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Is 'Balm in Gilead' a Fancy New Health Product (or something even better)?

"Totalityism" with Timothy Paulson

Release Date: 09/30/2022

Episode 18: Episode 18: "“How this Jackson Pollock style ‘Drip’ Painting is Helping to Root out Racism.”

"Totalityism" with Timothy Paulson

The 5’x5’ painting titled Out of the Box (done in the "drip" style of Jackson Pollock) is helping to bring attention to a new art movement I’m developing called Totalityism. (The painting can be seen at ). The art movement is different from art movements of the past like Impressionism, Cubism, Abstract Expressionism, etc. Totalityism merges art and theology as a catalyst for abandoning attitudes and actions of prejudice on the way to helping root out racism in the U.S. As with other paintings Timothy Paulson has done, Out of the Box is part of the...

Episode 17: Episode 17: "This Statue of Liberty Painting is Creating Social Change"

"Totalityism" with Timothy Paulson

This Statue of Liberty painting, titled "Living to Breathe Free," painted by Timothy Paulson, is creating social change by drawing attention to the Totalityism art movement Paulson created by merging art and theology to help abandon attitudes and actions of prejudice. The painting draws attention to Paulson's pastor friends for how to root out racism, to an article he wrote about this, to this podcast episode, and to promote the Peace, Love, and Unity Pledge Paulson wrote that you can sign (at ). This hard-hitting podcast episode will fill you with thoughts and ideas on how you can help make...

Episode 16: Episode 16: "“Here’s How You Can Harness the Energies of Love — and Help Change the World.”

"Totalityism" with Timothy Paulson

If want to make a bigger impact in 2024, this will be one of the most important podcast episodes you’ll listen to all year. I painted the picture of Totality shown in the podcast announcement and titled it “Harnessing Love” in tribute to the following quote by Teilhard de Chardin, an 18th and 19th-century French Jesuit priest, paleontologist, and author: “In a coming day, after harnessing the ether, the winds, the tides, and gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of love. And, on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, man will have...

Episode 15: Episode 15: "The Brave 6-year-old Girl in this Painting Helped Change the World."

"Totalityism" with Timothy Paulson

I painted a copy of an iconic image titled "The Problem We All Live WIth" by Norman Rockwell.  You can see my copy here in the episode listing - and at . You’ve surely seen it — Norman Rockwell’s iconic painting of Ruby Bridges, the six-year-old African-American schoolgirl escorted by four U.S. Marshals to her first day at the all-white William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans. She walks past a wall with racist graffiti and the splattering of a thrown tomato. Ordered to proceed with school desegregation after the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education ruling,...

Episode 14: Why is this Painting of Gandhi, MLK, and Mandela Considered Such a Dangerous Painting? Episode 14: Why is this Painting of Gandhi, MLK, and Mandela Considered Such a Dangerous Painting?"

"Totalityism" with Timothy Paulson

A painting I did of Gandhi, King, and Mandela looks innocent enough. Why do you suppose it’s so dangerous?  (The painting appears in the podcast episode artwork and at .) As it turns out, the painting represents a message that some people have been persecuted and even killed over. In the new art movement of the 21st Century — called Totalityism — my art is a catalyst for helping to root out racism by promoting greater peace, love, and unity. I’ve discovered that it can be dangerous to venture into the conversation about racism and equality....

Episode 13: “An Avid Art Lover Who Wants to Help Change the World Will Buy this Former $7 Yard Sale Painting — for $1,000,000…” show art Episode 13: “An Avid Art Lover Who Wants to Help Change the World Will Buy this Former $7 Yard Sale Painting — for $1,000,000…”

"Totalityism" with Timothy Paulson

"An Avid Art Lover Who Wants to Help Change the World Will Buy this Painting — for $1,000,000 and as a result, will help advance ‘The New Art Movement of the 21st Century’ with its mission to help root out racism through greater peace, love, and unity.” From the art studio of Timothy Paulson in Utah comes the painting featured here— titled Rise from the Dust — a catalyst for advancing the new Art Movement with its mission to help root out racism in the U.S. The painting started out as a boring $7-yard sale painting I transformed into the $1...

Is 'Balm in Gilead' a Fancy New Health Product (or something even better)? show art Is 'Balm in Gilead' a Fancy New Health Product (or something even better)?

"Totalityism" with Timothy Paulson

You’ve seen them in ads, infomercials, on the internet, and elsewhere — all kinds of balms such as “Australian Healing Balm,” “Muscle Balm,” “Soothing Balm,” “Herbal Balm,” “Tiger Balm,” “Miracle Balm,” “Tea Tree Balm,” and so on. But…when you hear “Balm of Gilead,” what comes to your mind? On 2/22/22, I retired after 40 years in business to spend the next 40 years in Art & Ministry. I recently studied a biblical verse about “the balm of Gilead,” and because of my business background, it made me wonder, “can this balm...

Episode 11: "This Painting of Johnny Cash in Folsom Prison Has a Big Life Hidden Success Secret"

"Totalityism" with Timothy Paulson

"Sometimes I am two people. Johnny is the nice one. Cash causes all the trouble. They fight.” — Johnny Cash When Timothy first read the above quote, he thought it was funny and smiled. As he reflected on it, he saw that in just 17 words, Johnny Cash actually summarized one of life’s biggest struggles. It’s the struggle between wanting to become the best version of yourself and living a life that falls short of it. Do you ever feel that struggle? It makes one think of an old saying: “Hell on earth would be meeting the person you could have become.” Timothy painted a portrait of...

Episode 10: Episode 10: "The 3-part 'Success Recipe' I discovered from a 3-foot Chef - Sean Stephenson."

"Totalityism" with Timothy Paulson

This recipe has nothing to do with food —it’s instead a powerful recipe for avoiding failure while enjoying greater success in life. It's about Totalityism —becoming all God created you to be. There are many different recipes in the world. This is not one you’ve heard before. I was not given this recipe by the "3-foot Chef" or anyone else — I discovered it in an unusual way: while painting a portrait of "the 3-foot Chef" also known as "The 3-foot Giant," Sean Stephenson. To see the painting that inspired this episode, go to and scroll down to see the...

Episode 9: Episode 9: "How a $7 Yard Sale Painting Became a $1,000,000 Piece of Art"

"Totalityism" with Timothy Paulson

This episode is about how you can transform your life! This is not one of those stories where someone buys a cheap piece of art somewhere and later discovers it's a priceless Van Gogh or something. This involves a deliberate transformation of the ordinary to extraordinary —and has much to do with you.  You see, the painting serves as a metaphor that can change your life. It's a highly interesting story - which is all about YOU and you becoming all God created you to be.  Quotes and stories about Steve Jobs, Apple Stories, Albert Einstein, Johnny Cash, and Seth Godin illuminate...

More Episodes

You’ve seen them in ads, infomercials, on the internet, and elsewhere — all kinds of balms such as “Australian Healing Balm,” “Muscle Balm,” “Soothing Balm,” “Herbal Balm,” “Tiger Balm,” “Miracle Balm,” “Tea Tree Balm,” and so on.

But…when you hear “Balm of Gilead,” what comes to your mind?

On 2/22/22, I retired after 40 years in business to spend the next 40 years in Art & Ministry. I recently studied a biblical verse about “the balm of Gilead,” and because of my business background, it made me wonder, “can this balm be turned into a product today to help relieve physical pain?”

In this episode, I share what the balm of Gilead can mean to you — and I’ll tell you more about a cool piece of art that’ll help you to implement an unexpected and powerful idea that “soothes like a beautiful healing balm” through the ups and downs in your life.

Mentioned are Vincent Van Gogh, the Bible, Jeremiah the prophet, and more.