Adventures in Businessing
While there will not be new episodes of Adventures in Businessing, we are excited to announce a brand new podcast. Here is a sneak peek with our episode zero. Leading to Fulfillment is a weekly 30 to 40 minute podcast that highlights the impact of People-First leaders and teams where fulfillment is the true measure of success.. In each episode James Laws has conversations with leaders, entrepreneurs, and other thinkers from all walks of life and kinds of businesses to find out how they think & lead differently and make decisions that lead to fulfilling work and fulfilled teams.
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O Oysters,' said the Carpenter,
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Whether you’re considering taking on a partner for your business, or you’re well into one within your organization, tension comes in many different forms, from minor, slow, and creeping to sudden, impactful, and concerning.
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Leading, planning, and managing-- while they can and have been accomplished by solopreneurs, it certainly isn’t easy. Is the answer to find a partner in crime?
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In the last episode, our hosts discussed the importance of business events, their potential for deep thought, creativity, networking, and the additional benefits they bring.
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We’ve talked extensively about culture in recent episodes, but what’s next? Business travel and events, that’s what! If done correctly, with the right goals in mind, business events can be such an effective tool for camaraderie, networking, creativity, inspiration, and fun!
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Across the last few episodes we’ve covered all things ‘Company Culture’: defining exactly what it is, and how purpose and values contribute to, guide, and otherwise influence your culture’s development.
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Even if you’ve not acknowledged or prepared for it, values should drive your company. Whether you’re the person who established your company or likely won’t be the only one who decides upon, contributes to, influences, and nurtures the organization’s values.
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Discovering Purpose is a fundamental psychological need. Without it we’re so often driven into the darker aspects of life: self-destruction, callousness, or outright apathy. However, it could be argued that with purpose we’ll never reach an upward limit of human ingenuity and potential.
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Company culture. For a thing that’s become so ubiquitous in nearly all workplaces, why is it that so many of us are unable to define it, unsure of its impact, and unaware of the things that can shape, harm, and evolve it.
info_outlineShow Notes:
- [0:00:50] Episode Summary | Intro
- THE Jeremy Moore?
- 2nd Vaccine Preparation & Anxieties
- Last Episode Recap
- Building and Developing Your Team
- [0:04:35] Getting Philosophical About Communication
- Why Communication Isn’t ‘One-Size-Fits-All’
- Dangers of Treating Distributed Communication Like You’re Collocated
- How this is applicable to all areas of your life.
- “It started with pagers.”
- Always On, “As Soon as Possible” Culture is a Problem
- Activity is not to be confused with progress.
- If you’re always available, when can you ever hope to do ‘deep work’?
- Anxiety induced by not being available, or forgetting your phone.
- [0:14:08] Story Time: Communication Awareness
- Developing Our Own Communication Tool
- The justification, the goal, the whys and what-ifs.
- Permissions to Interrupt
- Is it healthy, or reasonable?
- Not Having Little ‘Red Dot’ Notifications Waiting for You is Liberating
- It takes time to reset your expectations and definition of work vs busy work.
- You’re More Than a Response Machine
- Responding to notifications can feel productive, but it can kill creativity and progress by way of context switching.
- [0:20:09] Maybe There’s a Better Way Than Always On
- Training and Retraining Around Communication Expectations
- We have been conditioned to get notifications and respond immediately.
- The list of items that require immediate attention in your organization is MUCH smaller than you’re willing to admit.
- Retraining “I need to know right now” is the major hurdle.
- The vast majority of “need to know” items can be saved for when you explicitly choose to engage with your email, phone, etc.
- Be Willing to Shift Your Understanding of Urgent & Important
- You’re probably thinking: “But what if we have an emergency?”
- Here’s why it’s probably NOT an emergency.
- [0:24:50] We Tend to “Solve” Management Problems with Software
- The Bigger Problem:
- How and when you do, or do not, communicate with team members.
- Don’t Be Selfish
- Putting Out Little Fires Prevents You From Accomplishing the Meaningful
- [0:29:03] There Are Emergencies
- But they’re so much fewer than you think they are.
- Document and define emergencies, which details on how and when to respond.
- Clarity on what is actually an emergency is very important, but use emergencies sparingly.
- Don’t let tools dictate how you run your business.
- Slack is a perfect example of this.
- Why James won’t log into Slack anymore.
- [0:32:49] Closing Thoughts
- “We all need more margin.”
- “Slower and more intentional is usually better.”
- Next Time on AIB