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Champions (2023) - Disability on the Basketball Court

Acting Up with AJ and Crew

Release Date: 01/08/2024

The Ride Ahead (2024) - Part 2 - Ableism, Infantilization, and the Demand for Respect show art The Ride Ahead (2024) - Part 2 - Ableism, Infantilization, and the Demand for Respect

Acting Up with AJ and Crew

Acting Up w/ AJ and Crew are back with Part 2! An Interview with Father/Son directing duo Samuel and Dan Habib. We dive deeper into the discussion about down talking, respect, boundaries, and the end of infantilization.  The Ride Ahead, is a feature film following Director Samuel Habib as he interviews many disabled celebrities, activists, and role models around the country. With daring discussions on the topics of being an adult with a disability. This documentary has Audio Description and Captioning for access needs. Check out their website for future screenings at RideAheadFilm.com.

The Ride Ahead (2024) - Part 1 - The Importance of Telling Our Own Stories show art The Ride Ahead (2024) - Part 1 - The Importance of Telling Our Own Stories

Acting Up with AJ and Crew

Happy Black History Month! After a short hiatus, AJ and his crew are joined by Father/Son duo Samuel and Dan Habib. Their new documentary, The Ride Ahead, is a feature length extension to the Emmy Award winning short film "My Disability Roadmap." In the episode, we discuss what it means to be a filmmaker with a disability, life after high school, and the meaning of love and relationships.   SYNOPSIS - Samuel Habib is a typical 21-year-old, itching to move out, start a career, and find love. But no one tells you how to be an adult, let alone an adult with a disability. Can a community of...

Music (2021) - When Good Intentions Hit a Bad Note show art Music (2021) - When Good Intentions Hit a Bad Note

Acting Up with AJ and Crew

Happy Disability Pride Month! This may be the hardest episode that we have ever had to complete. Sia's film Music has been controversial since the 1st announcement of an able-bodied actress being cast in the role of a non-verbal autistic person. We dive deep into the discussion of Authentic Representation, Dangers of the Prone Restraint Method, and the Autism communities outcry of "Nothing About Us, Without Us." We strive to have a non-biased viewpoint and hope to continue this important conversation.   News Feed - Sia's New Film "Music" Isn't Just Bad Representation of Autistic People;...

The Ringer (2005) - Good, Bad, and Going Beyond the Surface show art The Ringer (2005) - Good, Bad, and Going Beyond the Surface

Acting Up with AJ and Crew

An man imitates a disability in order to rig the Special Olympics for money. A movie as bad as it sounds? You might be suprised. We cover it all from Non-Authentic Casting, hiring 150 disabled Special Olympians, and will someone please strike down Uncle Gary with lightning.   News Feed - Privatizing Services for people with disabilities, Apple's New Assistive Technology, Para-                       Olympic Coverage 2024 Content Round Up - NPR’s The Indicator from Planet Money "How video games became more     ...

Audio Description (1981-Present) - Public Television to Streaming to the Near Future w/ Thomas Reid show art Audio Description (1981-Present) - Public Television to Streaming to the Near Future w/ Thomas Reid

Acting Up with AJ and Crew

Audio description (AD) is a narration of important visual information in a video or multimedia product to make it more accessible to people who are blind or visually impaired. AD can provide context, clarify speakers, and describe visual elements that are not obvious from the audio, such as on-screen text, graphics, or actions. AD is often inserted into natural pauses in the program's dialogue.    Special Guest Thomas Reid is back in the house to discuss his role and historical expertise in the formation of Audio Description and its potential for future accessibility...

Best Summer Ever (2020) - Behind the Scenes at Zeno Mountain Farm w/ Ila Halby show art Best Summer Ever (2020) - Behind the Scenes at Zeno Mountain Farm w/ Ila Halby

Acting Up with AJ and Crew

We sit down with Co-Director of Zeno Mountain Farm, Ila Halby, talking about the movie Best Summer Ever (2020) and Zeno's Annual Summer play production. Best Summer Ever, showcases the largest ensemble cast of disabled actors since Freaks (1932). We also talk about the importance of family, equality, and acts of service as the baseline for peer to peer relationships.   News Feed - SSI Benefits Update / Morgan's Wonderland Content Round Up - NEW SHOWS: HBO's Hop / Hulu's Dinosaur Disability Spotlight - Shannon Devido, Actress/Writer/Director   Link to Zeno Mountain Farm's 2023 play...

My Left Foot (1989) - Life, Love, and Art with Cerebral Palsy show art My Left Foot (1989) - Life, Love, and Art with Cerebral Palsy

Acting Up with AJ and Crew

Today we are joined by dear friend of the podcast, Adriana Mallozzi, CEO and Founder of Puffin Innovations. We discuss the life of Christy Brown, Irish artist with Cerebral Palsy who paints his left foot.  News Feed - Prisoners with Developmental Disabilities face unique challenges Content Round Up - Extreme Ghostbusters DVD Release & Ghostbusters Frozen Empire Disability Spotlight - Diana Elizabeth Jordan, actor and director

Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) - Wrestling Against Pre-Conceptions about Down Syndrome show art Peanut Butter Falcon (2019) - Wrestling Against Pre-Conceptions about Down Syndrome

Acting Up with AJ and Crew

A discussion about the persistance of a dream to be an actor, societal presumptions cornering us into a box, and saying the 'R' word without saying it. Down Syndrome has many different aspects and personalities as we dive into Zach Gottsagen's inaugural feature length film, The Peanut Butter Falcon.

Ray (2005) - Adjusting to Blindness and Difficulty Around Representation show art Ray (2005) - Adjusting to Blindness and Difficulty Around Representation

Acting Up with AJ and Crew

Happy Black History Month! We are back with special guest Thomas Reid of Reid My Mind Radio, as we discuss the legendary jazz musician Ray Charles, played by Jamie Foxx.

Scent of a Woman (1992) and the Oscar goes to Blindness show art Scent of a Woman (1992) and the Oscar goes to Blindness

Acting Up with AJ and Crew

On today's episode of Acting Up with AJ and Crew, we're talking with our very first guest, Thomas Reid, of Reid My Mind Radio. And we're talking about the movie, Scent of a Woman. We're going to be getting into tropes, stereotypes, guys who yell, guys who yell some more. And is it really a thing to feel someone's face, to get a sense of who they really are?

More Episodes

Hey, out there in podcast land. Thank you for being here. This is our very first episode, our inaugural episode. Thanks for joining us.

On today’s episode, we’re talking about coach's redemptions, misunderstandings, fish out of water. No, we’re not talking about Mighty Ducks! We’re talking about the movie Champions. It’s got Ernie Hudson, Woody Harrelson, Kaitlin Olson, and a whole cast of others. Let’s get into it. It’s Acting Up with AJ and Crew!