La Defensa de Nuestras Playas: Un Compromiso con Puerto Rico En Puerto Rico, nuestras playas representan mucho más que un atractivo natural; son parte esencial de nuestra identidad, cultura y patrimonio. La reciente labor incansable del senador Eliezer Molina Pérez en la defensa de nuestras costas y recursos naturales ha sido un faro de esperanza y resistencia para el pueblo puertorriqueño. Su dedicación a proteger lo que nos pertenece a todos es un ejemplo claro de valentía y determinación que merece ser reconocido y apoyado. Durante una reciente conferencia, se evidenció la falta de...
Método de las 7D para Dormir Mejor: Un Enfoque Integral por Jana Fernández Introducción En un mundo lleno de prisa y estrés, lograr un descanso reparador es cada vez más difícil. La experta en sueño Jana Fernández ha desarrollado el "Método de las 7D" para mejorar la calidad del sueño y el bienestar general. Este enfoque en siete pasos aborda diferentes aspectos de la vida cotidiana, haciendo que el buen descanso sea alcanzable para todos. Las 7D del Método de Jana Fernández Decisión: Comprometerse a priorizar el descanso como un pilar de la salud. Dormir no es un lujo, es una...
Libro De La Hacienda Limon a La Batalla Liberal Rigoberto Rodriguez Roche, Ph.D. Les presento el resultado de más de tres años de investigación; un libro en el que desmontamos mitos, contamos en detalle la forma en que PR enfrentó la crisis económica y política de los años ‘20 y ‘30 y, sobre todo, intentamos hacer justicia a los protagonistas de la época. ¿Habías escuchado hablar de McK Jones y Ruby Black? ¿Sabes cómo se desarrolló el Plan Chardón, la PRERA, la PRRA? ¿Realmente el Partido Popular es hijo del Partido Liberal o es el resultado de un plan para desbancar a...
Interview with Officials from Israel United in Christ (Israel Unido en Cristo -IUIC) In this insightful episode of AjiTerapia, I, Walter Rivera Santos, sit down with three officials from the church Israel Unido en Cristo (IUIC). Recorded in Cupey, San Juan, Puerto Rico, on Friday, September 30th, 2024, this conversation delves deep into the teachings and practices of IUIC, with a particular focus on the importance of knowing and following the Ten Commandments. We explore the ethical dilemmas surrounding giving financial support to those asking for money on the streets. The officials share...
AjiTerapia presenta al Dr. Rodriguez Roche. Presenta su nuevo libro Mitos Sociales. El psicologo profundiza en la temática de los mitos sociales. Los mitos sociales son creencias o ideas ampliamente aceptadas por la sociedad, a menudo sin una base sólida en la realidad. Algunos ejemplos comunes de mitos sociales incluyen: “Las personas solo usan el 10% de su cerebro”: Aunque esta afirmación ha sido popularizada en películas y libros, la realidad es que utilizamos todo nuestro cerebro de manera activa. “El pelo y las uñas siguen creciendo después de la muerte”: En...
El Arte de Servir al Pueblo Introducción En este episodio especial de AjiTerapia, el moderador Carlos A. Laster Torres nos lleva en un viaje a través de la filosofía política del siglo XIX. La lectura de textos clásicos sirve como base para una discusión profunda sobre el servicio al pueblo y su relevancia en la actualidad. Invitados Destacados Dr. Juan R. Rosario Ramos: Candidato a alcalde por la Alianza. Justo González Torres: Ingeniero y candidato a alcalde de Juana Díaz por el PNP. Nataniel Meléndez: Líder organizativo. Dr. Ramón Rodríguez Ramos: ...
Conversatorio con candidatos politicos puertorriquenos. Anfitrion, Hilda Carrero y Juan Dominguez Rivera, Moderador, Carlos A. Laster Torres. En las fotos Ing. Justo Gonzalez Torres y Juan Dominguz Rivera, le sigue el Dr. Ramon Rodriguez Ramos, Sra. Hilda Carrero, Dr. Fernando Rodriguez, Carlos A. Laster Torres, y el Ing. Justo Gonzalez Torres. AjiTerapia AjiTerapia es un podcast puertorriqueño que existe desde 2016 y combina comedia, música y teatro. El podcast está compuesto por 7 artistas profesionales, entre ellos psicólogos, profesores de arte, técnicos de IT y científicos de...
FilmRx Mas Alla del Pensamiento 283 efectos autoimmunologicos "Sí, existen 283 enfermedades autoinmunes conocidas. Estas condiciones ocurren cuando el sistema inmunológico ataca erróneamente las células y tejidos sanos dentro del cuerpo. Cada enfermedad autoinmune puede afectar diferentes órganos o sistemas, lo que conlleva una amplia variedad de síntomas y complicaciones. Si tienes alguna pregunta específica sobre el enfoque de FilmRx para una condición autoinmune en particular, no dudes en enviar un correo electrónico a [email protected] y preguntar. 🌟"...
Sumérgete en la magia del evento "Arte, Rosas y Melodías" 2024, una experiencia única que fusiona arte, música y reflexión en Villalba, Puerto Rico. 🎨🎶🌹 En este episodio especial de AjiTerapia Podcast, te llevamos al corazón de este encuentro inspirador, donde el arte y la cultura se unieron para celebrar la vida y la creatividad. Descubre: Exhibiciones de arte cautivadoras: Admira el talento de cinco artistas locales que compartieron su visión a través de diversas expresiones artísticas. Stand-up comedy con Carlos A. Laster Torres: Ríe a carcajadas con el humor...
Primer Ensayo para el evento Arte, Rosas y Melodias: Tributo a las madres Evento a la madres a realizarse en Bellas Artes de Villalba. Desde las 5:30 pm hasta las 10:00PM. Realizado el primer ensayo para el evento "Arte, Rosas y Melodías: Tributo a la Madres", a realizarse con artistas puertorriqueños. Participantes Juan Domínguez, José Rodriguez Roche, Ph.D., Melvin Rodriguez Vázquez, Dr. Ramon Rodriguez Ramos y Carlos A. Laster Torres, Domitilo Negron, Induvela, la organizacon Walter Mck Jones, La Fundacion Jaime Descals y su presidenta Carmen S. Colon Collazo y el productor, Walter...
info_outlineFilmRx Mas Alla del Pensamiento
283 efectos autoimmunologicos
"Sí, existen 283 enfermedades autoinmunes conocidas. Estas condiciones ocurren cuando el sistema inmunológico ataca erróneamente las células y tejidos sanos dentro del cuerpo. Cada enfermedad autoinmune puede afectar diferentes órganos o sistemas, lo que conlleva una amplia variedad de síntomas y complicaciones.
Si tienes alguna pregunta específica sobre el enfoque de FilmRx para una condición autoinmune en particular, no dudes en enviar un correo electrónico a [email protected] y preguntar. 🌟"
Conversamos, Don Pablo Leon Hernandez, Ph.D. , Don Jose A Rodriguez Roche, Ph.D., el musico Melving Rodriguez Vazquez. Producido por Walter Rivera Santos.
50 million people endure them. The 3rd most common disease.
Yes, there are 283 known immune diseases. These conditions occur when the immune system mistakenly targets healthy cells and tissues within the body.
Each disease can affect different organs or systems, leading to a wide range of symptoms and complications.
Hi, my name is Walter Rivera Santos, a retired 26 years Army service as a combat medic. Learned, through my medical field experiences, that people can be cured when they follow a path they believe in. We are bringing that path to movie theaters across the world. You will see the book named FilmRx on our websites and social media.
Meantime, visit us at https://wArtMarket.com and sign up to receive notes on our research to solve the immune system diseases.
If you have any specific questions about the FilmRx approach to a particular condition, feel free to email [email protected] and ask Walter Rivera Santos! 🌟
Addison’s Disease: Adrenal gland dysfunction due to destruction.
Amyloidosis: Abnormal protein deposits in tissues due to immune dysfunction.
Amyloidosis: Abnormal protein deposits in tissues due to immune dysfunction.
Ankylosing Spondylitis: Inflammatory arthritis primarily affecting the spine and sacroiliac joints.
Anterior Uveitis: Inflammation of the eye’s uvea.
Antiphospholipid Syndrome: Autoantibodies targeting phospholipids, leading to blood clotting issues.
Behçet’s Disease: A multisystem inflammatory disorder affecting blood vessels.
Bullous Diseases: Group of blistering skin disorders.
Bullous Pemphigoid: , blistering skin disorder.
Bullous Pemphigoid: , blistering skin disorder.
Celiac Disease: A disorder triggered by gluten consumption, damaging the small intestine lining.
Cholangitis: Inflammation of the bile ducts in the liver.
Chronic Urticaria (Hives): Recurrent itchy skin welts due to mechanisms.
Crohn’s Disease: An inflammatory bowel disease that affects the digestive system.
Dermatomyositis: Inflammatory muscle and skin disease.
Encephalitis: Inflammation of the brain due to autoantibodies.
Encephalitis: Inflammation of the brain due to autoantibodies.
Encephalitis: Inflammation of the brain due to autoantibodies.
Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss Syndrome): Vasculitis affecting small and medium-sized blood vessels.
Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss Syndrome): Vasculitis affecting small and medium-sized blood vessels.
Gastritis: Inflammation of the stomach lining.
Gastritis: Inflammation of the stomach lining.
Gastritis: Stomach lining inflammation.
Goodpasture Syndrome: A rare disorder affecting the lungs and kidneys.
Graves’ Disease: A disorder causing overactive thyroid function.
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: A thyroid condition that targets the thyroid gland.
Hemolytic Anemia: Destruction of red blood cells by autoantibodies.
Hemolytic Anemia: Destruction of red blood cells by autoantibodies.
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (aHUS): Affects blood vessels and kidneys.
Hemorrhagic Conjunctivitis: Eye surface inflammation.
Hemorrhagic Conjunctivitis: Eye surface inflammation.
Hepatitis: Inflammation of the liver due to attack.
Hepatitis: Inflammation of the liver due to attack.
Hypophysitis: Inflammation of the pituitary gland.
Hypophysitis: Inflammation of the pituitary gland.
Hypothyroidism: Reduced thyroid function due to attack.
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP): Low platelet count caused by immune-mediated destruction.
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP): Low platelet count caused by immune-mediated destruction.
Inner Ear Disease: Immune response affecting the inner ear.
Inner Ear Disease: Immune response affecting the inner ear.
Inner Ear Disease: Immune response affecting the inner ear.
Limbic Encephalitis: Inflammation of the brain’s limbic system due to autoantibodies.
Limbic Encephalitis: Inflammation of the brain’s limbic system due to autoantibodies.
Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus): A chronic inflammatory disease that can affect various organs, including the skin, joints, kidneys, and heart.
Lymphoproliferative Syndrome (ALPS): Abnormal lymphocyte survival leading to lymph node enlargement.
Mixed Connective Tissue Disease: Overlapping features of lupus, scleroderma, and myositis.
Multiple Sclerosis: A nerve disease affecting the central nervous system.
Myasthenia Gravis: A muscle disease causing muscle weakness.
Myocarditis: Inflammation of the heart muscle.
Myocarditis: Inflammation of the heart muscle.
Myocarditis: Inflammation of the heart muscle.
Oophoritis: Ovary inflammation caused by attack.
Oophoritis: Ovary inflammation caused by attack.
Oophoritis: Ovary inflammation caused by attack.
Pancreatitis: Inflammation of the pancreas.
Pancreatitis: Inflammation of the pancreas.
Pancreatitis: Inflammation of the pancreas.
Pemphigus Vulgaris: blistering disorder affecting the skin and mucous membranes.
Pernicious Anemia: A blood disease affecting red blood cells.
Polyendocrine Syndrome Type 1 (APS-1): A rare disorder involving multiple endocrine organs.
Polyendocrine Syndrome Type 1 (APS-1): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyendocrine Syndrome Type 1 (APS-1): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyendocrine Syndrome Type 2 (APS-2): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyendocrine Syndrome Type 2 (APS-2): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyendocrine Syndrome Type 2 (APS-2): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 10 (APS-10): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 100 (APS-100): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 101 (APS-101): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 102 (APS-102): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 103 (APS-103): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 104 (APS-104): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 105 (APS-105): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 106 (APS-106): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 107 (APS-107): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 108 (APS-108): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 109 (APS-109): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 11 (APS-11): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 110 (APS-110): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 111 (APS-111): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 112 (APS-112): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 113 (APS-113): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 114 (APS-114): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 115 (APS-115): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 116 (APS-116): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 117 (APS-117): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 118 (APS-118): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 119 (APS-119): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 12 (APS-12): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 120 (APS-120): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 121 (APS-121): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 122 (APS-122): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 123 (APS-123): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 124 (APS-124): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 125 (APS-125): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 126 (APS-126): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 127 (APS-127): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 128 (APS-128): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 129 (APS-129): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 13 (APS-13): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 130 (APS-130): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 131 (APS-131): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 132 (APS-132): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 133 (APS-133): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 134 (APS-134): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 135 (APS-135): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 136 (APS-136): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 137 (APS-137): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 138 (APS-138): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 139 (APS-139): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 14 (APS-14): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 140 (APS-140): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 141 (APS-141): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 142 (APS-142): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 143 (APS-143): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 144 (APS-144): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 145 (APS-145): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 146 (APS-146): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 147 (APS-147): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 148 (APS-148): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 149 (APS-149): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 15 (APS-15): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 150 (APS-150): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 151 (APS-151): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 152 (APS-152): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 153 (APS-153): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 154 (APS-154): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 155 (APS-155): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 156 (APS-156): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 157 (APS-157): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 158 (APS-158):
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 158 (APS-158): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 159 (APS-159): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 16 (APS-16): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 160 (APS-160): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 161 (APS-161): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 162 (APS-162): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 163 (APS-163): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 164 (APS-164): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 165 (APS-165): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 166 (APS-166): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 167 (APS-167): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 168 (APS-168): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 169 (APS-169): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 17 (APS-17): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 170 (APS-170): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 171 (APS-171): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 172 (APS-172): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 173 (APS-173): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 174 (APS-174): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 175 (APS-175): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 176 (APS-176): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 177 (APS-177): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 178 (APS-178): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 179 (APS-179): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 18 (APS-18): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 180 (APS-180): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 181 (APS-181): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 182 (APS-182): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 183 (APS-183): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 184 (APS-184): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 185 (APS-185): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 186 (APS-186): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 187 (APS-187): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 188 (APS-188): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 189 (APS-189): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 19 (APS-19): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 190 (APS-190): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 191 (APS-191): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 192 (APS-192): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 193 (APS-193): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 194 (APS-194): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 195 (APS-195): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 196 (APS-196): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 197 (APS-197): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 198 (APS-198): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 199 (APS-199): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 20 (APS-20): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 200 (APS-200): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 21 (APS-21): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 22 (APS-22): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 23 (APS-23): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 24 (APS-24): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 25 (APS-25): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 26 (APS-26): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 27 (APS-27): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 28 (APS-28): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 29 (APS-29): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 3 (APS-3): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 30 (APS-30): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 31 (APS-31): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 32 (APS-32): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 33 (APS-33): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 34 (APS-34): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 35 (APS-35): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 36 (APS-36): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 37 (APS-37): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 38 (APS-38): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 39 (APS-39): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 4 (APS-4): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 40 (APS-40): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 41 (APS-41): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 42 (APS-42): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 43 (APS-43): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 44 (APS-44): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 45 (APS-45): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 46 (APS-46): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 47 (APS-47): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 48 (APS-48): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 49 (APS-49): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 5 (APS-5): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 50 (APS-50): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 51 (APS-51): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 52 (APS-52): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 53 (APS-53): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 54 (APS-54): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 55 (APS-55): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 56 (APS-56): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 57 (APS-57): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 58 (APS-58): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 59 (APS-59): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 6 (APS-6): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 60 (APS-60): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 61 (APS-61): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 62 (APS-62): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 63 (APS-63): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 64 (APS-64): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 65 (APS-65): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 66 (APS-66): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 67 (APS-67): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 68 (APS-68): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 69 (APS-69): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 7 (APS-7): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 70 (APS-70): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 71 (APS-71): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 72 (APS-72): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 73 (APS-73): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 74 (APS-74): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 75 (APS-75): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 76 (APS-76): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 77 (APS-77): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 78 (APS-78): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 79 (APS-79): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 8 (APS-8): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 80 (APS-80): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 81 (APS-81): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 82 (APS-82): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 83 (APS-83): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 84 (APS-84): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 85 (APS-85): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 86 (APS-86): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 87 (APS-87): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 88 (APS-88): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 89 (APS-89): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 9 (APS-9): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 90 (APS-90): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 91 (APS-91): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 92 (APS-92): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 93 (APS-93): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 94 (APS-94): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 95 (APS-95): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 96 (APS-96): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 97 (APS-97): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 98 (APS-98): Combination of endocrine disorders.
Polyglandular Syndrome Type 99 (APS-99): Multiple endocrine organ dysfunction.
Polymyositis: A muscle disease causing muscle inflammation.
Polyneuropathy: Nerve damage affecting multiple peripheral nerves.
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS): Dysautonomia causing rapid heart rate upon standing.
Primary Biliary Cholangitis: destruction of bile ducts in the liver.
Progesterone Dermatitis: Skin reaction to progesterone.
Progesterone Dermatitis: Skin reaction to progesterone.
Psoriasis: A skin condition characterized by red, scaly patches.
Raynaud’s Phenomenon: A condition causing blood vessel spasms in response to cold or stress.
Retinopathy: Autoantibodies affecting retinal cells.
Retinopathy: Autoantibodies affecting retinal cells.
Retinopathy: Autoantibodies affecting retinal cells.
Rheumatoid Arthritis: A joint disorder that primarily affects the joints.
Scleroderma: Abnormal growth of connective tissue in the skin and blood vessels, leading to thickened skin.
Sjögren’s Syndrome: A condition affecting moisture-producing glands, leading to dry eyes and mouth.
Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ATP): Similar to ITP, causing low platelet count due to autoantibodies.
Type 1 Diabetes: A metabolic disease that damages the pancreas.
Ulcerative Colitis: An inflammatory bowel disease affecting the colon and rectum.
Vitiligo: A chronic skin condition resulting in loss of skin color due to melanocyte destruction.
Wegener’s Granulomatosis (Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis): Vasculitis affecting small blood vessels.