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19. Meditation: I am Unstoppable

Amy Tenney Yoga + Meditation

Release Date: 09/11/2020

Infinite Possibility Meditation show art Infinite Possibility Meditation

Amy Tenney Yoga + Meditation

Anything could happen! Be open to playful curiousity, a new way and open to new opportunities. This quick 3 minute meditation helps you focus in on breath, and repeat powerful affirmations to create something new in your day.    Check out my guided video breathwork course $99 to Harness the Power of your breath

Affirmations- Wow, I'm Amazing! show art Affirmations- Wow, I'm Amazing!

Amy Tenney Yoga + Meditation

Christian based affirmations based on Gary E Stevenson's General Conference address Octobere 2023. Especially for all the youth....tomorrow, this week, this year, always, pause as you look at yourself in the mirror aned think to yourself or say aloud: Wow, look at me! I'm amazing! I'm a child of God. He knows me. He loves me. I'm gifted, gifted with the Holy Ghost as my constant companion.

Breathe through Big Emotions show art Breathe through Big Emotions

Amy Tenney Yoga + Meditation

Today’s practice will be to breathe with, and through big emotions. As we bring awareness on our breath, we can help move  energy. As we acknowledge how we are feeling, we can practice giving voice to, moving through, softening with and possibly releasing emotions with a strong emotional charge. You’re invited to breathe with whatever comes up, and release attachment to a particular outcome or expectation.   Learn more about the power of breath work with my guided video course Harnessing the Power of your Breath.   Use code aty20 in promo section for 20% off. Find me...

Visualizing Healing and Radiant Health show art Visualizing Healing and Radiant Health

Amy Tenney Yoga + Meditation

Visualize Deep Healing and Radiant Vibrant Health at a cellular and emotional level. Soften the breath, body and mind and visualize the healing you desire.   Learn more how breath can support health and healing through my guided video breathwork course here:

Affirmations: Letting Go of Control, 2 minutes show art Affirmations: Letting Go of Control, 2 minutes

Amy Tenney Yoga + Meditation

Daily Affirmations: Letting Go of Control, 2 minutes Repeat in your mind: I am open to to new experiences  I am capable  I surrender the need to control everything  I surrender the need to control the outcome  I live in the present moment  I let life flow  I trust the timing of life  I am here I am grateful I am loved  Find me on instagram @amytenneyyoga I create custom meditations for people.  Email amytenneyyoga@gmail.com

Visualization to heal skin: warts, mollescum, rashes show art Visualization to heal skin: warts, mollescum, rashes

Amy Tenney Yoga + Meditation

 This meditation supports clearing your skin through a healing visualization.  It was prepared to help remove warts, rashes  and mollescum bumps. You can visualize this for yourself, your child, or someone you care about.  If you have another skin condition  you’d like to heal from, imagine your situation in your mind's eye.    Christian Based Meditation Make sure to put this episode on a sleep timer to stop when current episode ends. I offer custom meditations written just for you or someone you care about.  Email: to request more information....

Breath work Clear Nasal Congestion in 2 minutes show art Breath work Clear Nasal Congestion in 2 minutes

Amy Tenney Yoga + Meditation

Today we are going to first do a quick exercise to help clear the nasal passageway. 

Meditation Christ Centered Christmas show art Meditation Christ Centered Christmas

Amy Tenney Yoga + Meditation

Meditation on the original message of the season.

Meditation for Grief - Light + Shadow show art Meditation for Grief - Light + Shadow

Amy Tenney Yoga + Meditation

Meditation for Grief.  Holding space for light and shadow.

Yoga Flow 20 min: I am Connected show art Yoga Flow 20 min: I am Connected

Amy Tenney Yoga + Meditation

Start your day with a 20 minute flow.  We start with sun salutations, work on balance and connection to body, mind and breath.

More Episodes

Bring your strongest self to difficult situations with today's meditation on feeling UNSTOPPABLE.  

Show Notes:

Join Unsure to Unstoppable Mastermind, and follow Brittni Schroeder for great business tools and tips at  www.brittnischroeder.com or on Instagram @brittni.schroeder

find me on Instagram: @amytenneyyoga

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