Adventures in Businessing
While there will not be new episodes of Adventures in Businessing, we are excited to announce a brand new podcast. Here is a sneak peek with our episode zero. Leading to Fulfillment is a weekly 30 to 40 minute podcast that highlights the impact of People-First leaders and teams where fulfillment is the true measure of success.. In each episode James Laws has conversations with leaders, entrepreneurs, and other thinkers from all walks of life and kinds of businesses to find out how they think & lead differently and make decisions that lead to fulfilling work and fulfilled teams.
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O Oysters,' said the Carpenter,
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Whether you’re considering taking on a partner for your business, or you’re well into one within your organization, tension comes in many different forms, from minor, slow, and creeping to sudden, impactful, and concerning.
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Leading, planning, and managing-- while they can and have been accomplished by solopreneurs, it certainly isn’t easy. Is the answer to find a partner in crime?
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In the last episode, our hosts discussed the importance of business events, their potential for deep thought, creativity, networking, and the additional benefits they bring.
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We’ve talked extensively about culture in recent episodes, but what’s next? Business travel and events, that’s what! If done correctly, with the right goals in mind, business events can be such an effective tool for camaraderie, networking, creativity, inspiration, and fun!
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Across the last few episodes we’ve covered all things ‘Company Culture’: defining exactly what it is, and how purpose and values contribute to, guide, and otherwise influence your culture’s development.
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Even if you’ve not acknowledged or prepared for it, values should drive your company. Whether you’re the person who established your company or likely won’t be the only one who decides upon, contributes to, influences, and nurtures the organization’s values.
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Discovering Purpose is a fundamental psychological need. Without it we’re so often driven into the darker aspects of life: self-destruction, callousness, or outright apathy. However, it could be argued that with purpose we’ll never reach an upward limit of human ingenuity and potential.
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Company culture. For a thing that’s become so ubiquitous in nearly all workplaces, why is it that so many of us are unable to define it, unsure of its impact, and unaware of the things that can shape, harm, and evolve it.
info_outlineShow Notes
- [0:01:00] Episode Summary | Intro
- Most “Excitingest” Episode Ever?
- The Work Between the Work, Vacations, Etc.
- The Most Neglected Topic in Business
- Margins
- Lots of managers and leaders don’t like to talk about pausing.
- We believe in margins so much that we’ve dedicated a third of our schedule to margins.
- Without an emphasis on Margin, Burnout is a very real danger.
- [0:05:10] It Doesn’t Always Take Active Work to Make Progress
- Margin can facilitate progress.
- We think of progress as linear, but that’s just not realistic.
- Progress has fits and starts.
- [0:07:59] Active Rest-- What is it? Why is it Necessary?
- You should be scheduling active rest into your calendar.
- You tend to lose focus on the importance of margin with age.
- Which emphasizes the need to make margins intentional.
- If you don’t fill your calendar, someone else will steal that time from you, and fill that time for you.
- Memorialize and protect your intentional disconnects.
- Is boredom the missing item in your workday toolkit?
- You have to find incremental ways to schedule margin into your schedule.
- You won’t come out the gate a detox/disconnect professional.
- Regardless, you have to treat margin like it’s business, to keep it secure and sacred from the infinite things that could or would detract from it.
- [0:14:25] If Possible...
- Try a Week Out of Office Per Quarter
- Start Each Day With a Plan
- Set aside planned time for others, whether that’s morning or afternoon.
- Bookend your day with margin.
- Be present with your thoughts.
- Attempt ‘Boredom & Margin Interval Training’
- You start with a lot of work time, and then gradually increase the margin and thought work time.
- The time away from active work makes you better and faster when it’s time to run.
- [0:19:50] People Who Have no Margin Are Stressed
- Having no margin will have an unintentional negative run-off on others.
- Everyone needs different amounts and types of margin.
- A lot of us think we need less margin than we actually do.
- Challenge: build in more margin into your schedule, and be retrospective about the effects.
- [0:22:43] How We Use Margin Intentionally in Our Business
- A tool for reflection.
- A tool to acknowledge what’s important today.
- The world changes so fast, and what was important mere weeks ago, may not be important today.
- Margin can be the gateway to progress, and therefore margin IS sometimes the work itself.
- Margin is a very real world tortoise and hare scenario.
- Don’t let the modern world trick you and your organization into being burnt out hares.
- Group Margin
- How we plan and execute margin together.
- [0:29:30] Parting Words
- Tips for making your margin and pauses more effective.
- Next time on AIB
- Recommended Reading: Seven Tips for Getting Unstuck - Ciircles