Adventures in Businessing
While there will not be new episodes of Adventures in Businessing, we are excited to announce a brand new podcast. Here is a sneak peek with our episode zero. Leading to Fulfillment is a weekly 30 to 40 minute podcast that highlights the impact of People-First leaders and teams where fulfillment is the true measure of success.. In each episode James Laws has conversations with leaders, entrepreneurs, and other thinkers from all walks of life and kinds of businesses to find out how they think & lead differently and make decisions that lead to fulfilling work and fulfilled teams.
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O Oysters,' said the Carpenter,
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Whether you’re considering taking on a partner for your business, or you’re well into one within your organization, tension comes in many different forms, from minor, slow, and creeping to sudden, impactful, and concerning.
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Leading, planning, and managing-- while they can and have been accomplished by solopreneurs, it certainly isn’t easy. Is the answer to find a partner in crime?
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In the last episode, our hosts discussed the importance of business events, their potential for deep thought, creativity, networking, and the additional benefits they bring.
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We’ve talked extensively about culture in recent episodes, but what’s next? Business travel and events, that’s what! If done correctly, with the right goals in mind, business events can be such an effective tool for camaraderie, networking, creativity, inspiration, and fun!
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Across the last few episodes we’ve covered all things ‘Company Culture’: defining exactly what it is, and how purpose and values contribute to, guide, and otherwise influence your culture’s development.
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Even if you’ve not acknowledged or prepared for it, values should drive your company. Whether you’re the person who established your company or likely won’t be the only one who decides upon, contributes to, influences, and nurtures the organization’s values.
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Discovering Purpose is a fundamental psychological need. Without it we’re so often driven into the darker aspects of life: self-destruction, callousness, or outright apathy. However, it could be argued that with purpose we’ll never reach an upward limit of human ingenuity and potential.
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Company culture. For a thing that’s become so ubiquitous in nearly all workplaces, why is it that so many of us are unable to define it, unsure of its impact, and unaware of the things that can shape, harm, and evolve it.
info_outlineShow Notes:
- [0:01:12] Intro
- Brief Recap on the Last Episode of AIB
- [0:02:05] “How to not turn your coworkers into your crazy Facebook uncle.”
- In a polarized world where everything is extreme, our society has a habit of pitting us against each other on most topics and issues.
- We evolved to be able to read body language and in-person communication.
- But now we need to adapt to modern technologies and to the landscape of changing industries, and distributed workforces.
- Unlike Facebook, you can’t just turn off your coworkers.
- How we humanize each other goes a long way toward creating a healthy and safe work environment.
- [0:06:03] Things we can do to humanize our perceptions of others and eliminate our own biases:
- Give people spaces to discuss things that aren’t work-related.
- Find out where you all have common ground.
- Avoiding apathy out of anger, frustration, or as a symptom of poor communication.
- [0:12:06] Things you can do to ensure broader interaction between coworkers:
- Personality Profile Workshops & Team Discussion
- Enneagram
- Strength’s Finders
- Etc
- All-Team Video Calls
- Cross-departmental discussion encouraged.
- Don’t mandate or assume you’ll have every person on the team for every call.
- “Off-site” Events
- Company Retreat/Summit
- Sporting Event
- Etc
- Any & All Common Ground Interactions
- Experiment.
- Find what works for your teams and company culture.
- Experiment.
- Friendly Unmandated Coworking Calls
- Automated Check-ins Unrelated to Work
- E.g. “What’s something you saw recently that you found interesting?”, or, “Have you read any good books you’d recommend of late?”
- Regularly Recorded and Publicly Shared Shoutouts
- Hearing someone praise your work, or the work of others makes it really hard not to like them. :)
- Personality Profile Workshops & Team Discussion
- [0:25:50] Parting Words & Last Minute Insights
- Take the time to get to know your coworkers, beyond just their roles and opinions, political or otherwise.
- You don’t have to be friends with everyone you work with, but there is no harm in liking everyone you work with.
- And that is more on you than it is on them, so put forth that effort to get to know them.
- At the end of the day, the choice is yours.
- And that is more on you than it is on them, so put forth that effort to get to know them.