Answer Me This!
Welcome back AMT for one special new episode! So much has changed since we retired nearly two years ago, but what remains is our desire to answer your questions. Today, questioneers wonder about what to say about working in a world-famous place, romantic bacon competitions, unromantic but important kebab competitions, Danielle Steel's sleeping habits, and looking at their own semen through a microscope. Find out more about this episode at We don't know whether/when we will pop up in your feed again, so stay subscribed! And follow us on...
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Mr Blobby made his debut on anarchic BBC show Noel’s House Party on 24th October, 1992. Oscar Bilby, of Tulsa, Oklahoma grilled a beef patty, and - for the first time in documented history - PUT IT IN A BUN - on 4th July, 1891. It is of such consequential and amusing events that Olly's daily podcast, 'Today in History with The Retrospectors' is comprised, and, in this compilation especially for Answer Me This! listeners, he introduces two of his favourite episodes. FOLLOW THE SHOW now to get a ten-minute episode each weekday in 2023! Just search for 'Today in History with the...
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Hello! There's a sleighful of fun festive episodes of Helen's podcast the Allusionist over at the and in the podplaces - episodes about Santa/Father Christmas/St Nick's many names, meaty greetings cards, what to do when kids' letters to Santa are delivered to you, and how to write a festive hit for a very Covid Christmas. But, right here in your AMT feed are a couple of Festivelusionist highlights: Winterval, about the term that unwillingly became a byword for the War On Christmas; and How The Dickens Stole Christmas, explaining why Christmas is so damn Dickensian. Also, we...
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Well this is it, listeners. After 14 years and 8 months and many thousands of questions, AMT400 is the last episode of the show. But we go out on some terrific inquiries, about pigeon navigation, saving Joni Mitchell's childhood home/destroying Shakespeare's final home, the inspiration for Sherlock Holmes, diamond skulls, and eating brunch dangling 150 feet up in the air. Huge thanks to all of you who sent in lovely messages - and songs! - with your AMT-related emotions and memories. We only included a tiny fraction of your affection in the episode, but know that we read/listened to...
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For our very last retro AMT, we returned to a favourite from December 2011: AMT200, where we enlisted our families to answer your questions. And, well, it's a novelty not to be embarrassed just by our own past selves this time. This episode originally appeared at . Episodes 1-200 are available at , where you can also get our six special albums. Tweet us Facebook Subscribe on Apple Podcasts Hear Helen Zaltzman's podcasts The Allusionist at and Veronica Mars Investigations at , Olly Mann's The Retrospectors, The Modern Mann and more at , and Martin Austwick's Song By Song at...
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In AMT399, we find out about tuning church bells, cheetahs being given pet dogs, Olly getting lost in SeaWorld, how pickled onions inspired soft play, and which ways you might be most likely to be killed by a ball pit. We also have a Big Announcement ahead of episode 400. Find out more about this episode at . For more AMT stuff, head over to, where you can get our six special albums, AMT episodes 1-200, and our Best Of compilations. Send us your questions for episode 400, as well as your precious AMT memories - whether our answers to your questions helped or hurt your...
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We're settling a lot of couples' disputes in AMT398. Potato in tacos: Y/N? Did all animation used to be worse, or specifically just in Disney's straight to video sequels? And who's from the biggest village? Find out more about this episode at . For more AMT stuff, head over to, where you can get our six special albums, AMT episodes 1-200, and our Best Of compilations. Send us your questions for future episodes: email written words or voice recordings to . Tweet us @, and follow us on Facebook . Hear our other work: Olly Mann has a new podcast, the Retrospectors,...
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In AMT397, questioneers want to know when meerkats got so popular, why you'd wear an albatross around your neck, what you do when your friends think you're a pennypincher, and whether Mary Shelley had sex on her mother's grave. Find out more about this episode at . For more AMT stuff, head over to, where you can get our six special albums, AMT episodes 1-200, and our Best Of compilations. Send us your questions for future episodes: email written words or voice recordings to . Tweet us @, and follow us on Facebook . Hear our other work: Olly Mann has a new podcast, the...
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In AMT396, questioneers are concerned about crabs eating their babies, The Addams Family, and whether their voodoo doll of their office nemesis worked out a little too well. Find out more about this episode at . For more AMT stuff, head over to , where you can get our six special albums, AMT episodes 1-200, and our Best Of compilations. Send us your questions for future episodes: email written words or voice recordings to [email protected]. Tweet us Facebook Hear our other work: Helen Zaltzman's podcasts The Allusionist at and Veronica Mars Investigations at ;...
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Put your arm out, palms up, now touch your biceps, cradle the back of your head, hand on hip, other hand on other hip, pat each buttock and JUMP because in AMT395 we're learning about the Macarena dance! As well as Rita Ora's hats, wearing sports merch for a team you don't support, and winning a car at the airport. Find out more about this episode at . For more AMT stuff, head over to , where you can get our six special albums, AMT episodes 1-200, and our Best Of compilations. Send us your questions for future episodes: email written words or voice recordings to...
info_outlineWell this is it, listeners. After 14 years and 8 months and many thousands of questions, AMT400 is the last episode of the show. But we go out on some terrific inquiries, about pigeon navigation, saving Joni Mitchell's childhood home/destroying Shakespeare's final home, the inspiration for Sherlock Holmes, diamond skulls, and eating brunch dangling 150 feet up in the air.
Huge thanks to all of you who sent in lovely messages - and songs! - with your AMT-related emotions and memories. We only included a tiny fraction of your affection in the episode, but know that we read/listened to everything. And maybe wept over it a bit too.
Find more about this episode, including a mega bonus episode of all the extra answers we didn't have room for, at
Keep in touch! Here's how to find the three of us:
Olly Mann is @ollymann on Twitter. His podcasts include The Retrospectors and The Modern Mann, and you can find all of his shows at
Helen Zaltzman is @helenzaltzman on Twitter and Instagram. Her podcasts include The Allusionist and Veronica Mars Investigations.
Martin The Sound Man Austwick is @martinaustwick on Twitter and Instagram. His podcasts include Song By Song, Neutrino Watch and Maddie's Sound Explorers - and you can hear his songs via
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• Manscaped, a full range of grooming products for your furry parts. Get 20% off plus free shipping with the code ANSWER at
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Stay subscribed to this feed, cos you never know what the future holds. Until the unknown future happens: bye!!!