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Trans Health, Emotional Labor & Senior Sex

Achingly Polite

Release Date: 06/28/2021

Miscarriage, Exes & Hentai show art Miscarriage, Exes & Hentai

Achingly Polite

Originally posted September 24, 2018

Diet Culture, Social Media & Threesomes show art Diet Culture, Social Media & Threesomes

Achingly Polite

Originally posted September 16, 2018

Trans Health, Emotional Labor & Senior Sex show art Trans Health, Emotional Labor & Senior Sex

Achingly Polite

Originally posted September 10, 2018

Louis CK, Surviving, & Pussy facts show art Louis CK, Surviving, & Pussy facts

Achingly Polite

Remember when Louis CK did all that shit. Well this episode is from then. Tune in for more #metoo content as well as surviving sexual assault and some interesting facts about your puss. 

Toxic Masculinity, Thought traps, & Penetration show art Toxic Masculinity, Thought traps, & Penetration

Achingly Polite

"Toxic masculinity ruins the party again!" - Karen Kilgariff, My Favorite Murder

Period shame, Orthorexia & Fuck buddies show art Period shame, Orthorexia & Fuck buddies

Achingly Polite

This episode dives into Period shame, Orthorexia & Fuck buddies. Period shame and and period poverty are important and often tragic issues that go unnoticed around the world. Learn more about bulimia's cousin, orthorexia. And fuck buddies? What's the deal?

Banning the veil, Self care & Lesbian Sex show art Banning the veil, Self care & Lesbian Sex

Achingly Polite

This episode dives into the Islamophobic policies that try to ban the veil. We also get right into self care and how those peddling #selfcare on instagram are just part of the capitalist system. And finally, lesbian sex is not what you see in mainstream porn. 

Silencing of black women, OCD & Nymphomania show art Silencing of black women, OCD & Nymphomania

Achingly Polite

Tune in for misogynoir, OCD and what the heck is nymphomania? Could it be another way to shame women?

Hysteria, Loneliness & Period sex show art Hysteria, Loneliness & Period sex

Achingly Polite

The hystory (hehe get it?) of hysteria, otherwise known as how the mysoginist medical world dismissed women's pain and experiences. 

FGM, Perfectionism & how Sex ed fails us (feat. JuiceBox founder & CEO Brianna Rader) show art FGM, Perfectionism & how Sex ed fails us (feat. JuiceBox founder & CEO Brianna Rader)

Achingly Polite

This episode will teach you about Female Genital Mutilation (TRIGGER WARNING). 

More Episodes

Originally posted September 10, 2018
