ACES004: ACES Wellness Activities - On the Road to ACES2019
Release Date: 10/05/2019
ACES Podcast Channel
Clark Ausloos, graduate student and co-host of the Grad School Deconstructed Podcast, speaks with other ACES graduate students at the ACES Conference Ice Cream Social for Graduate Students.
info_outline ACES005: ACES INFORM - On the Road to ACES2019ACES Podcast Channel
Drs. Ric Balkin and David Kleist speak about ACES INFORM, a research intensive workshop, at the ACES 2019 Conference.
info_outline ACES004: ACES Wellness Activities - On the Road to ACES2019ACES Podcast Channel
Dr. Rose Merrell-James and Stephanie DePalmer, Wellness Co-Chairs, speak about ACES wellness activities at the ACES 2019 conference.
info_outline ACES003: ACES Emerging Leaders - On the Road to ACES2019ACES Podcast Channel
Drs. Ned Golubovic and Abby Dougherty, Emerging Leaders Co-Chairs, speak about the history and activities for ACES Emerging Leaders at the ACES 2019 conference.
info_outline ACES002: Graduate Student Activities - On the Road to ACES2019ACES Podcast Channel
Teysha Bowser and Jose “Joey” Tapia-Fuselier, ACES Graduate Student Representative speak about activities and opportunities for graduate student at the ACES 2019 Conference
info_outline ACES001: On the Road to ACES2019ACES Podcast Channel
Holly Branthoover, ACES Conference Coordinator, chats with Marty Jencius and Eric Perry giving an overview of what ACES attendees can expect at the ACES2019 conference in Seattle.
info_outlineDr. Rose Merrell-James and Stephanie DePalmer, Wellness Co-Chairs, speak about ACES wellness activities at the ACES 2019 conference.