Anthoney Q Podcast
Shelly's journey from RN to Functional NP, discovering the passion and dedication behind personalized patient care in the world of functional medicine. Functional Medicine Nurse Practitioner Shelly discusses the differences between functional, integrated, holistic, and naturopathic medicine. Explore the nuances of optimal health versus average blood panels and gain insights into holistic approaches that address root causes. Sorry for the technical difficulties on my camera, this does not affect the quality of the content! Introduction Transitional Care: Helping those in need Health,...
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Quarantine episode. Lindsey is a guess on the Anthoney Q podcast. They talk about things to do during the "stay home" times and what you can do to make things better for yourself to be healthy. We all have days where we my get over stressed and sometimes that will affect your outlook on life. Well, Lindsey had to show Anthoney his thinking was at fault.
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Doug Framke and Anthoney have been friends for a while, and they have decided to put together a Running Plan for free. This Plan will be released soon! listen to this podcast to get a brief understanding of who Doug is.
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Alot of people have issues with their knees and hips and think it will help to foam roll the IT Band. This is far from the best way to fix the Iliotibial Band. Anthoney discusses things you can do from exersices, stretchs and manual manipulation to help with IT band issues. Runners are the people who have spoken out about rolling out the IT band for recovery. There are many issues, with rolling out a ligament like increasing inflamation, short term relief, and not adressing the root cause.
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In this episode Anthoney discusses what he observes at commercial gyms, more specifically, how personal trainers are treating their clients. The good and the bad of commercial gym coaches and what they should be doing. Next Anthoney addresses a question that someone recently asked him about barefoot walking and how long should it take to get there. Last on the list of this shorter solo episode, He talks about the Keto diet and who its for.
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As some of y'all know, Lindsey (@ontherunfit) and Anthoney had a podcast call Run Eat And Lift, and she has been coaching runners for about 3 years now. Well, like anything in life, if you try something and don't like it, then don't do it! Lindsey and Anthoney share that same feeling. Anthoney thrives in front of a camera and talking to people, where Lindsey get amazing engagement on Instagram within the running community. In this episode, you get to hear what she has planned in the future! future!
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In this episode, Anthoney recorded this podcast in an RV (sorry for audio quality) and discusses some important factors that can help people squat better. Using your body to figure out what you need can allow you to see what to focus on during leg day. The body needs to be fully connected and Anthoney will shed some light on how to make that happen.
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It is January of 2020, so yes I know people are setting goals and starting their path to improve their health, but at what cost? I break down the difference in weight loss vs fat loss and how one is better than the other. I also discuss when you should do cardio or strength depending on your goals. Everyone has different goals so you should not treat yourself as someone with different end goals. I also talk about some of the "newest" fad trends, Fasting.
info_outlineAnthoney Q Podcast
It is January of 2020, so yes I know people are setting goals and starting their path to improve their health, but at what cost? I break down the difference in weight loss vs fat loss and how one is better than the other. I also discuss when you should do cardio or strength depending on your goals. Everyone has different goals so you should not treat yourself as someone with different end goals. I also talk about some of the "newest" fad trends, Fasting.
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On this episode, Louis Dutch and Anthoney reconnect and create this podcast around typical conversation of health and fitness along with touching on politics, optimal diets, and working with clients. The interesting thing to think about is how the United Kingdom and an United States are similar and different, but everyone can learn from other. The recurring theme is trying to maintain a positive vibe and staying open mind.
info_outlineToday Austin Gamble is on the podcast and him and Anthoney discuss a range of topics from track and field, biomechanics, and the psychology of a student athlete. There are many things people try to do to become fit or reach some goal, but most people lack the internal drive to achieve a state of proper health. Most people want to reach a goal for external reasons and this is a huge factor for competing in a sport at a high level.
0:35 Austin is on is first year at being a throws coach for Track & Field at Texas State University.
3:02 Breaking down how throwing a javelin has more intricies than most people don’t think about.
5:54 Austin was a middle linebacker at Duke University and specialized in the discus 2009-2014.
7:23 Anthoney was in High School band to refine his techniques in percussion to further is drumming days with his band.
10:42 Hyperlearning and how people learn different tasks and hobbies.
15:28 Fishing and the techniques and methods from fly fishing to kite fishing, and why we would not go noodling.
21:29 The summer is wrapping up for coaching, but being a coach does not end there. Austin will spend the rest of the summer recruiting.
24:30 Anthoney volunteered at Texas State for the Shot Put and gained a new respect for the sport. There many biomechanics and technical aspects that Austin breaks down.
33:00 Talking about a sport vs doing a sport is completely different for each person.
38:25 Changing muscle mass on the body will affect how a person moves and relearning how to move with a new body.
40:00 Strength training and becoming more resilient in sports and daily life.
43:42 Breaking down Heart Rate Variability and the central nervous system.
50:50 Austin’s father works for the NFL as a Strength and Conditioning coach and Austin has learned a lot from him.
53:16 Austin wants to go back to a Phd in sports psychology to work with a college team.
56:04 Austin was training in Arizona to compete in the Olympic trials for 2020 in the discus event.
1:11:19 Seeing how people fit into their competitive sport and how that relates to people's lifestyle.
1:18:02 How coaching and playing a sport changes the perception of the athletes pre conceived notion of how well a coach could do their job.
1:26:00 Internal motivation vs external rewards to reach your goals.
1:28:57 Being a scientist at heart and playing around with diet and nutrition.
1:35:30 How Anthoney assess his clients online and in-person for their unique goals.
1:41:40 Discussing the BMI and its validity.
1:51:45 Football talk and Austin talking about his dad being an NFL coach and hanging out with NFL players like Dan Marino and other from the Miami Dolphins. Your prospective changes with what you are used to.
2:01:11 Your passion for politics and talking about controversial topics.