AG Talk with UDAF
Finding the right grant for your farm or food business can be tricky and it can be hard to know where to look. This is why the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food has added the Grants Specialist position. Learn more about how the UDAF grants specialist, Allison Ross, can help you in your grant finding journey as well as learn about some of the grants available to you through the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food in this final episode of season 1. Guests on this episode are Marketing and Economic Development Director, Caroline Hargraves, and Grant Specialist, Allison...
info_outlineAG Talk with UDAF
Did you know agriculture also includes fish farming? The UDAF Aquaculture program oversees certain fish farms and hatcheries used for fishing purposes. Join us on this episode to learn more about the purpose of the Aquaculture program with program manager, Xavier Matheson. Contact Xavier Matheson at Learn more about the
info_outlineAG Talk with UDAF
Did you know that Utah's department of agriculture and food is the home to the Weights and Measures program? In this episode, we are learning all about weights and measures, what is has to do with agriculture, and how it serves the people of Utah. Tune in to learn more about this interesting program from program manager, Miland Kofford, and state metrologist, Bill Rigby.
info_outlineAG Talk with UDAF
Ensuring food safety in Utah is one of main roles for the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF). On today's episode, we get to meet with members of our regulatory team whos jobs are to oversee food safety programs and inspections throughout the state. Tune in to learn more about how these teams work to ensure the food you are buying is safe to eat and also better understand requirements for food businesses in Utah. Guests on this episode are Travis Waller, Regulatory Division Director, Talisha Bacon, Utah Rapid Response Team and Food Recall Program Manager, and Cole Dalton,...
info_outlineAG Talk with UDAF
Planning for disaster is important for all, even the animals who will also be affected by those disasters. This is why Dr. Amanda Price and others at the Utah Department of Agriculture to help develop animal disaster plans. Having a plan in place and being prepared can help save the lives of animals and help first responders better respond to disasters. Join us on this episode to learn more about animal disaster plans and how you can better prepare yourself and your animals for a disaster response. Learn more about
info_outlineAG Talk with UDAF
The 2024 Utah Legislative Session has officially come to an end with lots of wins for Utah agriulture! Join the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food legislative team to get a review of the 2024 legislative session and to talk about new law changes coming and the wins that came from this year's session. Joining us on this episode is Commissioner Craig Buttars, Deputy Commissioner Kelly Pehrson, and Director of Legislative and Government Affairs, Amber Brown. To listen to the to get an inside look at how the legilsative session works!
info_outlineAG Talk with UDAF
The Agriculture Voluntary Incentive Program, or commonly referred to as the Ag VIP program, is an important program that helps farmers and ranchers create nutrient management plans to help them better utilize these nutrients, while also protecting the safety of our natural resources, such as water sources. Join Conservation Division Director, Jim Bowcutt, and the Ag VIP program manager, Katie Slebodnik as they teach us about this program, how it helps farmers and the environment, and how to participate in the program.
info_outlineAG Talk with UDAF
Pollinators play a vital role in our environment and agriculture production, which is why it is important to protect them. In this Bonus episode, learn more about the pollinator program and how it helps create habitats for these important insects throughout the state of Utah from UDAF conservation director, Jim Bowcutt and Mindy Wheeler with USU, who helps run the program. Learn more about the
info_outlineAG Talk with UDAF
What are Hemp Cannabinoid products and how do they differ from Medical Cannabis products? Join us on this episode of Ag Talk as we discuss hemp cannabinoid products, what they are, how they are regulated, and what products are available for use in Utah. Returning guests on this episode are Dr. Brandon Forsyth, Director of Medical Cannabis and Hemp, and Cody James, Deputy Director of Medical Cannabis and Hemp. More information on If you are interested in having Brandon and Cody see your hemp facility and would like to contact them, email [email protected]
info_outlineAG Talk with UDAF
The 2nd Biannual Soil Health in the West Conference will be held February 6-8, 2024 in St. George Utah. Tune into this bonus episode to learn more about this conference and the important information farmers and ranchers can learn from soil health experts. Episode guests: Tony Richards, Utah Department of Agriculture and Food Soil Health Program Manager, & Braden McMurdie, member of the Utah Soil Health Committee. Learn more about the
info_outlineEnsuring food safety in Utah is one of main roles for the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF). On today's episode, we get to meet with members of our regulatory team whos jobs are to oversee food safety programs and inspections throughout the state. Tune in to learn more about how these teams work to ensure the food you are buying is safe to eat and also better understand requirements for food businesses in Utah.
Guests on this episode are Travis Waller, Regulatory Division Director, Talisha Bacon, Utah Rapid Response Team and Food Recall Program Manager, and Cole Dalton, Retail Food Program Manager.
Information on Utah Food Safety
Information on how to start a Food Business
FDA Website for Food Recalls