Amplify Today: Tech, Social Media and Pop Culture
Hard to believe we talk about a gaming toaster, robot laundry, BMW's gesture radio, Facebook's new TV portal, a vertical TV for millennials, Spotify's first hardware, taking your Amazon packages to Kohls and maybe the streaming services aren't going to play nice after all.
info_outline Podcasts Coming of AgeAmplify Today: Tech, Social Media and Pop Culture
Is podcasting mainstream? Consider these stories including JetBlue, Spotify, Kansas City Chiefs, HBO Max, Daniel J. Lewis, Podlife, and Netflix speeding up movies
info_outline Modern Oral HistoryAmplify Today: Tech, Social Media and Pop Culture
Facebook changes their logo to differentiate themselves from other social media sites, but which ones? And do they need to? Because it seems like everyone lists Facebook as the top site. Let's take a look at today's modern history.
info_outline Remember when Rabbit Ears Were the Only Complication?Amplify Today: Tech, Social Media and Pop Culture
How do we decide among streaming services? Disney +, HBO Max, Apple TV, Roku, Netflix, Gameboard 1, The last gameboard, Weather Poster Screen Printed Forecast. And what happened to Walmart's Vudu?
info_outline What Does Elon Musk Predict?Amplify Today: Tech, Social Media and Pop Culture
In today's episode we discuss the movie IO, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Commercial space flight, limited prediction ability, the hyperloop, VR, Facebook, Mars, Bodily Adaptation, Real Player One and more.
info_outline Which 80s Movie Predicted Social Media?Amplify Today: Tech, Social Media and Pop Culture
Blade Runner was set in November of 2019 . . . were there predictions correct? How about Back to the Future 2? Total Recall? The Jetsons? Akira? The Running Man? And why is "video phone" so important to them all?
info_outline The Ten Year IPad EffectAmplify Today: Tech, Social Media and Pop Culture
Google Buys Fitbit, The iPad Effect after 10 years, Capital One Hacked, App Store Bug Wipes out Reviews, $70,000 IPhone, Embers Smart Mug and $4.99 MarioKart
info_outline The CrinkleAmplify Today: Tech, Social Media and Pop Culture
Today's show is a story. Just a story, About a crinkle.
info_outline Don't Make Me Share it BroAmplify Today: Tech, Social Media and Pop Culture
Today we talk about forced sharing and how so wrong it is. Are you doing it?
info_outline Extinguish the GawkersAmplify Today: Tech, Social Media and Pop Culture
Rachel's van exploded into fire, and the blind just got something awesome. Let's learn something about our own businesses through these blogging, social media, and tech news.
info_outlineRachel's van exploded into fire, and the blind just got something awesome. Let's learn something about our own businesses through these blogging, social media, and tech news.