Audio Description (1981-Present) - Public Television to Streaming to the Near Future w/ Thomas Reid
Audio Description (1981-Present) - Public Television to Streaming to the Near Future w/ Thomas Reid
Audio description (AD) is a narration of important visual information in a video or multimedia product to make it more accessible to people who are blind or visually impaired. AD can provide context, clarify speakers, and describe visual elements that are not obvious from the audio, such as on-screen text, graphics, or actions. AD is often inserted into natural pauses in the program's dialogue. Special Guest Thomas Reid is back in the house to discuss his role and historical expertise in the formation of Audio Description and its potential for future accessibility for the visually impaired. Thomas Ried is host and producer of the Podcast, Reid My Mind Radio News Feed - Disney Parks Update Policy on the LINE -Cheryl Green Content Round Up - Theatrical Release 'Ezra', May 31, 2024, -Adam Grimes Disability Spotlight - The Social Audio Description Collective, -Nefertiti Matos Olivares