AmerIndian 2192
-In this episode: Grand Admiral Lige seeks terms from the Elders to establish some relationship between the occupying AmerIndian Confederacy and the UDA. Stormseeker refuses to give any concessions. Lige gives the signal to his body tank troops hidden in his shuttle.
info_outlineAmerIndian 2192
-In this episode: Alexa Sullivan returns with the Humanitace offer and the Elders debate trading a small portion of recently gained Naanac land for energy. New recruit Derek thanks White Buffalo Wovoka. Cavaho leaves the contemplation cell and goes to Celetain Prax wh
info_outlineAmerIndian 2192
-In this episode: Celetain Prax finishes gathering power from theassembled tribals, absorbing energy and momentum fromthe dying pillar dancers. She releases the power ofthe Ghost Dance, which powers down all 1,400 UDA primeships in Naanac orbit as well as shutting dow
info_outlineAmerIndian 2192
-In this episode: Potlatch Weaver's experience at the White Earth Massacre (an AmerIndian Confederacy historical event from 2179) is recounted. Cavaho is called to Celetain Prax's quarters. Their brief encounter lands Cavaho in an AmerIndian Confederacy contemplation
info_outlineAmerIndian 2192
-In this episode: Wovoka works side by side with Apache and Brule construction workers creating a new Chunnel through the Naanac freemantle. Elder John approaches Keokuk with an offer to serve as his assistant. Elder John explains the distribution of land among the tr
info_outlineAmerIndian 2192
-In this episode: Broge, Elder Celetain Prax's assistant, exposes himself as a UDA spy as he attempts to escape in an AmerIndian Confederacy outrider ship. The outrider ship is hulled and Broge is taken into custody by body tank tribals. Cavaho physically comforts Cel
info_outlineAmerIndian 2192
-In this episode: Derek, a young UDA colony citizen, meets with his roleplaying game group. The efforts of this roleplaying game group, dedicated to aiding the AmerIndian Confederacy and teaching its members to read, stand in sharp contrast to the bleak existence of D
info_outlineAmerIndian 2192
-In this episode: Admiral Lige's bodyguard, Jaret, shows a growing interest in the prisoner Alexa Sullivan, the UDA President's daughter. The AmerIndian Confederacy Elders debate recognizing Wovoka as the White Buffalo and invading Naanac to acquire as the people's Ho
info_outlineAmerIndian 2192
-In this episode: Declared as the White Buffalo to all of the tribes, Wovoka shares his vision received on Naanac. Celetain interprets his vision and proclaims Naanac as the new Homeland of the AmerIndian Confederacy, negating the hopes of many tribals to someday retu
info_outlineAmerIndian 2192
-In this episode: UDA Admiral Gavon Lige meets with UDA President Sullivan and reminds the politician that he is a puppet that will dance as the strings are pulled. Celetain Prax explains to Wovoka that he is the prophesied White Buffalo and that the homeland the Amer
info_outline-In this episode: Admiral Lige's bodyguard, Jaret, shows a growing interest in the prisoner Alexa Sullivan, the UDA President's daughter. The AmerIndian Confederacy Elders debate recognizing Wovoka as the White Buffalo and invading Naanac to acquire as the people's Ho