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Episode 6: Trade Offs and Opportunity Costs

Anchord Money

Release Date: 04/10/2023

Episode 6: Trade Offs and Opportunity Costs show art Episode 6: Trade Offs and Opportunity Costs

Anchord Money

We have unlimited wants with limited resources. I know that it’s hard to fathom but you can’t have everything so decisions must be made on where you select to spend money. This is called Trade Offs –giving up something to get something else. Understanding this concept will help you become more mindful and intentional in your money decisions. This is where people get into trouble with their finances because they aren’t good at making trade offs and may resort to credit cards to purchase their wants.  Every decision has an Opportunity Cost – this is what you gave up,  or the...

Episode 5: Help! My emotional spending is breaking my bank account! show art Episode 5: Help! My emotional spending is breaking my bank account!

Anchord Money

Do you buy things to improve your mood?  Do you buy things to improve your confidence?  Do you feel guilty after buying something?  It’s okay if you’ve been an emotional spender. We all buy things out of emotion sometimes, and our emotions themselves are a vibrant part of life. A mindful and intentional plan doesn’t discount our emotions or pretend they don’t exist. Your plan should take your emotions into account. That’s why spending out of emotions is okay, as long as it fits into your overall plan.  You need to become more mindful and intentional and...

Episode 4: Simplify, Simplify, Simplify show art Episode 4: Simplify, Simplify, Simplify

Anchord Money

Simplify. You might be thinking, why in the world is she talking about this and what does this have to do with money management.  Well just hang with me and you will find out. Take a moment and look around, Do you see calm and peaceful or clutter and chaos? What about your mind, do you feel peaceful or is it cluttered? Do you see areas in your life that could be simplified?  From every angle, life encourages us to do more, be more, achieve more, and spend more. We end up trying to do ‘all the things’ and then wonder why we feel tired, stressed out or stuck on autopilot as...

Episode 3: Mindless and Unintential Money Management show art Episode 3: Mindless and Unintential Money Management

Anchord Money

Our society has made it much easier for us to be  mindless and unintentional consumers.  How we actually pay for products has significantly changed over the years, it’s no wonder that we have become mindless and unintentional consumers. This podcast takes you on a journey to see how transactions have changed and to help you determine if this has caused you to be a mindless and unintentional consumer. Here’s to your best financial future.

Episode 2: Money Scripts show art Episode 2: Money Scripts

Anchord Money

Whether you know it or not, you have developed what are called money scripts. These are long held beliefs and perspectives on money that you have learned throughout your life. Some money scripts are helpful, but others may hinder you. Your home environment and how your parent(s) handled money has a significant impact on you. For example, if your family lived paycheck to paycheck, there may have been much money-related anxiety. That has an impact on your current relationship with money. It’s important to be aware of your money scripts and evaluate those that have a negative impact but embrace...

Episode 1: Money Management: Moving from Chaos to Calm show art Episode 1: Money Management: Moving from Chaos to Calm

Anchord Money

The first day of class each semester, it never fails, a hand goes up, and the same question is asked by a student: “Do I need to be good at math to do well in this course?” My response, “Absolutely not.” While a few basic math skills are necessary, pretty much any financial question can be answered via Google or Siri, or online financial calculators are available to make the process easier. The bottom line is,  – financial planning is intimidating, and it doesn’t have to be. While there’s a place for fancy calculators in the finance world, that does not mean that one is...

Anchord Money Trailer show art Anchord Money Trailer

Anchord Money

Introducing my new financial coaching business -- Anchord Money.  I hope that you will join me on this journey in becoming more mindful and intentional with your money management!   Here's to your best financial future!

More Episodes

We have unlimited wants with limited resources. I know that it’s hard to fathom but you can’t have everything so decisions must be made on where you select to spend money. This is called Trade Offs –giving up something to get something else. Understanding this concept will help you become more mindful and intentional in your money decisions. This is where people get into trouble with their finances because they aren’t good at making trade offs and may resort to credit cards to purchase their wants. 

Every decision has an Opportunity Cost – this is what you gave up,  or the thing that you did not select in your trade-off. This is what you missed out on by not selecting to spend money on that item or service. Join today's podcast to become a more mindful and intentional consumer by understanding using trade-offs in your decisions.