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Episode 041 - Millennial And Emotional Intelligence Expert Jared Buckley

The All-Star Leader Podcast

Release Date: 02/23/2017

Episode 067 - Part II with Texas A&M-Commerce Director of Athletics Tim McMurray show art Episode 067 - Part II with Texas A&M-Commerce Director of Athletics Tim McMurray

The All-Star Leader Podcast

src="https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/6044716/height/90/theme/custom/autoplay/no/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/88AA3C/" height="90" width="450"]   In Part II of our conversation, Tim dives into strategic planning, goals and caring for others.   How do you go about implementing mission, vision, and core values so that the people within your department know, understand and execute on them? When he first arrived he met with each coach. Told them they would get a questionnaire asking each of them...

Episode 066 - Texas A&M-Commerce Director of Athletics Tim McMurray show art Episode 066 - Texas A&M-Commerce Director of Athletics Tim McMurray

The All-Star Leader Podcast

  Tim talks coaching searches, finding your why, and vision.   Introduction: Hey everyone and welcome to the All-Star Leader Podcast, where together we learn about leadership from the best and brightest, and keep it fun by connecting it to our passion for sports! I’m your host Daniel Hare, and today we are joined by the athletic director at Texas A&M-Commerce, Tim McMurray. Tim is in his third year with the Lions, after nearly three decades of service in senior level roles at Maryland, SMU, Northern Illinois, Texas State and Lamar. He has a wealth of knowledge and wisdom to...

Episode 065 - Baylor Leadership Guru and Former Navy Footballer Drexel King show art Episode 065 - Baylor Leadership Guru and Former Navy Footballer Drexel King

The All-Star Leader Podcast

Drexel shares leadership lessons from Navy Football and the Marine Corps.   Introduction: Hey everyone and welcome to the All-Star Leader Podcast, where together we learn about leadership from the best and brightest, and keep it fun by connecting it to our passion for sports! I’m your host Daniel Hare, and today I didn’t have to go far to bring a great guest to you. Drexel King works just across campus from me in Baylor University’s Leadership and Learning department. Drexel is a graduate of the prestigious United States Naval Academy, where he also played defensive back for the...

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The All-Star Leader Podcast

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The All-Star Leader Podcast

Introduction: Hey everyone and welcome to the All-Star Leader Podcast, where together we learn about leadership from the best and brightest, and keep it fun by connecting it to our passion for sports! I’m your host Daniel Hare, and I am excited to say that we are back! I hope you had a great summer and are as fired up as I am to hear more insightful leadership lessons through the prism of sports. Today we are fortunate to visit with Jamy Bechler. You might remember Jamy was a guest on episode 31 of the podcast, and I encourage if you didn’t catch that episode to pause this one, go back and...

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Jared shares the biggest myths about Millennials, what really motivates them, and how to improve your Emotional Intelligence.  


Hey everyone and welcome to the All-Star Leader Podcast, where together we learn about leadership from the best and brightest, and keep it fun by connecting it to our passion for sports!

Today our guest is Jared Buckley, a pastor, coach, speaker and now entrepreneur who helps organizations teach and develop soft skills and Emotional Intelligence to their Millennial workforce.

Jared authored a book in 2016 titled “Career OnRamp: 19 Career Options for College Graduates.” This is Jared Buckley. Hey Jared thanks for coming on the show!

Interview Questions:

  1. How did you first become interested in Millennials and what is it you are hoping to accomplish with your work?
    1. Began in 2000 when he got to college; was working to become a pastor; they gave him a book about Millennials
    2. Wasn’t really a topic to him, it was just who he was working with in his normal life
    3. Then a few years ago, it dawned on him he had an expertise in working with Millennials, and people began seeking him out
  2. What would you say are some of the biggest myths about Millennials, and what are the truths?
    1. Entitlement: it’s not entitlement, it’s an expectation; they come to the table with a set expectation that is fast; technology is a bit part of this; because they are fast, they expect fast things (promotions, raises, etc.); this gets translated as entitled, but it’s more an expectation based on speed
    2. Disloyalty: Facebook study debunking this and talking about the uniqueness of Millennials’ loyalty; they can come across disloyal, but that’s not really what is going on; Millennials are loyal to a reason, and they will become more loyal than other generations
    3. (Daniel follows up on entitlement/expectation, and how managers of Millennials can connect and meet or help adjust their expectations):
      1. If you’re going down the road at 85 MPH and see a deer in the road, you aren’t supposed to slam on the brakes (though that’s the tendency)
      2. You have to tap the brakes and slow the car down
      3. Same thing with Millennials, you can’t slam on the brakes
      4. You have to tap the brakes; teach them what expectations are for you, your team, etc.; they have to learn these expectations
      5. But the problem is most organizations just want them to adapt and learn those expectations on the fly
      6. You can tweak processes like promotions: maybe give a bit more responsibility without a raise (if you can’t afford it). Break up a once in five year promotion to several micro-promotions
      7. Go one step further: this is a leadership development plan by giving them these roles over time
  3. Simon Sinek had a video go viral recently where he went on a 15 minute exposition of what’s going on with Millennials in the workplace. Was there anything that resonated with you his analysis?
    1. Link to video clip
    2. Got asked a lot about it
    3. Simon attempted to dissect a generation based on personal experiences, which is a big no-no
    4. You can’t label an entire generation
    5. He has a valid point about issues like parenting, but everyone didn’t have bad parenting
    6. At the end of the day, we’re still talking about people, and you have to take the time to listen and understand them. That’s what leadership is all about.
  4. Let’s talk about Emotional Intelligence, or EQ.
    1. How do you define it? An emotional ability to take productive action; this is not kumbaya; how do you react in certain situations
    2. Why is it important? Huge in sports; “emotional hijacking” short circuits the process of making a decision; explains how a baseball player can hit a baseball, when other than by reaction it isn’t possible
    3. (Daniel asks for an example/hypothetical) – emotional intelligence is how you encounter that person and problem in the situation; you have to be able to regulate emotions in that situation so you can get production; steadiness; prioritize developing people rather than just getting the job done; also keep in mind that people respond differently to different types of motivators
      1. Jared has an assessment for this that he is willing to give away to our audience: http://www.jaredbuckley.com/allstar. He’s also giving away a reading/analysis of the results!
    4. If it can be developed, how can we do that?
      1. Different from IQ which is pretty well locked in
      2. EQ can go up and down
      3. Your emotions are like a muscle, and you have to exercise them; spend time with self-awareness and figure out who God made you to be; what makes you tick? Journal, meditate, pray, are all ways to go about this
  5. You wrote a piece titled “8.5 steps to train Millennials for Leadership.”:
    1. First, let’s talk about what Millennials are saying are the top drivers of a “perfect job environment.” What can we learn from that?
      1. All free food and bean bags? Not necessarily
      2. Best thing we can do is invest in the Millennials; that we believe in them; create a family environment that is filled with trust; that lets you speak into them in good times and bad
    2. So the best environment is where they believe that the leaders believe in them; and there is trust; mentorship is big; this will lead to greater loyalty
    3. You pointed out that older Millennials are now 36 and ready, if not overdue for management positions, whereas the perception of them is still based on their 23-year-old basement living recent graduate brethren. Why do you think that is happening and why is it important?
      1. Much of this is based on the stereotypical Millennial and how its marketed
      2. Advancing Millennials who are now executives think a bit differently
      3. Multi-generational workforces are big right now
  6. Let’s talk about your book, “Career OnRamp: 19 Career Options for College Graduates.”
    1. What motivated you to write the book, and who is it for?
      1. Came out of discovering questions and from coaching Millennials; a common conversation with those clients are dealing with what they’re going to do in their career
    2. Who is the Professional Student? What can we learn from her?
      1. Have a purpose; there must be a reason to go back to school
      2. Don’t just assume having a masters is going to help you get a job
      3. If your vocation requires it, or you need it for licensure, then great.
      4. But otherwise, learn through experience and getting paid
  7. Where can people go to learn more about you, the book and the work you’re doing?
    1. jaredbuckley.com
    2. jaredbuckley.com/allstar - assessment for the audience
    3. LinkedIn
    4. Twitter

Thank Yous/Acknowledgements:

  1. Antioch Live/Clear Day Media Groupmusic
    1. More here.
  2. Jonathan Davis – production
  3. Clint Musslewhitevoice over