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EP #46 Why Life Has Been Hard For You show art EP #46 Why Life Has Been Hard For You

GUIDING YOU HOME - Explore and Expand Your True Nature So You Can Go Free!

Emotional Freedom is what we seek, but unless we are able/willing to give up emotional chaos, it will illude us, and we may never feel at peace and harmonic with the flow of life. This makes life hard. 

EP #45 The Power of 3 - Powerful Patterns in Your Life show art EP #45 The Power of 3 - Powerful Patterns in Your Life

GUIDING YOU HOME - Explore and Expand Your True Nature So You Can Go Free!

The Power of three is everywhere in our lives. It starts with God, Christ, and the Holy Ghost. Also, Christ rose on the 3rd day. Why 3? The number 3 biblically represents divine wholeness, completeness, and perfection.

EP #44 The Breath of Life show art EP #44 The Breath of Life

GUIDING YOU HOME - Explore and Expand Your True Nature So You Can Go Free!

When you think your life is ending and it feels like death, it's time to reset your nervous system so you can breathe! Breath is life itself, but when life gets hard, we forget that breath is what brings us back to life again. The emotions that can seem big and scary and too overwhelming to survive can be reduced when you shift your mind, take a step back so you can breathe, and see that there is a path forward. Listen in as Coach Teresa Ford helps you find the fastest way to reframe a very difficult

EP #43 Ending Negative Patterns show art EP #43 Ending Negative Patterns

GUIDING YOU HOME - Explore and Expand Your True Nature So You Can Go Free!

I've described the process of how cyclical patterns are formed through your thoughts and how to undo the negative patterns that slow you down. When you can identify the less true meaning you have added to a thought, you can assign a new and truer meaning to it and get a better result. I personally had a breakthrough using this method, and you can too. If you need help, reach out using the link below, and we'll talk about how to rework the thoughts you have that no longer serve you.

EP #42 Signs Your Prayers Are Answered show art EP #42 Signs Your Prayers Are Answered

GUIDING YOU HOME - Explore and Expand Your True Nature So You Can Go Free!

When you ask for something you want, whether it's in prayer or meditation, you will receive an answer. Connecting the dots is the most important part of asking and receiving because it builds your faith and trust in the fact that you are loved, watched over, and guided. Teresa shares relevant personal stories as she discusses 22 ways in which you can receive signs of answers to your prayers. When you recognize these signs specifically, it'll be an awareness that you feel inside that it was defini

EP #41 What Healing Trauma Wounds Requires show art EP #41 What Healing Trauma Wounds Requires

GUIDING YOU HOME - Explore and Expand Your True Nature So You Can Go Free!

You deserve to know what healing looks like and what is required of you. An emotional release for that inner child who needs love and support and to feel safe means you can bring those fragmented parts of you into your current life. It means that the inner child who is dying to be fully expressive, creative, and clever and to be validated by you can show up and be counted. It means that a full commitment to investigating your past can bring more love, forgiveness, and peace to your present reality. There

EP #40 Developing Your Spiritual Gifts show art EP #40 Developing Your Spiritual Gifts

GUIDING YOU HOME - Explore and Expand Your True Nature So You Can Go Free!

Your true self is pure love and light. But, the contrast in life is necessary to find the love and light that you are. There must be opposition in all things, right? When you develop your spiritual gifts, though, you will have tools in your back pocket to respond to life and even out the contrast. It's not so much the HUGE struggles we have that make life rough, it's the negatively-charged emotions that exhaust us as we navigate relationships and situation life hands us. Developing your spiritual

EP #39 Confidence and Courage: Making Them Work For You show art EP #39 Confidence and Courage: Making Them Work For You

GUIDING YOU HOME - Explore and Expand Your True Nature So You Can Go Free!

Our life ebbs and flows through incompetence and competence, but when you look at it from a courage-to-confidence journey, it just might give you more courage to gain the confidence you need to live the life you want. Listen in and see what resonates with you about the life journey you are on and what may be holding you back from easing through the parts full of incompetence which is just the precursor to confidence backed by courage.

EP#38 You Are A Powerful Spiritual Creator show art EP#38 You Are A Powerful Spiritual Creator

GUIDING YOU HOME - Explore and Expand Your True Nature So You Can Go Free!

You are here to be as bright and happy as you can be, exuding love where ever you go. You can do that by discovering the balance between living a physical life and knowing what your goal is here on earth as a powerful Spiritual Creator. The magic happens when you find that beautiful balance in your life between what keeps you healthy, what brings you an abundance of everything good, and what helps you grow during difficult times. All parts of life have opportunities to use your spiritual, creative powers


GUIDING YOU HOME - Explore and Expand Your True Nature So You Can Go Free!

The only thing more important than living from an open heart is developing your spiritual gifts and letting them lead your life. Every experience life is offering you is for your benefit. If you KNOW what your spiritual gifts are to be your guiding force, you will be more open to the rapid growth patterns you are here to learn. If you are unaware of your spiritual gifts, you will probably find yourself troubleshooting life from a reactive state of frustrating cycles of fear and resistance. My AMPLIFY MEN

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There's nothing more scary than falling and hoping there's something there to catch you. There is only so much you are in control of. But when the old supports start to fall away, you must be prepared to recieve this new segment of your life that is coming in and allow it to guide you home.

If you want more information on how to transcend your challenges and rise to the full potential that is in you, click on the link below and apply for the AMPLIFY MENTORSHIP, where we help you AMPLIFY your greatest gifts so you can share them with the world⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.


⁠⁠⁠Wall Down/Open Heart Coaching Session⁠⁠

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