Anxiety Connection
For 4 years we’ve come together at our Anxiety Connection to talk about what causes our anxiety, how anxiety affects our lives, and what we can do to feel better. We’ve explored practical things we can do to ease our fears. We’ve shared our common experience of dealing with our negative thoughts. And we’ve united in community of caring and support. While this episode will be the last for a while, I’m hoping we can keep in touch. SHOW NOTES: Links from the episode: BLOG: EMAIL: Highlighted episodes: Getting through tough times: “An Unexpected Miracle” () and “Choose...
info_outlineAnxiety Connection
Have you ever considered going to therapy but hesitated because you didn’t know what to expect? Join us as Lucille Fisher and I explore what it’s really like to go to therapy. We discuss why it’s important to find the right therapist and what you can expect from the therapeutic process – the challenges, the changes, and the potential life-changing benefits. SHOW NOTES My Friend Lucille Fisher is a wife, mother, grandmother, and business owner. Her company, Sage and Savvy Marketing, specializes in helping businesses and non-profits grow through savvy social media marketing and...
info_outlineAnxiety Connection
Do you feel like you’ve taken the wrong road in life? You’ve ended up lost, afraid, and you have no clue what to do next? Join us as we explore the step-by-step process of creating a life plan that’s specifically tailored to who you really are, where you really want to go with your life, and the best way for you to get there. LINKS AND RESOURCES FROM EPISODE 63: DOWNLOAD: Includes 12 key questions so you can look for anxiety patterns or specific triggers. MORE RESOURCES FROM WENDY: PODCAST: Anxiety Connection, hosted by Wendy Leeds QUIZ: Find Out the Cost of Your...
info_outlineAnxiety Connection
Maybe you feel like your anxiety has you trapped and there’s nothing you can do about it. Or maybe you’d like to make a change, but fear is holding you back. In this episode, we discuss how a simple shift of focus can get you past that fear and get you started on the road to feeling better. LINKS AND RESOURCES FROM EPISODE 62: Taking action means listening to your body and mind. READ: Calm & Sense: A Woman's Guide to Living Anxiety-Free by Wendy Leeds . All of Part 3 (Chapters 11-25) is devoted to the concept of Reframing Your Anxiety. DOWNLOAD: Techniques to Ease Anxiety.pdf ...
info_outlineAnxiety Connection
Anxiety shows up differently for all of us. Your anxiety is uniquely yours. Identifying the specific pieces of your anxiety puzzle is an important step in the healing process. Together, let’s take a look at exactly how anxiety is affecting your thoughts, your beliefs, your body, and the steep price you may be paying for all the time spent worrying. LINKS AND RESOURCES FROM EPISODE 61: DOWNLOAD: Anxiety Symptoms Physical Emotional Cognitive.pdf DOWNLOAD: Checklist of Anxiety Symptoms Mind vs Body.pdf READ: To learn more about Gephrophobia (a fear of crossing bridges) in this...
info_outlineAnxiety Connection
If it feels like anxiety is keeping you a prisoner in your own life, please join me as we explore the internal causes of that anxiety, how those fears may be keeping you trapped in a prison of your thoughts and fears, how those fears affect your life, and the key to finally setting yourself free. LINKS AND RESOURCES FROM EPISODE 60: DOWNLOAD: LISTEN: Feeling Anxious? Trust Yourself (Episode 17 of Anxiety Connection) MORE RESOURCES FROM WENDY: BOOK: Calm & Sense: A Woman's Guide to Living Anxiety-Free QUIZ: Find Out the Cost of Your Anxiety ...
info_outlineAnxiety Connection
In the U.S., women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety, and the reasons might surprise you. While there are all sorts of things that can make us anxious, some of those things are specific to women. In this episode we explore those causes, and I also share one of the best techniques I know to calm anxiety instantly. LINKS AND RESOURCES FROM EPISODE 59: DOWNLOAD: What Is Making You Anxious.pdf LISTEN: Feeling Anxious? Trust Yourself (Episode 17 of Anxiety Connection) LISTEN: How to Get Unstuck (Episode 6 of Anxiety Connection) FOR REFERENCE: The 6 different categories...
info_outlineAnxiety Connection
While we all share important similarities, we’re also uniquely different. And it’s the same with our brains. Just the way no two of us are alike, no two brains are alike as well. Understanding these similarities and differences can offer us a new way to look at our relationship with ourselves, the people around us, and can deepen our understanding of how we respond to our anxiety. MORE RESOURCES: READ: If you are interested in reading more about the differences in our brains, I highly recommend this book The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine MD LISTEN: "What Fuels...
info_outlineAnxiety Connection
The holidays can be a tough time of year for those of us with anxiety. But there’s a way we can remove some of the stress and worry. Simply by changing the way we think about the holidays, we can lower our stress level and help us keep our calm through the holiday season. The 6 Gifts: Filling Your Cup First So You Can Give to Others 1. The gift of lower expectations 2. The gift of saying no 3. The gift of healthy habits 4. The gift of positive self-talk 5. The gift of honoring your needs 6. The gift of GIVING TO OTHERS LINKS FROM THE EPISODE: Calm &...
info_outlineAnxiety Connection
Let’s get straight to the root of our anxiety. Understanding how our brains work, and how our brains are different, is a critical first step of addressing our fears to better manage our anxiety. In the second episode of this 10-part mini-series, we take a clear look at the science of how fear shows up in our brain. MORE RESOURCES: LISTEN: Worry vs. Anxiety (Episode 2 of Anxiety Connection) LISTEN: Reframing Anxiety (Episode 19 of Anxiety Connection) READ: Five "Big Deal" Misconceptions About Anxiety by Wendy Leeds BOOK: Calm & Sense: A Woman's Guide to Living Anxiety-Free...
info_outlineDid you know what you eat may play a role in your anxiety? We all know that what we eat can have a real impact on our physical health, but recent research suggests what we eat can have a real impact on our mental health as well.
Please join me as I share my three simple rules for what and how to eat to promote good health and to ease your anxiety.
I have three chapters on this topic in my book, Calm & Sense: A Woman's Guide to Living Anxiety-Free. I cover which foods are best for easing anxiety – and which foods to avoid:
- Chapter 44: Nourish Yourself.
- Chapter 45: Eat and Drink This,
- and Chapter 46: Don’t Eat and Drink This.
More info and purchase links here.
Since I’ll be taking a break until September, I invite you to SUBSCRIBE to be notified when new episodes publish.
Here are the articles I mentioned if you’d like to do a deeper dive:
- “In her article in the MIT News, Judith Wurtman writes….”
February 25, 2004. Carbs essential for effective dieting, good mood, Wurtman says. MIT News
- “On the other hand, the “bad” or simple carbs….”
Leal, Darla. May 21, 2021. All You Need to Know About Carbohydrates: Simple, Complex, Fiber, and What to Chose.” Verywell life
- “When we eat something sugary….”
Peterson, Tanya, J. January 6, 2020. Sugar and Anxiety: How Sugar Can Make Your Anxiety Symptoms Worse.
- “According to Sara Lindberg, writing for….”
Lindberg, Sara, BS, ME.d. June 23, 2020. Your Anxiety Loves Sugar. Eat These 3 Things Instead.
- “A report in the November 2021 issue of the Sapien Journal…”
November 28, 2021. People who eat meat experience lower levels of depression and anxiety compared to vegans.
- "In her new book, The Anatomy of Anxiety, Vora, Ellen, MD. writes….
Vora, Ellen, MD. (2022) The Anatomy of Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming the Body’s Fear Response Harper Collins, New York. (pg 101)
- “And if you’re interested in eating to ease anxiety….”
Mazzulllo, Natalie April 12, 2022 What spices and foods can help with anxiety and stress. Nevada
- “According to an article in Web MD…”
Dallas, Mary Elizabeth. June 23, 2015. Food Eating Order May Affect Type 2 Blood Sugar. WebMD
- “Emotionally it can cause feelings of regret, shame and failure….”
Abraham, Micah. March 1, 2021. What Causes Anxiety After Eating?
QUIZ: Find Out the Cost of Your Anxiety
DOWNLOAD: Four Techniques to "Panic-Proof" Your Life
MINI-COURSE: Why You're Anxious & What to Do About It
Click here or use the coupon code “SUBSCRIBER” to get 40% off the mini course. And if the cost is a burden to you in any way, just ask – I’ll grant you lifetime access for free. No catch. I just want to be helpful to anyone who’s struggling right now.
© 2022 Wendy Leeds