Have modern Bibles been translated from version to version, like a game of telephone, resulting in the original meaning and text being lost? Find out in this episode of Bereus.
This episode include an overview of the genres and principles of interpretation for the book of Revelation. In A Minute for the Trinity Ryan cover's Micah 5:2.
This episode includes defining what the genre of an epistle is and the principles of interpretation for it. In A Minute for the Trinity Ryan talks about Isaiah 9:6.
This episode of Bereus discusses an overview of the genre and principles of interpretation for the book of Acts. Matthew 28:18-20 is discussed in A Minute for the Trinity.
This episode include an overview of the genre that the gospels belong to; forms found in the gospels, for example, parables; horizontal and vertical reading of the gospels; and principles of interpretation. In A Minute for the Trinity 2nd Corinthians 3:18 is explored providing evidence that the Holy Spiriit is God.
This episode includes an overview of wisdom literature in the Old Testament. Ryan specifically focus on Proverbs and principles of interpretation for proverbs. In a Minute for the Trinity Ryan talks about Jesus's word on the Holy Spirit in John 14.
This episode of Bereus covers the Genre of Old Testiment Prophecy. Topics of focus include woe speech, lawsuit prophecy, and princlples of interpretation of the genre. John 20:28 is covered in A Minute for the Trinity.
This episode include an overview of Poetry in the Old Testament. Additionally, types of poetry including prayers, songs, liturgies, and wisdom Psalms are described. Principles of interpretation to know when studying the poetry in the Old Testament as also covered. John 14:8-9 is covered in A Minute for the Trinity.
This episode of Bereus includes an overview of the Biblical genre of Old Testament Law. This will include details on the sub-genres of casuistic law and apodictic law. Principles of interpretation of this genre are also covered. John 10:30 is discussed in a minute for the Trinity.
This episode introduce genres in the Bible and describe the genre of Old Testament narratives. Six major types of Old Testament narratives are discussed detailing two of them. Finally principles and cautions of interpretation are provided. In A Minute for the Trinity John 1:1-2 is covered.
info_outlineIn this episode, I review the four levels of reading in How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler and Charles Van Doren. In A Minute for the Gospel, I talk about Philippians 3:20-21 and the Glorified body.