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One Source - One Solution

Apriorian Apologetics

Release Date: 12/31/2024

How To Measure Faith 2025 show art How To Measure Faith 2025

Apriorian Apologetics

  Confused about faith and works? How about the issue of free will versus predeterminism? If we are chosen for salvation before the beginning of the world, what has faith to do with salvation? We do not have time to repent before we are saved because we are, according to some thinkers, before being born. What about works? If we are saved without works, why do we need to do works after we are saved? If we have been chosen to be saved, how can we lose our salvation because of a failure to stop sinning and a paucity of good works. This is your chance to resolve all of these issues based on...

Apriorian Apologetics And The Normalcy Project show art Apriorian Apologetics And The Normalcy Project

Apriorian Apologetics

There is a way that seems normal to a man but which leads to primitivism and poverty and a sustained lack of civilization. What is normal to many is deviant to God and to the norms He established.

The Scientific Measurement Of Evil show art The Scientific Measurement Of Evil

Apriorian Apologetics

Good and evil are generally considered two impossible absolutes divided by an infinite amount of space. The truth is actually more prosaic. Good and evil are little more than the balance on your chequing account. The positive and negative balance are both easily measured and divided only by a line made up of the smallest unit of accounting.

One Source - One Solution show art One Source - One Solution

Apriorian Apologetics

 Imagine an alien coming to earth and declaring Western Civilization was outlawed. The first decree they make is that all of our history and understandings were to be replaced. The events that formed the modern world are all declared, null and void and apostatic. If they were supremely intelligent, even god-like, that would they replace the entire world system with? This essay is the answer.  

The Other World show art The Other World

Apriorian Apologetics

Everyone is familiar with the natural world. Unfortunately, we are born into it. By the time we have grown old and wise enough to realize this world is a hodge podge of contradictions and irresolvable paradoxes, we are immune to the prospect of their being a perfect system. Like a mistreated housewife we have become inured to the cruelty. Beatings are the natural condition, and it is the gentle and tender supplication that is considered the anomaly. There is another world, but we need to realize, we do not deserve this cruel and malevolent system. We deserve better, we have a right to this...

How Charity Props Up Satan And The Demonic World System show art How Charity Props Up Satan And The Demonic World System

Apriorian Apologetics

Those who give to charity mean well. But then so do people who know a serial killer and hide the evidence because they are emotionally dependent on him, forgetting all about his victims and their families. If a machine is damaging product, one could fix it or replace it, but if one simply hides the damage it does, the problem never goes away. Charity is much like that. It is a way to cover up the failings of the system we are in by patching over the damages the system creates. So the system is never fixed and never replaced and the harm it does keeps happening.

The Free No Risk Business Opportunity show art The Free No Risk Business Opportunity

Apriorian Apologetics

There is a way to do business that eliminates risk. There is a business model that carries within it, no threat of loss. This business model is identical with the free market. Without the free market there is risk and a threat of loss. With the free market, risk is eliminated.

The Two Universe Theory show art The Two Universe Theory

Apriorian Apologetics

There is at least one universe. That we can all agree on. After that it becomes more difficult to find common ground. Yet the one universe theory is highly implausible. A single universe would have to include truth and lies, perfection and imperfection, spirit and flesh and so on. Therefore, there has to be at minimum, two incompatible universes that are at war with one another. Neither can reconcile with the other and so ultimately one must replace the other. Yet, only one of the two can exist without the other, so which universe defeats the other, is a forgone conclusion.

The Ascetics Movement show art The Ascetics Movement

Apriorian Apologetics

If there is a truth we have to move towards it. If there is a right way to live, we must seek to embrace it. If there is a right and wrong, then we are morally required to seek the right way out. All that is bad is of one substance and all that is good is of a different substance. To live right and to avoid evil we have to follow one rocky and narrow path, it is the way of Asceticism. There is no other way or other path that leads to the truth.

Why Asceticism Is Biblical show art Why Asceticism Is Biblical

Apriorian Apologetics

 If we are Christian and we believe God Created the universe, then on what basis do we think it is ok to waste or misuse what God has given us? If we think we are the church, and we have a purpose and a mission, on what basis do we think it is ok to waste what God has given us? If we know right from wrong and have reason, on what basis do we think it is ok to waste what God has given us?

More Episodes

 Imagine an alien coming to earth and declaring Western Civilization was outlawed. The first decree they make is that all of our history and understandings were to be replaced. The events that formed the modern world are all declared, null and void and apostatic. If they were supremely intelligent, even god-like, that would they replace the entire world system with? This essay is the answer.