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Episode 337 - Signs That Someone is Bad in Bed

Sex for Saints

Release Date: 10/04/2024

Episode 359 - Why “Do You Love Me” Is the Wrong Question show art Episode 359 - Why “Do You Love Me” Is the Wrong Question

Sex for Saints

We’ve all said it at one time or another - “Do you love me?” While it seems like an innocent question, what I’ve found from working with countless couples is that this “innocent” question often leads down a path of blame, frustration, and unmet expectations. To put it simply, it’s a trap. It keeps us focused on the wrong things. So, what do we do about it? That’s what we’re going to talk about in this episode. It’s full of usable suggestions to ask the right questions and focus on the right things.

Episode 358 - Overcoming Good Boy Syndrome show art Episode 358 - Overcoming Good Boy Syndrome

Sex for Saints

Have you ever wondered if men experience the same pressures to be 'good' that women do? Last week, we uncovered the hidden struggles of Good Girl Syndrome—but what about the other side of the coin? Today, we're diving into Good Boy Syndrome—a silent battle many men face, shaping how they see themselves, their relationships, and their sexuality. If you've ever felt the weight of perfectionism, the sting of shame, or the fear of being truly vulnerable—this episode is for you. We're breaking down what Good Boy Syndrome really is, how it takes root, and most importantly, how to break free...

Episode 357 - Overcoming Good Girl Syndrome show art Episode 357 - Overcoming Good Girl Syndrome

Sex for Saints

What is Good Girl Syndrome? Let me answer like this - have you ever found yourself hesitating to explore your desires? Have you ever felt guilty when expressing your needs in the bedroom? Do you believe that ‘good girls’ don’t act certain ways? Do you feel like your worth is tied to your being modest, virtuous, or pleasing to others? That’s what we’re going to talk about in today’s episode - what Good Girl Syndrome is, where it comes from, how to recognize it, and most importantly, how to overcome it. Let’s dive in.

Episode 356 - Sexual Freedom show art Episode 356 - Sexual Freedom

Sex for Saints

Have you ever thought about what drives your sexual desire? One key factor is the freedom we feel in our lives. Freedom plays a vital role in fostering vibrant sexuality and intimacy, and without it, we may experience disconnection, frustration, or stagnation. In this episode, we’ll explore the powerful link between freedom and sex, why it’s so crucial, and how you can create more freedom in both your personal life and sexual relationships.

Episode 355 - Sexual Shame in Men show art Episode 355 - Sexual Shame in Men

Sex for Saints

A few weeks ago, we talked about prolonged arousal and I touched on sexual shame in men. I promised then that I’d do an entire episode about it because it isn’t talked about much and needs to be talked about more. This is that episode. Sexual shame is one of the most powerful emotions we can experience, and when it’s tied to something as personal and intimate as sexuality, the impact can be profound. In this episode, we’re going to delve into this much needed topic and talk about what it is, how it manifests differently from women, the factors that contribute to it, and the steps men...

Episode 354 - Preparing for Valentine’s Day show art Episode 354 - Preparing for Valentine’s Day

Sex for Saints

Valentine’s Day is coming up! Does that thought fill you with excitement or dread? Often when we think about Valentine’s Day, we dream up this scene straight from the movies and we are often disappointed by what actually happens. So this year, maybe we can prepare ourselves for Valentine’s Day. I don’t mean grand gestures or perfect plans, but shifting our attention to preparing ourselves - mind, body, and heart - for love and connection. Let’s talk about how to do just that. Whether your relationship is thriving, struggling, or somewhere in between, this episode is for you!

Episode 353 - Unconditional Love in Marriage show art Episode 353 - Unconditional Love in Marriage

Sex for Saints

When we think about unconditional love, it always sounds romantic and exciting, right? We’ve all seen the romcoms where they have the kind of love that never falters, regardless of what happens. It’s the idea that someone is loved completely, no matter their choices, behaviors, or circumstances. But in marriage, the idea of unconditional love should be more nuanced. It may seem wonderful on the big screen, but in reality, unconditional love in marriage is a partnership between two adults with needs, boundaries, and expectations. It isn’t about tolerating harmful behavior or being a...

Episode 352 - Prolonging Arousal for Men show art Episode 352 - Prolonging Arousal for Men

Sex for Saints

Want to make your intimate moments last longer? In this episode, we’re diving into the secrets of prolonging arousal for men, exploring everything from practical techniques and medication options to mindset shifts that can enhance your experience. We’ll also tackle the deeper issues that can impact your ability to fully enjoy intimacy. If you’ve ever wished for a little more time in the heat of passion, this episode is a must-listen!

Episode 351 - Why Is She Not Attracted To Me? show art Episode 351 - Why Is She Not Attracted To Me?

Sex for Saints

Have you ever found yourself wondering why your wife doesn’t seem to be attracted to you? After all, you do everything you’re “supposed” to do, you’ve been told it works, but she still doesn’t seem interested. She still doesn’t seem drawn to you. The spark still isn’t there. She may even seem frustrated by your attempts to connect. Why? In this episode, I’m going to answer that question and help you find that connection with your spouse that you’ve been searching for.

Episode 350 - The Difference Between Sexuality and Eroticism show art Episode 350 - The Difference Between Sexuality and Eroticism

Sex for Saints

When was the last time you felt alive in your marriage? Has it been a while? The longer we’re married, the more sex can become something else on our to-do list. Something that needs to happen, but doesn’t bring much joy. But sex can be so much more than just the physical urge to have sex. How? When we replace sexuality with eroticism, sex becomes a way to connect with your spouse, to enjoy each other more, to feel more alive. Curious? Listen as we discuss the difference between sexuality and eroticism and what it can do for you.

More Episodes

Are you bad in bed? Is your spouse? Being “bad in bed” isn’t a thing that should cause shame or anger but it is something that needs to be looked at more. And it usually starts outside the bedroom. In this episode, we’re going to talk about what it means to be “bad in bed” and what to do about it if you recognize yourself or your spouse in the list. With my normal honest and forthright style, I’ll give you exactly what to say and do to no longer be “bad in bed.”