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Ep. 316 Dont tell me my kid is trans

Almost In Agreement

Release Date: 05/18/2024

Ep. 318 Trump got convicted and I dont care show art Ep. 318 Trump got convicted and I dont care

Almost In Agreement

I don't know what else to say...it doesn't change anything...no one is changing thier minds...this system sucks and we all know it...but we pretend over and over again...but I did fall of a 16 story building...just for the sake of doing it...thats fun...  

Ep. 317 Economics are EVERYTHING show art Ep. 317 Economics are EVERYTHING

Almost In Agreement

Sam and I wander through another week of local, reginal, and national news... , ,

Ep. 316 Dont tell me my kid is trans show art Ep. 316 Dont tell me my kid is trans

Almost In Agreement

Sam and I break down the week that was. 

Ep. 315 Drive to the future... show art Ep. 315 Drive to the future...

Almost In Agreement

Sam and I discuss the future of cars, guns in schools with a 5th grader...and how to best run a three legged race...

Ep. 315 Modern monitary Theory...stuff n junk show art Ep. 315 Modern monitary Theory...stuff n junk

Almost In Agreement

Sam and I take turns taping and watching hockey...not the result in the Preds game we wanted but I had fun taping this episode...we've got fun stuff going on both localy and nationaly that have my attention and its time to stop pretending money can just appear....or do...cant say part of me doesnt beleive we'll accidently come out the other side ok...here's hoping.

Ep. 315 Omnibus is BS show art Ep. 315 Omnibus is BS

Almost In Agreement

$100 billion dollars...I can't type the Dr. Evil voice but you get it...GONE POOF...or I guess Boing will get a huge chunk...anyway Sam and I chat that, local government, Teachers with Guns and More. 

Ep. 314 Burning Man show art Ep. 314 Burning Man

Almost In Agreement

Oh snap...we did it Holleroo was a great success, Big Jon sits in for a recap of week 1 of TCAP testing, sam and I wander the random objections to housing...and oh so much more. 

Ep. 313 Short show Crazy week show art Ep. 313 Short show Crazy week

Almost In Agreement

Sam and I in quick, and fairly tranquill, episode cover teachers with guns, stealing kids to get abortions, Arizon before it was a state, and more on the 'feelings' about the economy. 

Ep. 312 Hospitals for Cash show art Ep. 312 Hospitals for Cash

Almost In Agreement

Sam and I check in on progess in and around Farragut...both the Board of of Mayor and Aldermen reconcidering (quite contentiously) their vote agains the new growth plan, as well as a major announcmnet about the beginings of a potentially MASSIVE project on I-40...we devolve in to Certificat of need, AGAIN, and soso so so much more. 

Ep. 312 Farragut Tells Jacobs to shove it show art Ep. 312 Farragut Tells Jacobs to shove it

Almost In Agreement

IF you didnt already know, the people and their governing body, of Farragut are more important than the rest of us...and don't mind tell you...I think the state thinks we're dumb, Sam thinks I'm crazy...and chaos insues...we get going on so many things, I totally forgot to talk about the bridge in Baltimore...I personaly hope the rescue teams and recovery crews stay safe and do good work...so...  

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Sam and I break down the week that was.