Airship Diaries
In which our crew is imprisoned and the captain makes some plans of his own.
info_outline Airship Diaries Episode 09Airship Diaries
In which our captain rejects his crew and captains a new crew.
info_outline Airship Diaries Episode 08Airship Diaries
In which our captain returns to his ship, and the crew makes an unexpected voyage.
info_outline DelayAirship Diaries
We have encountered some production delays this week, but we will be back next week with our regular production schedule. Thank you for your patience.
info_outline Airship Diaries Episode 07Airship Diaries
In which our heroic captain makes a valiant escape and boards a new ship.
info_outline Airship Diaries Episode 06Airship Diaries
In which our captain is freed by an unexpected person, and is reunited with a crew member.
info_outline Airship Diaries Episode 05Airship Diaries
In which our captain is interrogated, is visited by a new enemy, and meets an old friend.
info_outline Airship Diaries Episode 04Airship Diaries
In which the crew escapes one peril and encounters another, and the captain leaves them.
info_outline Airship Diaries Episode 03Airship Diaries
In which the Smog Queen makes herself clear, Captain Jareck protests, and unwanted guests arrive to spoil the occasion.
info_outline Airship Diaries Episode 02Airship Diaries
In which our valiant crew has a falling out, a legend is recounted, and the Smog Queen says something unexpected.Cast & CrewCaptain Jareck -- Brian Brown ()Simon -- Clay Robeson ()Alyx -- Jason Northrop (aka Snowsdream)Gammy -- Tabitha Grace Smith ()Kally -- Heidi Jenkins ()Smog Queen -- Kim Butler ()Written by Evan CummingsAudio Engineer Andy King (aka VerseAndy) Sound Effects courtesy of ()Directed by Kevin Cummings ()Executive Producer Evan Cummings
info_outlineIn which our captain is interrogated, is visited by a new enemy, and meets an old friend.
Cast & Crew
Anya -- Hillary Robbins
Written by Evan Cummings
Audio Engineer Andy King (aka VerseAndy)
Sound Effects courtesy of (
Directed by Kevin Cummings (
Executive Producer Evan Cummings