Episode 057 - Daniel dives into the book The Ideal Team Player by Pat Lencioni
Release Date: 07/06/2017
The All-Star Leader Podcast
src="https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/6044716/height/90/theme/custom/autoplay/no/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/88AA3C/" height="90" width="450"] In Part II of our conversation, Tim dives into strategic planning, goals and caring for others. How do you go about implementing mission, vision, and core values so that the people within your department know, understand and execute on them? When he first arrived he met with each coach. Told them they would get a questionnaire asking each of them...
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info_outlineThe All-Star Leader Podcast
Introduction: Hey everyone and welcome to the All-Star Leader Podcast, where together we learn about leadership from the best and brightest, and keep it fun by connecting it to our passion for sports! I’m your host Daniel Hare, and I am excited to say that we are back! I hope you had a great summer and are as fired up as I am to hear more insightful leadership lessons through the prism of sports. Today we are fortunate to visit with Jamy Bechler. You might remember Jamy was a guest on episode 31 of the podcast, and I encourage if you didn’t catch that episode to pause this one, go back and...
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info_outlineHow to ensure you hire, retain and develop ideal team players, by making sure they are hungry, humble and smart. pisode Notes, Links and Resources
- What are the "Five Dysfunctions Of A Team?"
- Dysfunction #1: Absence of Trust The fear of being vulnerable with team members prevents the building of trust within the team.
- Dysfunction #2: Fear of Conflict The desire to preserve artificial harmony stifles the occurrence of productive ideological conflict.
- Dysfunction #3: Lack of Commitment The lack of clarity or buy-in prevents team members from making decisions they will stick to.
- Dysfunction #4: Avoidance of Accountability The need to avoid interpersonal discomfort prevents team members from holding one another accountable.
- Dysfunction #5: Inattention to Results The pursuit of individual goals and personal status erodes the focus on collective success.
- What are the three characteristics of "The Ideal Team Player?"
- Humble - Ideal team players are humble. They lack excessive ego or concerns about status. Humble people are quick to point out the contributions of others and slow to seek attention for their own. They share credit, emphasize team over self and define success collectively rather than individually.
- Hungry - Ideal team players are hungry. They are always looking for more. More things to do. More to learn. More responsibility to take on. Hungry people almost never have to be pushed by a manager to work harder because they are self-motivated and diligent. They are constantly thinking about the next step and the next opportunity.
- Smart - Ideal team players are smart. They have common sense about people. Smart people tend to know what is happening in a group situation and how to deal with others in the most effective way. They have good judgment and intuition around the subtleties of group dynamics and the impact of their words and actions.
- What does it look like when team members have one of the three?
- What does it looks like when team members have two of the three?
- How can you identify candidates who are humble, hungry and smart in the hiring process?
- By asking specific questions in the interview for the purpose of learning whether the candidate possesses each trait.
- Samples
- Resources
- The book: The Ideal Team Player (AFFILIATE)
- The book: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (AFFILIATE)
- How to overcome the five dysfunctions with the ideal team player
- Ideal Team Player Resources Homepage (free tools and resources including self-assessments, manager assessments, the interview guide and more).
- About the author Pat Lencioni
Thank Yous/Acknowledgements:
- Antioch Live/Clear Day Media Group – music
- Jonathan Davis – production
- Clint Musslewhite – voice over