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Episode 059 - The Leadership Playbook Author Jamy Bechler

The All-Star Leader Podcast

Release Date: 10/12/2017

Episode 067 - Part II with Texas A&M-Commerce Director of Athletics Tim McMurray show art Episode 067 - Part II with Texas A&M-Commerce Director of Athletics Tim McMurray

The All-Star Leader Podcast

src="https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/6044716/height/90/theme/custom/autoplay/no/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/88AA3C/" height="90" width="450"]   In Part II of our conversation, Tim dives into strategic planning, goals and caring for others.   How do you go about implementing mission, vision, and core values so that the people within your department know, understand and execute on them? When he first arrived he met with each coach. Told them they would get a questionnaire asking each of them...

Episode 066 - Texas A&M-Commerce Director of Athletics Tim McMurray show art Episode 066 - Texas A&M-Commerce Director of Athletics Tim McMurray

The All-Star Leader Podcast

  Tim talks coaching searches, finding your why, and vision.   Introduction: Hey everyone and welcome to the All-Star Leader Podcast, where together we learn about leadership from the best and brightest, and keep it fun by connecting it to our passion for sports! I’m your host Daniel Hare, and today we are joined by the athletic director at Texas A&M-Commerce, Tim McMurray. Tim is in his third year with the Lions, after nearly three decades of service in senior level roles at Maryland, SMU, Northern Illinois, Texas State and Lamar. He has a wealth of knowledge and wisdom to...

Episode 065 - Baylor Leadership Guru and Former Navy Footballer Drexel King show art Episode 065 - Baylor Leadership Guru and Former Navy Footballer Drexel King

The All-Star Leader Podcast

Drexel shares leadership lessons from Navy Football and the Marine Corps.   Introduction: Hey everyone and welcome to the All-Star Leader Podcast, where together we learn about leadership from the best and brightest, and keep it fun by connecting it to our passion for sports! I’m your host Daniel Hare, and today I didn’t have to go far to bring a great guest to you. Drexel King works just across campus from me in Baylor University’s Leadership and Learning department. Drexel is a graduate of the prestigious United States Naval Academy, where he also played defensive back for the...

Episode 064 - Three-Time National Champion Baseball Coach Jeremiah Robbins show art Episode 064 - Three-Time National Champion Baseball Coach Jeremiah Robbins

The All-Star Leader Podcast

Coach Robbins talks about mindset, authenticity and a blue-collar work ethic that can overcome nearly all obstacles.   Introduction: Hey everyone and welcome to the All-Star Leader Podcast, where together we learn about leadership from the best and brightest, and keep it fun by connecting it to our passion for sports! I’m your host Daniel Hare, and today for the first time on the show we get to hear from a college head coach, and I can’t think of anyone more fitting to be the first than Jeremiah Robbins. Jeremiah and I first met in 2010 at Western Oregon where he was the head baseball...

Episode 063 - Daniel's Presentation To Baylor Leadership Lunch And Learn show art Episode 063 - Daniel's Presentation To Baylor Leadership Lunch And Learn

The All-Star Leader Podcast

  Daniel uses Seinfeld, The West Wing, and past interviews to talk about leadership as influence.   Outline: Seinfeld clip demonstrating influence (): eating dessert with a knife/fork. Daniel bio Main theme from John Maxwell: defines leadership as influence Can always influence regardless of positional authority The Wave at sporting events is an example of this - influencing those in your orbit to then influence others outside your orbit and so on. Houston/Harvey citizen rescuers West Wing clip also demonstrating the power of influencing those close to us (). Daniel shares a...

Episode 062 - The Power of Positive Leadership Author Jon Gordon show art Episode 062 - The Power of Positive Leadership Author Jon Gordon

The All-Star Leader Podcast

Jon packs a lot into a short episode, from optimism and vision to grit and a growth mindset.   Introduction: Hey everyone and welcome to the All-Star Leader Podcast, where together we learn about leadership from the best and brightest, and keep it fun by connecting it to our passion for sports! I’m your host Daniel Hare, and today we welcome to the show leadership expert Jon Gordon. Jon is a speaker, trainer, and best-selling author who has worked with professional sports coaches and teams all over the country. His latest book is titled The Power of Positive Leadership: How and why...

Episode 061 - All-American Football Player and Retire Inspired Author Chris Hogan show art Episode 061 - All-American Football Player and Retire Inspired Author Chris Hogan

The All-Star Leader Podcast

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Episode 060 - Business Coach And Author Aaron Walker show art Episode 060 - Business Coach And Author Aaron Walker

The All-Star Leader Podcast

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Episode 059 - The Leadership Playbook Author Jamy Bechler show art Episode 059 - The Leadership Playbook Author Jamy Bechler

The All-Star Leader Podcast

Introduction: Hey everyone and welcome to the All-Star Leader Podcast, where together we learn about leadership from the best and brightest, and keep it fun by connecting it to our passion for sports! I’m your host Daniel Hare, and I am excited to say that we are back! I hope you had a great summer and are as fired up as I am to hear more insightful leadership lessons through the prism of sports. Today we are fortunate to visit with Jamy Bechler. You might remember Jamy was a guest on episode 31 of the podcast, and I encourage if you didn’t catch that episode to pause this one, go back and...

Episode 058 - Orlando Magic Co-Founder and VP Pat Williams show art Episode 058 - Orlando Magic Co-Founder and VP Pat Williams

The All-Star Leader Podcast

Pat shares his wisdom on the topics of leadership, parenting and how to accomplish your goals by prioritizing them! Introduction: Hey everyone and welcome to the All-Star Leader Podcast, where together we learn about leadership from the best and brightest, and keep it fun by connecting it to our passion for sports! I’m your host Daniel Hare, and today we have with us a giant in the sports and leadership space. I could probably fill an entire episode with just his introduction, but instead I’ll be brief now and let you hear more of his bio throughout the interview. Pat Williams is the...

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Hey everyone and welcome to the All-Star Leader Podcast, where together we learn about leadership from the best and brightest, and keep it fun by connecting it to our passion for sports! I’m your host Daniel Hare, and I am excited to say that we are back! I hope you had a great summer and are as fired up as I am to hear more insightful leadership lessons through the prism of sports.

Today we are fortunate to visit with Jamy Bechler. You might remember Jamy was a guest on episode 31 of the podcast, and I encourage if you didn’t catch that episode to pause this one, go back and listen to episode 31, and then come back to this conversation. We’re going to skip through much of the typical intro/bio since we all know Jamy and get right into his new book, The Leadership Playbook: Become Your Team’s Most Valuable Leader. The book shot up to #1 New Release on Amazon’s list of basketball coaching books, and #2 in the category overall. This is Jamy Bechler. Jamy welcome back to the show!

Interview Questions:

  1. How have you been and what have you been up to over the summer?
    1. 7/25 – book came out
    2. Family moved from Atlanta to Akron, OH
    3. Conferences
  2. Tell us about how the book came to be. Where did the idea come from? How long did you work on it?, etc.
    1. Last year was his first as a leadership trainer/speaker and figuring out how to be an entrepreneur/self-employed
    2. Figured out how to create a work environment that worked for him
    3. Put together an editing/advising team to help re-write and edit the book
    4. Had been writing the book over two years by way of giving speeches to student-athletes
  3. Who is the book for, and what are you hoping the reader will take away from the book?
    1. For the benefit of student-athletes and would love them to read it
    2. But recognizes that young people don’t read as much, so the book is designed in a way to appeal to them (each chapter has a specific story tied to it)
    3. Wants to impact them in a way a coach/parent would want them to
    4. These student-athletes are our future leaders, and what are we doing to help them
    5. Ronald Reagan – “you can’t do everything but you can do something.”
  4. How did you decide to publish the book?
    1. Self-publishing because you have more control and it is less expensive
    2. Traditional doesn’t really make sense unless you are a big-time author
    3. Spent time figuring out what the actual product would look like (study book v. actual book etc.)
    4. Added handouts and materials to an online resource for practical application
    5. There is a paperback and kindle version
    6. The cover is a photo of Indiana Wesleyan basketball
  5. Right out of the gate in chapter one you talk about positional leadership, and how successful teams can’t/don’t rely on just that type of leadership. Can you explain what positional leadership is, relative to other types of leadership, and why it’s important to have the other?
    1. Positional leadership – upper classmen, captains, star players, coaches – if your organization is set up to rely on those people for leadership, it can be used as a crutch by the other people who aren’t expected to lead
    2. All players should think/believe they are a leader
    3. Telling the positional people you have to be THE leader
    4. But also telling everyone else you have to be A leader
    5. The numbers dictate that the non-positional leaders can have a significant impact on their teams
    6. Kevin Durant speech showed how it is important to recognize your platform and take advantage of the opportunity to lead in a positive manner
  6. You said something in chapter two about integrity that caught my eye. You said, “integrity is the sum total of all our everyday choices.” What did you mean by that?
    1. When looking at building blocks to be a leader, integrity has to be there before anything else
    2. We make choices every day that impact our integrity
    3. Sports not only builds character; it also reveals character
    4. Legendary golfer Bobby Jones story about taking a penalty when nobody but him had seen it; as he was later praised, he said you might as well praise me for not robbing a bank today. – that’s integrity.
    5. As a leader, people will follow you if they see you have integrity and you are who you say you are
  7. Building on that idea, you have an encouragement in the book for those who don’t feel their position or status provides people for them to influence. What would/do you say to that person?
    1. You won’t always be able to person to influence the star, especially if you are the last person on the bench; but you can be a friend.
    2. And though you may not be able to influence the star, you can influence those right next to you (i.e. your friends on the team); they can influence others and eventually you can influence the positional leaders
    3. Harriet Tubman example – not a positional leader at all, but able to influence the people around her to the point she had a tremendous impact on people’s lives.
  8. Later in the book you give an example talking about former Arizona walk-on basketball player and current Georgia Tech head coach Josh Pastner. Can you tell that story for us?
    1. Came to Arizona as a walk on, but was friends with Bibby, Simon, Dickerson and Terry – all NBA guys.
    2. He had a key to the gym, and late at night he would get them in and rebound for them; he built them up by saying they were going to win a championship and be talked about.
    3. They won the national title in 1997
    4. His secret was adding value and helping the starters get better
    5. (Daniel) we may experience seasons of leading from different places – now Josh does have positional leadership
    6. Jason Terry went from a sixth-man on the Arizona team to a star, to a solid NBA player to a star player and is now more of a role player. But very respected by the NBA community.
  9. Can you speak to the power of patience? Chapter Four on Leading Yourself is full of great examples of patience paying off; would you share one or two?
    1. Not sure if any of us are good at patience
    2. Leading yourself has to come before leading others, and patience is a key
    3. Luck = opportunity + preparation
    4. Bill Walsh with the 49ers had a player who would get frustrated because they weren’t making progress – won very few games. But they went from being the worst 2-14 team ever to the best 2-14 team ever. The rest is history.
  10. You talk about the impact Larry Fitzgerald’s work ethic had on others in the Arizona Cardinal’s lockerroom in Chapter Five: Leading Others. Tell us more about that, and in particular, encourage the quite/introverted types in the audience who might be feeling like they can’t lead because they aren’t the dynamic, loud, public speaking type.
    1. Great example of someone who provides a great example
    2. Goes about his business
    3. First one there/last to leave/dives for balls/ plays the way you want stars to
    4. Doesn’t do a lot of the talking, but lets his actions speak
    5. But don’t let your introversion be a crutch to give you permission not to talk; be a verbal leader with those close to you who you talk most with
  11. Where can people go to connect with you and find out more about the book?
    1. theleadershipplaybook.com – bulk orders; additional resources
    2. amazon.com as well

Thank Yous/Acknowledgements:

  1. Antioch Live/Clear Day Media Group – music
    1. More here.
  2. Jonathan Davis – production
  3. Clint Musslewhite – voice over