Agents in Action
This is a very common misconception sellers have when listing their home for sale. Time on the market is the #1 enemy for a seller. Historically, we know the longer a home sits on the market for sale, the softer the price becomes. In this episode, I want to share one approach that's worked well for me in these situations. Should you decide to incorporate this into your business or not, the main purpose of discussing this is to be sure you have your go to script, plan... whatever you prefer to call it. Our ability to effectively deliver our responses to common objections such as this can be the...
info_outlineAgents in Action
I am noticing a pattern that keeps showing up lately during conversations I am having with many agents. Since this seems to be so prevalent, I thought we could talk about it today as it’s likely something many of our great agents in action are experiencing. Even though a simple, and even a common topic, it’s one that is (in many cases) costing you $10,000’s and even $100’000’s in lost income opportunity. Ultimately, this shows up in our lives many ways. Sometimes, it’s having more month than money left at the end of each to day lifestyle choices,...
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Four Ways To Boost Confidence When Pricing Property Typically, when preparing for a listing appointment, most agents will leave their pricing research to a desk review over their computer. If you want to outperform your competition and at the same time...dramatically boost your confidence, go the extra mile and consider implementing these steps to maximize your confidence and accuracy. 1. Preview property every 10-14 days to give yourself a stronger knowledge of your local market, and it will give you more confidence in pricing during the listing presentation. The more real estate you...
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Personality Styles 101 - Today we’re going to discuss the D.I.S.C personality styles and how to use this system to have more influence with anyone you are speaking with, resulting in a higher level of communication and ultimately, developing these skills will be an asset to close more business or, increase your overall effectiveness when putting deals together. It’s was something I learned early in my career...probably 20+ years ago now. What’s interesting is I use what I have learned probably on a daily basis, if not several times a week. Knowing first who we are and then, to...
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Most Realtor's suffer from the same money leaks in their business and do not even know it. This episode of Agents in Action recap of the most common money leaks or “gaps” I noticed among the agents I have been coaching or met at speaking events this year. It was interesting to me to see these same patterns repeating themselves across the board. It was so consistent, that I wanted to go through these with you so you can take a look at what you’re currently doing in your business. If you can, grab a pen and paper so you can write a few things down as we go through a few...
info_outlineAgents in Action
At The Preview Appointment - Objective - Gain access, establish a relationship with & continue to qualify the seller. The Tour: While walking through the property, take notes on the home’s features and benefits. In a casual, yet deliberate manner, ask questions to determine what the situation is with this particular lead. Greeting: Introduce yourself, hand them a business card and thank them for having you over to take a look at the house. (Notice, I say house a lot, not home. Why? Home is emotional, a house is not). Also, assure them you won’t be...
info_outlineAgents in Action
A Behind The Scenes Look At The $40,000 For Sale By Owner System. 89 percent of sellers sold with the assistance of a real estate agent, up slightly from 88 percent the last three years, and only 8 percent (down from 9 percent) were FSBO sales. The share is the lowest since this data collection started in 1981. Did not want to pay commission fee: 48% Sold it to a relative / friend / neighbor: 21% Buyers contacted seller directly: 18% Did not want to deal with an agent: 6% Agent was unable to sell home: 5% Seller has real estate license: 1% Could not find agent to handle...
info_outlineAgents in Action
Managing your time in the real estate business. First, this is something people struggle with in general, not just Realtors. However, in the world of real estate sales, it appears to be magnified even more as it’s a commission only business. If you’re being paid hourly or salary and mismanage time, for the most part, it's become accepted. Of course, it’s a contributing factor to the lack of productivity, yet, for the most part, things go forward. As a Realtor, you have a much shorter fuse before you find yourself out of time, money or both. As a...
info_outlineAgents in Action
How important it is to know your market statistics and position yourself as the goto expert and trusted resource in your marketplace?Fact: I would venture to say 97-98% (or even more) of the Fact: I would venture to say 97-98% (or even more) of the agent's industry-wide DO NOT know the market #s. Have you ever had someone ask you “how’s the market”? What do you say? How effective is your response? What message does it convey about you, your knowledge and professionalism/expertise? Typically, when someone asks this type of question, as a whole, many of us respond in 1 of 100...
info_outlineAgents in Action
Whenever we get together for an episode of Agents In Action, I often ask myself “what is it I should share this time?” I have been devouring several books these past few weeks, and one of them jumped out as the obvious answer for this conversation. I realized, without one’s ability to do this effectively...especially someone in can be a long uphill climb that leads to endless frustration. It’s a great book by Mark Victor Hansen & Jack Canfield called “The Aladdin Factor” The book focuses on a skill that arguably, is the absolute foundation for the...
info_outlineA Formula For S.U.C.C.E.S.S - Breaking down the word “Success” - characteristics for success in Real Estate:
Systems - A set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized method. There are many ways an agent can approach selling Real Estate. Something I wish I’d known early in my career was this principle, “moving from E to P.” E, for entrepreneurial, by our nature, and the mere fact we’re in the Real Estate business we have an entrepreneurial spirit about us. This is an important factor that drives our success. Specifically, when it comes to being in “E” mode, we’re talking about doing what comes naturally. We jump out of bed each morning with a positive spirit ready to take on the day (or in some cases the world) going hard, pushing forward with that “I can make it happen” mindset. In “E” mode we often find ourselves being “reactive” to what comes our way vs. “responsive.” We often are proud of the fact that we’re charging hard in “E” mode, sharing with those around us how we’re burning the candle at both ends until the inevitable happens - we hit the wall and burn out! I actually was the President of that club many times over the years - if you know what I mean. Being in “E” mode to eventually will lead you to hit a ceiling of achievement and ultimately disappointment.
My intention in sharing this with you is to help prevent you having to experience this inevitable “burnout” and introduce you to “P” The Purposeful Approach. Moving towards “P” is doing what comes unnaturally. We do this with focus, models and systems that can help lead you to a breakthrough. Approaching business with an “on purpose” approach allows you to have more control, predictable outcomes and saves energy by avoiding repetitious tasks that drain you unnecessarily and rob you of your time. So, be purposeful with your approach, take a step back and ask yourself what opportunities you have to make your business operate more smoothly? Is it a person? A Tool? or creating a new system to bring some semblance of order to your already busy life.
Unwavering - Steady, Unshakable, Determined - Persevering; tenacity. All of this as it relates your dreams, purpose or BIG why. I am convinced that at the end of the day, it’s this characteristic that is the foundation for everything else we’re doing in our lives. Without this, it’s likely you will find yourself falling short, lacking drive, almost drifting through the day - and many times frustrated with how you’re progressing. Having absolute clarity about your purpose is the fuel that fires your engines and keeps you going when obstacles show up and either take you off course and derail us, (when we haven't’ defined this unwavering passion for your goals) OR simply pose a very temporary slow down as you immediately tap into your “WHY” and push through or around the obstacle that’s standing in your path. This is by far the key force behind what you do, work to bring even more clarity to it, blow it up...and make it even more vivid in your mind than ever before. It should actually be something you can’t stop talking about, and you should actually be able to feel it - obsess in in! It needs to move you emotionally when you are really connected to it at it’s highest level.
Coachable - When we are coachable, we capable of being easily taught and trained to do something better, and are looking for ways to improve at all times. Being coachable also means you recognize you don’t know everything and are eager to discover all there is to learn still. It takes a person that isn’t caught up in “being” right or worried about uncovering areas of weakness, which I like to say are just areas of “opportunity.” When we come across an area we have a lot of opportunities, it’s also suggesting we’re knocking on the door of a breakthrough. Being coachable also means being comfortable, with being vulnerable. Adopting a mindset that “it’s ok, I don’t have to know everything or do everything perfectly” will help you relax and understand that the only way to really get to be the “best” at something is by paying the dues along the way. Making mistakes and learning from them is the best gift experience can share with you. Unfortunately, we’ve all gotten accustomed to being concerned with the judgment of others and overly consumed with having to “look good” for fear of looking a bad. Who can you turn to in your circles that can be a mentor, offer direction and support, in a safe environment that will allow you to open up and really get down to the core of what’s working or needs to change so you can, not only achieve you goals, yet do it in a shorter time frame. Life’s short...go get it done.
Consistent - We need to stop and realize we are being consistent at all times. The questions I want to ask you is... are you aware of what you are being consistent with? For example, one obvious area of our business we could suggest we’re talking about being consistent with - our lead generation habit - it comes down to having a higher awareness in the areas of our business where we are being consistent, or not. I have worked with enough agents all across the country to know that often, a very common trap, that we find ourselves in is being consistently, inconsistent with the very daily activities necessary to meet, or ideally exceed our goals. Pay attention to what is showing up consistently, is it moving you closer to your goals/objectives or are you moving farther away? I’d like to suggest this ties back to the “U” in success, the unwavering drive you have in pursuit of your dreams, goals and purpose in your life. There is a direct correlation between our ability to be consistent and the size and clarity of our dreams that drive us and fuel our engines. If you are having a struggle with finding the “fuel” I want to encourage you to find someone to help you figure it out, talk to about it and make it a priority. Without it selling Real Estate is going to be a “chore” or a “job” instead of a journey!
Evolving - To develop gradually. Are you? Are you developing? The not so obvious answer is yes, everyone is evolving; the question is, are you evolving on purpose or by default? We have the opportunity to “evolve” in many areas, for example, our mindset - how are you improving your mindset on a daily/weekly basis? What are you reading, listening to or studying? What about our skills? How are you evolving your skills set? Are you currently working on an area of your business? If not, what is an area you would like to see improve that comes right to the top of your mind? If not already, add practice into your schedule - you can practice scripts, presentations, handling objections and the list goes on and on. Take a script and handwrite it out 2-3 times a day for 30 days. That will surely help you learn the words. I would also suggest you find someone at your company that has shown up as a focused “learning based” agent and invite them to establish a role-play schedule, so you have live feedback to test your skills and approach. The bottom line here is if we’re not growing, we’re just existing, which I don’t believe anyone has set a goal to just “exist”. I learned many years ago the concept of CANEI - constant and never ending improvement. Evolving is a process, commit to it and keep growing forward.
Skilled - Having the training, knowledge, and experience that is needed to do something. Rate yourself in these areas. Communication, scripts, listing presentation, buyer presentation, pre-qualifying process, objections, follow-up, converting leads. closing, pricing, knowledge of the various personality name a few. How would you rate yourself 1-10, (10 is high) in these areas of your business? Be honest, remember, if we don’t know where we are, how can we begin to take a step towards where we want to be? The challenge is most people will avoid really taking inventory of where they stand. When we do this we’re bound to be off track from the step one since we didn’t start in the right place to begin with - then wonder why it’s not working!
Go ahead, rate each category - add to this list, or create your own. By the way no one should be a 10, this means we’ve arrived and have no room for improvement. That’s not possible because we all know the biggest room in life is the room for improvement. After rating yourself, ask this question...what would it take to make it a 9 (or 10?) Then ask this, who can help me? A great way to approach this is to ask the focusing question from the book The ONE Thing. (As it relates to the area you have identified to improve) - What is the ONE thing I can do, such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary? Ex: Following a schedule. What is the ONE thing I can do - when it comes to following my schedule - such by doing it, everything else would be easier or unnecessary? It’s a great way to get to the heart of the matter and a focus to take action on.
Simplify - to make (something) easier to do or understand. It's the K.I.S.S principle, keep it simple salesperson! The world we live in today is full information competing for our attention. We have so much being thrown at us and what’s worse is... we think we can keep taking more and more on... without something eventually breaking. As an example, in 2015 we had over 300 movies released (closer to 332) Let’s look at video games, I came across information that reported we saw just under 600 new videos games come into the market in 2015. According to Wordpress, they noted that over 56 million blog posts in just January 2016 alone! It’s no wonder we can find ourselves feeling like we work and work and work... and when we take a step back, we often look around and noticed we've made little or no progress and feel overwhelmed. It's the proverbial hamster wheel syndrome. We all know someone who has had an extraordinary amount of success and may ask, how they did it? They got a focus and put their blinders on.
To go big, you need to go small. Less is more! I heard it said this way recently, instead of going a mile wide and an inch deep - go an inch wide and a mile deep.