Introduction to Network-as-a-Service (Part 1) - ENGLISH
Release Date: 02/04/2022
ALSO Talks Technology
Yritysten lähtötilanne tietoturvan suhteen voi olla hyvinkin erilainen. Millaisilla ratkaisuilla yrityksissä voidaan taklata tietoturvahaasteita ja jopa kyberhyökkäyksiä? Jaksossa Lari Utriaisen vieraana Ciscon tietoturvaliiketoimintajohtaja Marko Haarala, joka kertoo miksi yrityksille kannattaa tarjota autentikointityökaluja ja miksi salasanat kannattaa jättää historiaan. Kuuntele, mistä kannattaa lähteä liikkeelle, kun yritykselläsi on tarve päivittää tietoturvakäytäntöjään.
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Refurbished PCer understøtter en bæredygtig tilgang til IT og er samtidig økonomisk attraktivt. Hør hvorfor her. Se produkterne her: Er du ikke forhandler - klik her for at blive oprettet: Om ALSO: ALSO CSR-rapport: Et bedre alternativ til nyt, læs om Refurb:
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How has the impact of pandemic, climate change, and geopolitical movement affected our value chain? With industry experts we’re looking at the challenges evolved, how companies might overcome them, and in which way organisations can establish resilience and built the future sustainable supply chain.
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Allan Højberg og Tom Roholm giver en kort intro til Aruba CX Switching Hardware og ikke mindst AOS-CX styresystemet.
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HELAO toteutti lähiverkkouudistuksen yhdessä Global VoiceLinkin ja ALSOn kanssa ja päätyi uudistuksessa käyttämään Aruban lähiverkkotuotteita; kytkimet, langattoman verkon tukiasemat ja hallinta.
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Network-as-a-service (Naas) has emerged as the answer for enterprises to keep up with ever-changing business requirements, new business applications, and rapid changes in technologies and security threats. Businesses no longer need to invest heavily on network infrastructure to scale up as these needs are now available to all enterprises as a service. This podcast is the second part going in-depth of the NaaS solution. If you have not already, please go listen to part 1 where you will get an overall introduction to the solution. In this podcast Troels Andersen, Focus Sales...
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Curious on how you as a reseller can expand your business offering through the Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) solution? NaaS is a cloud-based management device that enables ALSO partners to deploy, manage, and operate network devices. This is the first part of the podcasts about the NaaS solution where you will get an overall introduction by Troels Andersen, Focus Sales Manager and Nikolaj Brink, Product Manager at ALSO. Your host is Agam Bhushan, a tech consultant within digital transformation who will make sure to ask all the right questions, so you are fully updated on how to secure a...
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February 17, 2020, 4 o’clock in the morning, the Danish facility firm ISS was hit by a ransomware attack. An attack that has changed the company ever since. In this case story you will get to meet two significant people from the ISS Group, Nikolaj Storm Lund, responsible for IT infrastructure and Services globally together with Martin Petersen, responsible for all IT security at the ISS Group. They experienced the attack firsthand and was part of the team who managed and recovered from it back in 2020.
info_outlineCurious on how you as a reseller can expand your business offering through the Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) solution? NaaS is a cloud-based management device that enables ALSO partners to deploy, manage, and operate network devices. This is the first part of the podcasts about the NaaS solution where you will get an overall introduction by Troels Andersen, Focus Sales Manager and Nikolaj Brink, Product Manager at ALSO. Your host is Agam Bhushan, a tech consultant within digital transformation who will make sure to ask all the right questions, so you are fully updated on how to secure a fast and stable deployment as well as full scalability. For more information about NaaS click here: