Agents in Action
This is a very common misconception sellers have when listing their home for sale. Time on the market is the #1 enemy for a seller. Historically, we know the longer a home sits on the market for sale, the softer the price becomes. In this episode, I want to share one approach that's worked well for me in these situations. Should you decide to incorporate this into your business or not, the main purpose of discussing this is to be sure you have your go to script, plan... whatever you prefer to call it. Our ability to effectively deliver our responses to common objections such as this can be the...
info_outlineAgents in Action
I am noticing a pattern that keeps showing up lately during conversations I am having with many agents. Since this seems to be so prevalent, I thought we could talk about it today as it’s likely something many of our great agents in action are experiencing. Even though a simple, and even a common topic, it’s one that is (in many cases) costing you $10,000’s and even $100’000’s in lost income opportunity. Ultimately, this shows up in our lives many ways. Sometimes, it’s having more month than money left at the end of each to day lifestyle choices,...
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Four Ways To Boost Confidence When Pricing Property Typically, when preparing for a listing appointment, most agents will leave their pricing research to a desk review over their computer. If you want to outperform your competition and at the same time...dramatically boost your confidence, go the extra mile and consider implementing these steps to maximize your confidence and accuracy. 1. Preview property every 10-14 days to give yourself a stronger knowledge of your local market, and it will give you more confidence in pricing during the listing presentation. The more real estate you...
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Personality Styles 101 - Today we’re going to discuss the D.I.S.C personality styles and how to use this system to have more influence with anyone you are speaking with, resulting in a higher level of communication and ultimately, developing these skills will be an asset to close more business or, increase your overall effectiveness when putting deals together. It’s was something I learned early in my career...probably 20+ years ago now. What’s interesting is I use what I have learned probably on a daily basis, if not several times a week. Knowing first who we are and then, to...
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Most Realtor's suffer from the same money leaks in their business and do not even know it. This episode of Agents in Action recap of the most common money leaks or “gaps” I noticed among the agents I have been coaching or met at speaking events this year. It was interesting to me to see these same patterns repeating themselves across the board. It was so consistent, that I wanted to go through these with you so you can take a look at what you’re currently doing in your business. If you can, grab a pen and paper so you can write a few things down as we go through a few...
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At The Preview Appointment - Objective - Gain access, establish a relationship with & continue to qualify the seller. The Tour: While walking through the property, take notes on the home’s features and benefits. In a casual, yet deliberate manner, ask questions to determine what the situation is with this particular lead. Greeting: Introduce yourself, hand them a business card and thank them for having you over to take a look at the house. (Notice, I say house a lot, not home. Why? Home is emotional, a house is not). Also, assure them you won’t be...
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A Behind The Scenes Look At The $40,000 For Sale By Owner System. 89 percent of sellers sold with the assistance of a real estate agent, up slightly from 88 percent the last three years, and only 8 percent (down from 9 percent) were FSBO sales. The share is the lowest since this data collection started in 1981. Did not want to pay commission fee: 48% Sold it to a relative / friend / neighbor: 21% Buyers contacted seller directly: 18% Did not want to deal with an agent: 6% Agent was unable to sell home: 5% Seller has real estate license: 1% Could not find agent to handle...
info_outlineAgents in Action
Managing your time in the real estate business. First, this is something people struggle with in general, not just Realtors. However, in the world of real estate sales, it appears to be magnified even more as it’s a commission only business. If you’re being paid hourly or salary and mismanage time, for the most part, it's become accepted. Of course, it’s a contributing factor to the lack of productivity, yet, for the most part, things go forward. As a Realtor, you have a much shorter fuse before you find yourself out of time, money or both. As a...
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How important it is to know your market statistics and position yourself as the goto expert and trusted resource in your marketplace?Fact: I would venture to say 97-98% (or even more) of the Fact: I would venture to say 97-98% (or even more) of the agent's industry-wide DO NOT know the market #s. Have you ever had someone ask you “how’s the market”? What do you say? How effective is your response? What message does it convey about you, your knowledge and professionalism/expertise? Typically, when someone asks this type of question, as a whole, many of us respond in 1 of 100...
info_outlineAgents in Action
Whenever we get together for an episode of Agents In Action, I often ask myself “what is it I should share this time?” I have been devouring several books these past few weeks, and one of them jumped out as the obvious answer for this conversation. I realized, without one’s ability to do this effectively...especially someone in can be a long uphill climb that leads to endless frustration. It’s a great book by Mark Victor Hansen & Jack Canfield called “The Aladdin Factor” The book focuses on a skill that arguably, is the absolute foundation for the...
info_outlineHow effective is your pre-appointment routine?
I like to call this phase of the listing process “showtime.”
Do you have a specific process you follow each time you get ready to head out to a listing presentation? If you don’t, this means you are either winging it each time or haven’t yet been introduced to this strategy as an effective way to prepare for your listing appointments...of course, you could also be choosing not to follow any sort of process or routine which I wouldn’t recommend. Remember the very important and meaningful 5Ps? Prior, planning, prevents, poor, performance.
Speaking of performance, a great example is Olympic athletes. How much goes into their preparation? How many years of preparation? How many hours each and everyday? In most cases this goes on for 4-8 years! All that to make the team and when it comes to actual performing time, that can vary from a few minutes to a few hours...and 4-8 years to get to this moment. Also, what about the difference between winning the gold or silver? That can come down to literally hundredths of a second. Still, even if you win the gold with this microscopic amount of time, you’re still the gold medal winner and the best in the world! Now, I am not suggesting you need to take 4-8 years to get ready for your appointment; I am saying that as this relates to your business, getting the listing is equivalent to the gold medal. In real estate, the agent that gets the listing is the gold medal winner, there is no silver medal in real estate...second place is just the person who didn’t get the listing. This is why we are going to go over some ideas to help you get ready, because like I said, it’s showtime! This is just one example; we can look at so many other industries where how you prepare is critical to getting the outcome you desire. It’s been my experience since we’re in an industry where we have a broad training base, and we’re independent contractors, there may or may not be resources you’ve been introduced to aid in your success compared to a corporate environment where there are strict guidelines and standards that must be followed. We all know the saying, people don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan.
Creating a pre-appointment routine: Here are six ideas when approaching how you may go about your pre-appointment routine.
1. Prepare your mind to win - Focused, Protect your mindset; don’t handle problems while driving over to the appointment. Again, what is that commission when you list this home you’re going out to? Avg commission $_____Let’s use $7500 as an example, this is a $250K sale at 3% commission. Most of us can relate to this number.
Approach it like an athlete preparing for the big game, A doctor heading into surgery, a pilot getting ready the flight? You get the idea; all these people have a process they’re preparing for.
Do some affirmations - bringing you mind to a peak state of performance. I’ve heard many comments that doing affirmations doesn’t work, really? We have to realize that we’re doing them anyway, so they may as well be positive. Research says we all have between 40,000 and 70,000 thoughts each day; most we’re not even conscious of. If we’re not purposely sending a positive message to ourselves, the odds are you’re planting negative seeds...worse you don’t even know it’s taking place.
I would even suggest doing a minute of visualization - see the appt play out in your favor. Just before you get out of your car, pull around the corner in a safe place and close your eyes. See yourself walking up the driveway, meeting the seller, sitting down at the table; everyone is getting along as you make your presentation, see them agreeing to the right price and signing your listing agreement. I was watching the golf a few weeks ago; I noticed one of the PGA Tour golfers Jason Day visualizes his next shot before he approaches the ball. Your mind doesn’t know the difference between which is real or not. It can’t hurt to do things on purpose to help you have that competitive edge.
2. Practice - Yes, in this case specifically your presentation, reviewing objection strategies, specifically those that came out in the pre-qualify process. We talked about this in episode #20. Running through possible scenarios that may occur - price or commission? Thinking through how you will handle this or that should it come up. When you do this, you are making it more familiar to your mind so when/if it happens it’s not foreign and causes you any additional stress. Again, this is why it is so important you consistently have a standard that you pre-qualify 100% of your listing appointments, 100% of the time. If you skip this step, you take away the opportunity and benefit of being able to practice and do these runs through in your mind. Practicing ahead of your appointment will allow you to handle various scenarios in a more calm, controlled and effective manner.
3. Looking and dressing professionally. Are you in rapport here? As obvious as this concept is, it’s one often overlooked or handled incorrectly. The first question is ask yourself, who are you meeting? Think about what is “typical and normal” for them when it comes to work attire? What is their normal environment at work - this is how you need to show up. If you have a meeting with someone that is used to business/professional, dress accordingly. If you are meeting someone you know would wear more casual clothes to work, you can too. That said, I would still be sure to demonstrate some professionalism - no jeans, unless of course maybe you are meeting someone that owns a ranch or a working farm as an example. I think you get the idea. If you are wondering how you would know this, that’s a fair question. It happens when you are going through your pre-qualifying process. It’s so easy to weave in a question that would allow you to discover what type of work the sellers do for a living. It’s not uncommon as you are learning more about where or why a seller is relocating that it would be more than acceptable to ask “so what do you do for a living” or “what line of work are you in”? You can justify asking as this may/may not play into the sale of their home, timing and where they are going. Ask! When in doubt, it’s best to be overdressed than under-dressed. We only get one chance to make a first impression right? Remember, people that are like each other, tend to like each other.
4. All materials ready to go: (911 kit in trunk)
Even with all the technology at our fingertips - systems can go down, the internet can be down I suggest always having a paper copy of whatever you may need to be fully functional. Not being prepared could be a $5000, $10000+ fine or more! I have a copy of every possible contract, addendum or disclosure in a file in my trunk. You just never know, and it’s better to be safe than sorry!
5. Listen to something that inspires you on your way to the appointment.
What’s your favorite music? Do you have a favorite motivational speaker?
Go ahead and crank your favorite song or musician as you’re en route to your appt. Don’t deal with issues with other deals - inspections - appraisals - anything that can interfere with keeping you in a peak state of mind.
Unless it’s literally a life/death or safety issue, don’t deal with any personal issues (disclaimer - unless it’s a true emergency life/death) and in that case, you would likely not be going on the appointment anyway, you would be calling to reschedule. Question, how many listing appointments do you go on in a month? Or over a year? For most agents, this is not a common occurrence. This is why it’s important to have a solid pre-appointment routine. Go ahead and find what works for you, I like to find a great song and blast that on my way to the appointment, music is my go to mechanism. Here’s the key, be yourself, don’t hold back and do whatever you need to do (of course as long as it’s legal, moral and ethical) to feel your best and be in that peak place mentally.
6. Be early to the neighborhood – Nothing is worse than showing up to your listing appointment stressed out. Traffic, a wrong turn, an accident on your route, all can happen without your permission! I want you to have these words in mind “calm, cool & collected.” I am calm, cool and collected when I arrive to my listing presentations. A great affirmation. I like to go either around the corner and pull over somewhere safe, or, you can usually find a convenience store/gas station at the closest nearby major intersection. Of course, always being aware of your surroundings. There’s something that just is assuring to know that you are a few minutes from the house, early and have a chance to do any last minute preparations.
(Preview when necessary) take notes, make up the page with notes. Certainty vs. doubt. Newer agents - this is a huge tip to overcome your lack of experience. How many times are you at a listing appointment where the seller makes a comment about another home being nicer or some feature or condition, and you really aren’t sure if they’re right or not? When you have personally been inside and driven your comps, you put yourself in a position to have certainty and eliminate doubt. You now can respond accordingly in a professional manner. Able to take a stance when the seller may make a statement about something i.e.,- they have a nicer home, or they have a better kitchen or another home doesn’t have granite is accurate or be wondering and a loss for words.
Demonstrates to be the expert. (remember the edge between gold and silver medals.)
Show up with more confidence.
Show up with more detailed information than your competition.
When you have seen the homes with your own eyes - you can respond with certainty
Give these ideas some thought, come up with your own - rate yourself on this step 1-10. 6? What steps can I take to get to an 8?