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Sabotaging Self-Doubt

The Joyful You Podcast

Release Date: 05/30/2024

Your Summer Body show art Your Summer Body

The Joyful You Podcast

Today we're diving into your thoughts about your summer body.  Are you unhappy with your body image? If so, you’re not alone. Body image isn’t something we just came up with ourselves. It’s something that's been conditioned by society. We've been told in many ways that our bodies are unacceptable as they are, that we should be ashamed of them, and that they need fixing especially during the summer. We've been conditioned that there is a one size fits all mold that we're supposed to morph our bodies into and that the way our body looks is more important than everything else. In...

Weight Loss By Degrees show art Weight Loss By Degrees

The Joyful You Podcast

I have been a coach for 6 years now and I’ve helped 100’s of women and a few men, and the number one thing my clients want help working on is weight loss. So many have tried diet after diet and they’re left frustrated. They started out hopeful, but eventually they grew to hate it because it’s hard and miserable. When it comes to losing weight so many people focus only know to focus on the food piece, trying to change what and how much they eat. But what I’ve come to realize is that changing what you eat is actually the last piece of the puzzle. There is so much more that needs to be...

Killer Self-Confidence show art Killer Self-Confidence

The Joyful You Podcast

Self confidence is one of those things that determines whether we’re going to be highly successful in our goals or not. So, where does self-confidence come from and what can we do to increase it? On this episode of The Joyful You  podcast, I answer these questions. WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER The difference between confidence and self-confidence What it truly means to be self-confident. Where self-confidence comes from. 3 steps you can take to increase your self-confidence. And much more! FEATURED ON THE SHOW CONNECT Would you do me a favor? Please leave a review on your preferred...

Sabotaging Self-Doubt show art Sabotaging Self-Doubt

The Joyful You Podcast

When you're working towards a goal, it always starts out really well. You’re excited, you have energy, you believe you’re going to do it, you can see the finish line and how awesome everything is going to be.  But then. . . a week later, a few days later, maybe even an hour later something happens, the excitement fizzles out and a lot of times, self-doubt takes its place. And you start thinking thoughts like: "I'm not capable." "I'm behind." "I should be better at this by now." "I’ve tried this 100 times before and failed-why would this time be any different?" "I can't do this."...

It Starts With You show art It Starts With You

The Joyful You Podcast

You can be the mom you want to be. You can have the health and the relationships you want to have, And you can have the life you want to live. It’s all 100% possible, and I am here to show you exactly how to get it!  Tune in to find out how, plus an exciting announcement!  FEATURED ON THE SHOW CONNECT Could you do me a favor? Please leave a review on your preferred podcast platform — it helps me reach more and more people. I’d love to hear from you with any questions or insights. Pay me a visit on Want further support? Let's chat!

Forcing VS Allowing show art Forcing VS Allowing

The Joyful You Podcast

On this episode I share the difference between forcing verses allowing change by getting vulnerable and sharing a personal experience. . . CONNECT Would you do me a favor please and leave a review on your preferred podcast platform?— It helps me reach more and more people. I’d love to hear from you with any questions or insights. Feel free to leave a comment or reach out to me on or email me [email protected] Want from me? Sign up for a 30-minute session - 

10 Ways to Lose Weight Without Counting a SIngle Calorie show art 10 Ways to Lose Weight Without Counting a SIngle Calorie

The Joyful You Podcast

The calories in calories out method of losing weight is outdated science. I don’t recommend it. So what could you do instead? That’s what I’m going to share with you today. 10 very simple tips that if you consistently do them, you will lose weight. Tune in and you’ll see how simple it is to eat a little less, feel motivated, and lose weight in barely noticeable ways. FEATURED ON THE SHOW CONNECT Could you do me a favor? Please leave a review on your preferred podcast platform — it helps me reach more and more people. I’d love to hear from you with any questions or insights....

Floors and Ceilings show art Floors and Ceilings

The Joyful You Podcast

If we want the great result of accomplishing a goal, simplifying the process by creating small steps is what is going to work to get us across the finish line. Join me on this episode as we continue discussing using small and simple things to bring to pass great results. Today we're learning a concept called Floors and Ceilings, an easy technique you can implement that will help you to stay consistent on your way to achieving any goal.  FEATURED ON THE SHOW CONNECT Could you do me a favor? Please leave a review on your preferred podcast platform -- it helps me reach more and more...

Using the Power of Small and Simple Things show art Using the Power of Small and Simple Things

The Joyful You Podcast

Have you ever had a big goal in your life that you wanted to reach, but you gave up before you got there? In the beginning, when we first start out to accomplish a goal, the excitement and motivation is huge, and we tend to take big strides towards creating the outcome we want. We start out strong and with really good intentions, only to ”fall off the wagon” soon after. What happened?  The world is full of enticing immediate results schemes. They tell us change should be fast and the way to get quick results is by making huge giant changes. Their message is that taking big huge...

Breaking the Emotional Eating Cycle show art Breaking the Emotional Eating Cycle

The Joyful You Podcast

Do you ever feel like no matter how much you want to eat healthier and get serious about losing weight, there’s just something holding you back? You vow to do better and cut back and stay on track and this time you mean it, only to find yourself right back at square one, feeling like a failure who lacks willpower, don’t despair. I can guarantee the reason this is happening is not because you are weak or even that you lack willpower, the reason you end up in this vicious cycle is because you have an emotional connection with food. The thing I love about habits is that once we understand...

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When you're working towards a goal, it always starts out really well.

You’re excited, you have energy, you believe you’re going to do it, you can see the finish line and how awesome everything is going to be.

 But then. . . a week later, a few days later, maybe even an hour later something happens, the excitement fizzles out and a lot of times, self-doubt takes its place.

And you start thinking thoughts like:

"I'm not capable."

"I'm behind."

"I should be better at this by now."

"I’ve tried this 100 times before and failed-why would this time be any different?"

"I can't do this."

These thoughts are normal. It doesn't mean you're broken and doomed to fail.

But if we don't know what's really going on, we'll sabotage ourselves and quit before we reach our goal.

In today's episode I share why self-doubt is normal, why we have it, and  what to do about it so you don't ever quit on yourself again.


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