American Journey
How Far does the Apple Fall?
info_outline Tim Thomas (Heading South to North Dakota)American Journey
We all have a little Catholic atheist in us just screaming to get out.
info_outline Hannah Scott (Kickin' Ass in the Free World)American Journey
Two Countries separated by a Common Language - and lots of salt Water.
info_outline Nedra McClyde (Slavery really F*$&ked things up in America)American Journey
Stepping into the Liight...
info_outline Gail Frydkowski (F* the Nazis)American Journey
A Dark Cloud is a Good Early Warning
info_outline Malcolm Gets (glowing)American Journey
a soft spoken razor-sharp fellow
info_outline Olga Ermishikina (learning by living)American Journey
From Russia with Love...
info_outline Angel Desai (obstacles be gone)American Journey
The Brain Drain
info_outline Lucius Albert Salisbury III (there be white people here... now)American Journey
Colonization: Immigration or just the Great Migration?
info_outlineOlga is a linguist who teaches Russian around the world, all from her home in Brooklyn NY, where she now lives with her husband and son. Her website states: "My main field of interest is language learning. I studied Linguistics at the University and during that time I was really impressed by language diversity in the world. Now I teach Russian, study foreign languages and constantly research and try teaching methods and self-study solutions (web services and applications). Distant learning is my second field of interest. I moved to Brooklyn, New York and I am now looking for a local job in E-learning." For lessons visit,