Breaking Bread Podcast
A lot goes into a thriving marriage. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Kaleb Beyer uses the research of Dr. John Gottman to place his finger on the components of a marriage that not only lasts, but flourishes.
info_outline What Do We Crave? - Understanding Supernormal StimuliBreaking Bread Podcast
What is normal? In a world of air brushing and curated content, it can be illusive. Yet, having a good compass toward knowing normal goes a long way toward good mental health. Studies have shown that supernormal stimuli can have a damaging effect on our brains. In this episode of Breaking Bread, addiction specialist, Jacob Feucht, teaches us what supernormal stimuli are, how to spot them and unwind their influence. Show Notes: Definition: Supernormal Stimulus – Exaggerated characteristics in normal stimuli. ...
info_outline BullyingBreaking Bread Podcast
Bullying is as old as the hills. Yet it has gained more thoughtful attention in recent days. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Craig Stickling, a middle school counselor, provides much needed insights into this broken relational posturing between people.
info_outline Four Negative Behaviors that Spell Trouble for MarriagesBreaking Bread Podcast
Conflict does not spell doom in the marriage relationship. However, how we do conflict might. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Kaleb Beyer shares four behaviors that need to be avoided when “working things out” with your spouse. Kaleb explains what they are and how they can be avoided. Show notes: Four negative behaviors that spell trouble for marriages and how they can be avoided. Criticism Criticism often starts with “You.” “You always...” or “You never...” These statements are personal, labeling and strike at the identity...
info_outline Mindfulness & MeditationBreaking Bread Podcast
Both the secular and the religious tout mindfulness and meditation. It’s no wonder, because they promise a great deal of health to the one who practices them. Does mindfulness and mediation, however, look the same across the secular and religious worldviews? To answer this question, Kaleb Beyer and Isaac Funk speak to both the therapeutic and Christian uses of these practices. Show Notes: Mindfulness – attentive to the present moment. Meditation – focused attention. Therapeutically these practices help a person have cognitive flexibility....
info_outline SadnessBreaking Bread Podcast
Sadness is a universal emotion that touches every life. Life's challenges often bring moments of deep sorrow. As Christians, how can we navigate these feelings while staying anchored in God's promises? Whether you're in the midst of sadness or supporting a loved one through their struggles, this episode offers encouragement as you seek to find God's light in the midst of dark days. Sadness is an uncomfortable emotion that alerts us of a loss. Sadness is an important emotion that prompts us to grieve. Grief is the process we walk through to make peace with our...
info_outline Spiritual Growth MindsetBreaking Bread Podcast
Children love to grow. They know it is slow. They know it is for the better. Adults sometimes lose the growth mindset that children have. We forget that growth is for us too. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Isaac Funk and Arlan Miller reinvigorate the growth mindset for the spiritual life. Spiritual Growth – Becoming more like Jesus. Growth Mindset – Understanding our responsibility and capability to improve. Spiritual Growth Mindset – Understanding our responsibility and capability to improve into more Christlikeness.
info_outline Bridling the Tongue: The Sin of GossipBreaking Bread Podcast
Words said, cannot be unsaid. They remain. When these words come from a place of goodness, this has beautiful consequences. However, when they come from a place of malintent, they can have devastating consequences. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Craig and Jacki Stickling take up the topic of gossip and give us timely warning and instruction. Show notes: Bridling the tongue is a learned skill. It is a matter of deep transformation in our hearts. The mature believer learns how to THINK before they speak: T – speaking Truth. H – using words that are...
info_outline Honoring GraceBreaking Bread Podcast
The truth was too shameful, and the feelings were too painful. So, Mark and Marti locked up their teenage secret in a box never to be opened. But as Christ so lovingly does, he has been gently opening the box and letting his light in. The effect has been beauty and healing in the most unlikely place. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Mark and Marti Teubel share their post-abortion story. Show notes: Post-abortive care includes caring for the living victims of abortion – Mom and Dad. Many moms and dads carry the wounds of loss, regret and shame for decades...
info_outline Looking up to ChildrenBreaking Bread Podcast
When Jesus stooped to embrace the children, it was quite shocking to his disciples. That Jesus would give his precious time to this subgroup was quite remarkable. And then he said the unthinkable... “you must become as these.” By this statement, Jesus was saying that we should not only stop and acknowledge the children, but moreover, look up to them! Esteem them as God image-bearers that have a lot to teach us adults. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Amy Mammadov and Brian Sutter teach us what these little ones can teach us. Show notes: Children have a lot to...
info_outlineThe question before every human being is not if they have pain, but rather, what they do with the pain that they have. Some people make peace with their pain. Unfortunately, many do not. In this Breaking Bread two-part series, Brian Sutter and Kaleb Beyer help us understand what making peace with pain means, why it is important and how to do it.
Show notes:
What does making peace with pain mean?
Answer: Making peace with pain happens when we change our relationship with pain. Instead of orbiting the pain, we are freed from the unhealthy attachment we have with it. While pain may remain, we are able to live with it as a part of our story but it does not govern our identity. Pain has its proper effect on our lives - not too much, yet not ignored.
Why is making peace with pain important?
Answer: Pain unattended has a tendency to generate unhealthy attachments in our lives. We orbit closely to the pain. Some will try to soothe the pain by unhealthy means. Others will over identify with the pain. Still others will expend tremendous energies to change circumstances to make the pain go away. As a result, we become less responsive to our present lives because pain management requires so much attention. We don’t live well now.
How do we know if there is pain in our lives for which peace needs to be made?
Answer: If we have a past relationship with our pain and not a present relationship we may need to make peace with pain. This can be seen in our response to present circumstances. For example, if we react to present circumstances inappropriately, our past pain may be speaking.
How do we make peace with pain?
Answer: We make peace with pain by first understanding that God is present with us in our pain. We are not alone. Alowing yourself to sit with God in your pain is a healthy exercise. Next, acceptance will need to be practiced. Acceptance is letting go of circumstances that are not and will not be. It includes a trust that God loves you, is good and sees a wider expanse. For some pain, forgiveness will need to be extended to the offending parties.