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IMR 004: Always Keep Pants Buttoned in Public

angela's podcast

Release Date: 07/01/2014

IMR006: Hey, I have friends now! show art IMR006: Hey, I have friends now!

angela's podcast

Just another day and uh, another year and a half later. Waiting? I thought so.  This time around I found some friends who also happen to be in their rooms too.  We also happened to have cohabitated in college at the University of Missouri nearly 10 years ago so we had a lot of catching up to do.  We of course had to talk about the national headlines of Mizzou. Things get fun here In my Room!

IMR 005: Being a Stand Up Gal show art IMR 005: Being a Stand Up Gal

angela's podcast

This week I talk about only having enough space for 3 short podcasts per month and my failed podcasting strategy of recording random thoughts.   Guess what, I didn't use any of that crap. I used all new crap! There's other stuff too.  Like my retraction from IMR 004 about NEVER shopping in Hobby Lobby again because...how can I do that and still buy a t-shirt made with child labor? Deep thoughts.  Be sure to follow me on twitter @soopaang or email me at [email protected]

IMR 004: Always Keep Pants Buttoned in Public show art IMR 004: Always Keep Pants Buttoned in Public

angela's podcast

I'm back home which means I'm struggling to get into a new routine. While I figure that out I am also realizing how much of a terrible podcast promoter I am. Luckily, I have a keen ability to talk to myself on a 12 hour car ride.  Also, today's big news has been the Supreme Court's horrific Hobby Lobby ruling so I had to talk about how scary I think it is and also lament about losing my love, Hobby Lobby.  ...

IMR: 003 show art IMR: 003

angela's podcast

A little bit of a late release.  I wasn't sure my podcast was even launched yet but my feed has since been accepted at iTunes and Stitcher!  It may be nothing for someone else but I feel accomplished. 

IMR 002: Episode 2 show art IMR 002: Episode 2

angela's podcast

Kitten update and a new podcast theme song!

Episode 1 show art Episode 1

angela's podcast

First Episode.  Ang talks about goals and doing stuff.  She's still figuring it out. 

More Episodes

I'm back home which means I'm struggling to get into a new routine. While I figure that out I am also realizing how much of a terrible podcast promoter I am. Luckily, I have a keen ability to talk to myself on a 12 hour car ride.  Also, today's big news has been the Supreme Court's horrific Hobby Lobby ruling so I had to talk about how scary I think it is and also lament about losing my love, Hobby Lobby.  

To Hobby Lobby:

HL, I discovered you in junoir high when I tried to be cool by learning how to make hemp necklaces.  It didn't work but you were so cool trying to make me feel cool with your black light sensitive mushroom beads.  That was almost 20 years ago and I gotta say, age has hardened you. 

