of Them show art Morning Devotional: Even You Were Like One of Them

The Chuck Spurgeon Project

AM Edition for July 23 Today's devotional centers around Obadiah 1:11, focusing on the expectations of brotherly kindness and the severe consequences when those chosen by God fall into sin. The key theme is the significant responsibility of the chosen to distinguish themselves from worldly ways. Key Points Responsibility of the Chosen: As those specially favored and blessed by God, our sins carry greater weight. Self-Examination: Encourages believers to closely examine their lives to ensure they do not mirror the sinful ways of the world. Emphasis on Actions: Actions are more grievous when...

Evening Devotional: Beholding Christ's Sorrow - Finding Joy in the Crucified Savior show art Evening Devotional: Beholding Christ's Sorrow - Finding Joy in the Crucified Savior

The Chuck Spurgeon Project

PM Edition for July 22 In tonight's episode of "Morning and Evening with Chuck Spurgeon," we reflect on John 19:5, which calls us to "Behold the man!" This profound invitation directs our gaze to Jesus Christ, particularly in His moments of deepest suffering and sorrow. The theme for this evening centers on finding comfort and joy in the contemplation of Christ's agony and sacrifice. Key Points: Invitation to Behold Jesus in His Suffering: We are encouraged to draw near and behold Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, witnessing His heart overflowing with love and sorrow. The devotional...

Morning Devotional: The Eternal Marriage - Christ's Unbreakable Bond with His Church show art Morning Devotional: The Eternal Marriage - Christ's Unbreakable Bond with His Church

The Chuck Spurgeon Project

AM Edition for July 22 In today's episode of "Morning and Evening with Chuck Spurgeon," we explore the profound message of Jeremiah 3:14, which proclaims, "I am married unto you." This beautiful declaration speaks to the intimate and enduring union between Christ and His Church. The theme for this morning centers on the sacred and eternal marriage bond that unites us with our Savior. Key Points: Christ's Marriage Covenant with His Church: Christ Jesus, in His boundless love, has united Himself with His people in a sacred marriage covenant. Just as Jacob labored for Rachel out of deep...

Evening Devotional: Why Must I Mourn? show art Evening Devotional: Why Must I Mourn?

The Chuck Spurgeon Project

PM Edition for July 21 In tonight's episode of "Morning and Evening with Chuck Spurgeon," we delve into Psalm 42:9, which poignantly asks, "Why must I go about mourning?" This reflection invites us to examine the reasons behind our sorrow and to consider the hope that we have in Christ. The theme for this evening centers on finding joy and hope amidst life's trials and tribulations. Key Points: Reflection on Mourning vs. Rejoicing: The devotional challenges us to consider why we often mourn instead of rejoice. It questions our tendency to entertain gloomy anticipations, reminding us that...

Sunday Sermons: The Secret of Power in Prayer show art Sunday Sermons: The Secret of Power in Prayer

The Chuck Spurgeon Project

Today, we journey back to a profound sermon delivered at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London on January 8, 1888 The sermon we are exploring today is titled "The Secret of Power in Prayer," based on John 15:7, which reads, "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you." This scripture opens the door to a powerful understanding of the relationship between abiding in Christ and the effectiveness of our prayers. In this message, I endeavored to address several vital themes, themes that resonate with the urgency and passion of the gospel...

More Episodes

PM Edition for July 14

Tonight, we reflect on the earnest quest of Mary Magdalene for the Lord Jesus. Her story offers profound lessons on seeking fellowship with Christ.

Key Lessons:

  1. Early Seeking: Mary Magdalene sought Jesus early in the morning, showing that a heart longing for Christ seeks Him at the first opportunity. If we wait for a more convenient time, we may never find the deep fellowship we desire. A heart fit for communion is one that hungers and thirsts for the Lord.

  2. Boldness in Pursuit: Despite the fear that drove others away, Mary boldly stayed at the tomb. True seekers of Christ must pursue Him with courage and determination, defying any obstacles.

  3. Faithfulness: Mary’s devotion was unwavering as she stood by the tomb, even when Jesus was not visibly present. Her faithfulness teaches us to cling to everything associated with Christ, remaining steadfast even in discouragement.