A Fireside Chat
This week we take a break from the voicemails and anonymous box for an on the road episode. Death, dancing at prom, and the false nature of nachos are just some of the things on my mind this week as I talk through my emotions and tumble down rabbit holes of tangents. Thanks for listening! We now have a hotline where you can call 24/7 and tell me anything and everything on your mind. Leave your questions, comments, homework assignments and any other emotional outbursts you may have! No restrictions. No limits. Your topics. Your questions. Your voice. Hope to hear from you all soon. AFC Hotline:...
info_outlineA Fireside Chat
This week, I get shamed for my Super Bowl pick, more descriptions of the show from listeners and I discuss my morning radio listening habits. We also have some amazing voicemails from AFC nation reviewing movies, and revealing misheard song meanings. Plus more discussion of the year long Album Challenge including the announcement of the next album we'll be reviewing in two weeks. All this and much much more. We now have a hotline where you can call 24/7 and tell me anything and everything on your mind. Leave your questions, comments, homework assignments and any other emotional outbursts...
info_outlineA Fireside Chat
This week, AFC nation tries to summarize this show for newbies, I give out some more television recommendations, and I get trapped in a blackout while on a very strong edible. Plus more misheard lyrics, two new album reviews for the Album Challenge and some Would You Rathers and F, Marry, Kills which leads to many stories and rants. A super sized action packed episode for your earholes! Thanks for listening! We now have a hotline where you can call 24/7 and tell me anything and everything on your mind. Leave your questions, comments, homework assignments and any other emotional outbursts...
info_outlineA Fireside Chat
Back in business after some technical difficulties the past few weeks. We have some voicemails from AFC nation, talk of smoking meats, the coldest I've ever been and a whole ton of Would You Rathers. Plus a lot more questions and topics from the anonymous box and submissions from the ongoing homework assignments. All this and much much more! We now have a hotline where you can call 24/7 and tell me anything and everything on your mind. Leave your questions, comments, homework assignments and any other emotional outbursts you may have! No restrictions. No limits. Your topics. Your...
info_outlineA Fireside Chat
This week I tell some bad jokes, talk about my history with Chumbawamba, and discuss why I love pro wrestling so much. Then I give my podcast origin story including reading and breaking down a rant that I wrote almost twenty years ago about a person that I have zero recollection of. Plus more from the anonymous box and my submissions to the ongoing album listening homework assignment. We now have a hotline where you can call 24/7 and tell me anything and everything on your mind. Leave your questions, comments, homework assignments and any other emotional outbursts you may have! No...
info_outlineA Fireside Chat
New year. Same shit show of a podcast. This week we are cleaning out the Anonymous Box with a hodgepodge of topics and insanity. We discuss a plethora of misheard lyrics, a man who loves dogs maybe a bit too much, and a traffic related F, Marry, Kill. Plus the announcement of a brand new year long homework assignment submitted by a listener! We now have a hotline where you can call 24/7 and tell me anything and everything on your mind. Leave your questions, comments, homework assignments and any other emotional outbursts you may have! No restrictions. No limits. Your topics. Your...
info_outlineA Fireside Chat
Happy Holidays you filthy animals! It's Christmas Eve and I'm day drinking and podcasting just the way Santa intended. This may be the last episode of the year. It may not be. Who could ever know? This week, I give my review of Monticello Lights, I run myself over with my own car, and another man shaves my balls. Could you possibly get any more holiday season than this episode? Absolutely! Also some listeners weigh in on the new Superman trailer, the correct manners for the bathroom and much much more. The anonymous box is your direct path to let your voice be heard on the show. IT'S...
info_outlineA Fireside Chat
Stop the presses! An AFC Christmas episode? Have I finally embraced my inner Christmas spirit? Has my move to a new place finally killed the Scrooge inside of me? OF COURSE NOT. Don't be ridiculous. This week I discuss some Christmas themed topics like my hypocrisy towards the season, the perfect gift for a loved one and a Christmas song with misheard lyrics. Also I cut ties with Gladys, a listener shares their very unique "gift", and I tell you about someone I'm currently obsessed with but you may be surprised for the reason behind it. All this plus more misheard lyrics and some great...
info_outlineA Fireside Chat
WE ARE BACK!!! Think of this episode as a season finale or season premier depending on your viewpoint. I don't know what mischief and adventures this new environment will bring, but in the meantime, I'll tie up some loose ends regarding the characters you've come to know over the last four years. This week, I share with you the adventures and mishaps of my recent move including a farewell to Gladys, a damaged U-Haul, and two very frightened movers. Plus a follow up on the last show we did, an unhinged rant from a listener about the movie Wicked and much much more. The...
info_outlineA Fireside Chat
This episode has something for everyone! Lots of misheard song lyrics, we revisit with our old friend Howard and his printing press, and I discuss my life long obsession with poop. Then a listener follows up on last weeks topics with a question about whether or not I've ever considered experimenting with the same sex. Some tangents and anecdotes leads me to the answer. This week we are sifting through the Anonymous Box and talking about a wide range of subjects including more misheard song lyrics, lots of talk about poop and looking at it Shows will be sporadic for the next...
info_outlineThis week...
The Snore War of 24 resumes
Rants about Northern Lights and social media
I realize I'm in desperate need of self care and give myself a time out
Someone accidentally insults me and I try to process the pain
All this and much much more!
Thanks for listening!
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: What is your biggest regret? If not your biggest, then what is one thing that you regret or one thing you would have done differently if you were given the chance?
The anonymous box is your direct path to let your voice be heard on the show.
The link is pinned to the top of the shows social media pages. This podcast could not be possible without the amazing anonymous contributions of listeners like you!