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1. Movement Skill / Mobility - 9 Pillars of Fitness

100 Year Athlete

Release Date: 03/14/2024

Youth Strength Training - Should We? show art Youth Strength Training - Should We?

100 Year Athlete

The short answer is yes. Listen to the conversation with Dr. Alex Wetmore for more nuance and details.

Pillar 2 and 3 - Speed / Power show art Pillar 2 and 3 - Speed / Power

100 Year Athlete

In this episode, Ben Van Treese and Dr. Wetmore dive into the 2nd and 3rd Pillars of the Nine Pillars of Fitness: Speed and Power. They discuss the importance of these elements in maintaining overall fitness, particularly as we age. The conversation highlights why speed and power are critical for both athletic performance and longevity. Key Points: Importance of Speed and Power:  --> Speed and power are essential for performing athletic activities and having fun in dynamic environments. Decline with Age: [2:24] -->Strength decline starts in the 40s, but speed and power decline at...

Jay Burke - 100 Year Athlete show art Jay Burke - 100 Year Athlete

100 Year Athlete

What’s Your Excuse?  At age 56, mountain biker and skier Jay Burke, “pain master” behind the Park City Point 2 Point MTB race, is sending harder than most 20-somethings  Listen to the podcast for a contagious dose of Jay Burke – it’ll get your ass into the gym or out harnessing gravity. Some highlights include: The origin story (00:00-02:04): Jay’s athletic beginnings, from hurdling sawhorses to team roping to motorcycling in rural Idaho. From the ad biz to Jackson, Wyoming (10:20): One summer turned into three years Balancing parenthood, racing, and play (12:31):...

1. Movement Skill / Mobility - 9 Pillars of Fitness show art 1. Movement Skill / Mobility - 9 Pillars of Fitness

100 Year Athlete

Movement Skill / Mobility:  What it is: The ability of your joints to move in ways required by your sport.   Why it matters: If you lack mobility, you’ll make compromises in technique that lead to pain, injury, or poor performance.    Blind spots: Being “fit” doesn’t matter if you blow your ACL on day #2 of skiing in November due to a lack of knee and hip mobility. Because mobility training doesn’t involve sweat and endorphin highs, mountain athletes tend to overlook it. No matter your age or injury history, you can make improvements in mobility,...

9 Pillars of Fitness - Overview show art 9 Pillars of Fitness - Overview

100 Year Athlete

Learn why the 9 Pillars of Fitness matter and how to use them. Athleticism is longevity. The 9 Pillars of Fitness ensure you maintain your athleticism for a lifetime.

Strength Training Increases Your Longevity. “Toning” Doesn’t. Roar Chapter 7 show art Strength Training Increases Your Longevity. “Toning” Doesn’t. Roar Chapter 7

100 Year Athlete

Ladies, are you hoping to get more muscle “tone”?  Well for f**k’s sake, don’t. Lifting tiny little weights for high reps won’t do diddly-squat for your fitness or longevity. “Toning” is BS. If you want to travel the world, play sports, and adventure in the mountains into your last decade of life, you need to strength train. What exactly does that mean? How is it different from toning? To find out, listen to this week’s 100 Year Athlete pod, where Alex and Ben talk through Chapter 7 of Roar by Stacy Sims. Quotes: “In order to have a good quality of life, physically, you...

Roar Chapter 6 - Core Strength, Stability and Mobility show art Roar Chapter 6 - Core Strength, Stability and Mobility

100 Year Athlete

Your knees are not invincible. In fact, women are 3x to 8x more likely than men to tear an ACL according to Dr. Stacy Sims, author of Roar. So, how do you prevent ACL injuries while skiing the 40+ inches of powder that just hit the Wasatch? Take your ski vacation in Colorado. It’s scientifically proven to be safer there.  (just kidding)  The key is to train core strength, stability, and mobility, and no, that doesn’t mean do crunches, balance on one foot, and stretch. Tune into the 100 Year Athlete podcast as we break down Chapter 6 of Roar and talk about how to prevent knee...

Roar Chapter 5 - Weighty Matters show art Roar Chapter 5 - Weighty Matters

100 Year Athlete

Weight is perhaps the most misleading signal about your health. Many people have a number in their head about what they should weigh, and anything heavier is “bad.”  Well, screw that!  According to Dr. Stacy Sims, author of ROAR, weight isn’t important if longevity, health, and wellbeing are what matter to you. Focus on gaining muscle mass, which will make it easier to lose body fat—and help you stay active as you age. And whatever you do, ladies, do not fast!  For more on all that, check out the latest episode of the 100 Year Athlete podcast. Quotes: “Creating an...

Training Pregnant: Good for You and the Baby - Roar Chapter 4 show art Training Pregnant: Good for You and the Baby - Roar Chapter 4

100 Year Athlete

Should you continue training while pregnant?  The short answer is yes according to Dr. Stacy Sims, author of   In fact, training while pregnant is good for the baby’s development. Listen to the latest episode of 100 Year Athlete to learn more.    Quotes: “If you're an athlete, keep getting after it. If you've never trained before, keep it simple.  It's good for you. It's good for the baby.” -Ben “Women who regularly exercise throughout their pregnancy have a much better outcome than those who don't.” -Alex

Nutrition, Training, and Sleep for Menopausal Mountain Athletes - Roar Chapter 3 show art Nutrition, Training, and Sleep for Menopausal Mountain Athletes - Roar Chapter 3

100 Year Athlete

Menopause. It’s not what two 30-something dudes usually discuss on a podcast, but we owe it to the badass women who train with us. Menopause is intense (we have moms – we hear about it), but it doesn’t have to slow you down. Join us on the 100 Year Athlete pod as we break down Chapter 3 of ROAR by Dr. Stacy Sims. We’ll discuss her recommendations for menopausal nutrition, sleep, fitness, and hydration so you can keep playing and training hard.  Quotes (Ben’s) “The end of your periods isn't the end of the line” “...There is a large drop in the protein synthesis to protein...

More Episodes
  1. Movement Skill / Mobility: 
  • What it is: The ability of your joints to move in ways required by your sport.
  • Why it matters: If you lack mobility, you’ll make compromises in technique that lead to pain, injury, or poor performance. 
  • Blind spots: Being “fit” doesn’t matter if you blow your ACL on day #2 of skiing in November due to a lack of knee and hip mobility. Because mobility training doesn’t involve sweat and endorphin highs, mountain athletes tend to overlook it. No matter your age or injury history, you can make improvements in mobility, and doing so will extend your years in the mountains.