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Architect Tip: What is Technical Debt? show art Architect Tip: What is Technical Debt?

Architect Tips

Architect Tip: What is Technical Debt?   Welcome to Architect Tips presented by Clear Measure, a software architecture company. Empowering .NET development teams to be self-sufficient, able to move fast, deliver quality, and run their software systems with confidence. Make sure to subscribe on YouTube or your video podcast feed. If you have a question for the show, send them to [email protected] and the next tip could be yours! What is Technical Debt? Now we all want to move fast and deliver consistent quality and run our software in production with confidence knowing that...

Architect Tip: How Often to Deploy to Production show art Architect Tip: How Often to Deploy to Production

Architect Tips

How often should you be deploying your software to production? Welcome to architect tips. I am Jeffrey Palermo. Today we are going to talk about how often to deploy to production. If you have a question for architect tips, send it to [email protected] From those submitted, we’ll pick a question and, if I can put it into a short five-minute bite-sized chunk, I’ll do it. Otherwise, I will just send you an email and I will answer it for you. How often should you deploy to production?

Architect Tip: Testing Polymorphic EFCore Mapping show art Architect Tip: Testing Polymorphic EFCore Mapping

Architect Tips

Welcome to Architect Tips presented by Clear Measure, a software architecture company. Empowering .NET development teams to be self-sufficient, able to move fast, deliver quality, and run their software systems with confidence. Make sure to subscribe on YouTube or your video podcast feed. If you have a question for the show, send them to [email protected] and the next tip could be yours.   Howdy! Welcome to Architect Tips. Today I want to talk about strategies for writing and maintaining automated tests for object-relational mapping whenever you have a hierarchy that you...

Private Build Structure show art Private Build Structure

Architect Tips

Welcome to Architect Tips, presented by Clear Measure, a software architecture company. Empowering .NET development teams to be self-sufficient, able to move fast, deliver quality, and run their software systems with confidence. Make sure to subscribe on YouTube or your video podcast feed. If you have a question for the show, send them to [email protected] and the next tip could be yours.   Hello and welcome to Architect Tips. Today, I want to talk about the essentials of a private build and a lot of people are trying to do continuous integration but they only have a...

Architect Tip: Developer vs Architect show art Architect Tip: Developer vs Architect

Architect Tips

Welcome to Architect Tips presented by Clear Measure, a software architecture company. Empowering .NET development teams to be self-sufficient, able to move fast, deliver quality and run their software systems with confidence. Make sure to subscribe on YouTube or your video podcast feed. If you have a question for the show, send them to [email protected] and the next tip could be yours.What's the difference between an architect and a developer? Let's talk about that. Now, as a developer, when you're joining a team, you're shown the ropes. You have a new workstation and you're...

Architect Tip: Application Architecture Diagrams show art Architect Tip: Application Architecture Diagrams

Architect Tips

Welcome to architect tips. I am Jeffrey Palermo. And I am going to show you today how to use architecture diagrams in a really, really easy way. Now as we go through, there is a lot of resources, a lot of, interesting topics on the Azure DevOps podcast. You will want to make sure to check out that as a resource to you and on this show architect tips, I will answer your architect questions. All you have to do is tweet me @jeffreypalermo and I'll pick a question and, if I can put it into a short five-minute bite-sized chunk, I'm just going to make one of these out of it. Otherwise, I will just...

Architect Tip: Versionable Architect Diagrams show art Architect Tip: Versionable Architect Diagrams

Architect Tips

In this architect tip, we’re going to be talking about Versionable Architecture Diagrams! As always here at Clear Measure, we are a software architecture company, and our goal for you is to be able to move fast, deliver quality, and run your systems with confidence! Having architecture diagrams that work for you as part of that. Now we want to have beautiful diagrams just like this one, but doing them in Visio, it just is hard. So, let's get into it. The first thing that we need to do in order to get started with these types of diagrams in this method in a versionable fashion is to install a...

Architect Tip: Blazor Circuit Tracking show art Architect Tip: Blazor Circuit Tracking

Architect Tips

Welcome to another architect tip. I am Jeffrey Palermo, your host, and we are going to be talking a little bit about a tip specific to the new Blazor framework for .NET Core. We talked to Steve Sanderson, the original inventor of the first version of Blazor on the Azure DevOps podcast recently, so you might be interested in checking that out. What we are going to do here is talk about how to track your circuits and how to know how many people are using your application and your distribution. This one is going to be specific to a tip specific to the server side because your client running in...

Architect Tip: Blazor show art Architect Tip: Blazor

Architect Tips

Welcome to Architect Tips with a tip so that you can get your team to move faster, deliver quality, and run your system with confidence! We will talk about the architecture of Blazor and some of the key differences if you are running a Blazor application. Before we do that, you might wanna check out Azure DevOps Podcast; for .NET developers who are shipping software with Microsoft platform technologies; go to . Blazor is a different architecture; it is a new architecture. Blazor runs on top of .NET Core, and the server-side has been out for several months now. WebAssembly just came out in...

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Welcome to Architect Tips, presented by Clear Measure, a software architecture company. Empowering .NET development teams to be self-sufficient, able to move fast, deliver quality, and run their software systems with confidence. Make sure to subscribe on YouTube or your video podcast feed. If you have a question for the show, send them to [email protected] and the next tip could be yours.


Hello and welcome to Architect Tips. Today, I want to talk about the essentials of a private build and a lot of people are trying to do continuous integration but they only have a manually, triggered or an automatically triggered compile process which is only one of the steps of continuous integration. Continuous integration has three steps. Actually, the first is the private build. We do it locally. The second, the commit phase,

has the integration build where you run on a build server and that's the bill for your team. In the third step is the first deployment and fully deploy test suites. And so, the continuous integration has those main three stages and a lot of the tooling makes it easy to have an automatically triggered compilation process but a lot of people leave it there. So I want to talk about the first step which is not even on the build server yet, but it is just something you have for the application itself. Whether it's a visual studio solution representing a big application, or whether it's a solution representing a small microservice that’s just a stand-alone Azure function or just an individual job of some sort. And so let's go through this and this is a build script that you can actually follow the structure. If you're familiar with my book, .NET DevOps for Azure, you can find the build script in the download tools in the download files there but I'm just going to go all the way to the bottom. 

This is just straight power shell. At the bottom, we have a function called CI build, and then right above it, we have private build. And so if we look at what it's doing the private build, we have some chocolatey packages that this application needs. And so we use the build script to install those directly so that somebody can just clone the git repository and immediately run the build as opposed to get the Clone the git repository, then install this, then install that. Then configure this, then configure that and you know, we want the experience of, you know, the big things like you have to have the right visual studio version installed on the computer, clone the git repository, run the private build. So we're installing the chocolaty packages then in it essentially does clean compilation. That's running .NET, .EXE, or msbuild then we're going to do some environment set up in this application. And a lot of times, we have a SQL Server database or database of some sort. So we need to create a shell of a database locally and then after that, which is after unit tests to run, then we run the integration test that typically do a lot of data access as well as other things. So, that's the structure of it. And then I'm going to go back up to the top and kind of walk through each one of these individually. 

So, up at the top again, this is just straight Powershell and all of the uniqueness. You could literally copy this power shell file. And there are so many, go back to 2005. I think almost every application and client that I have worked with has taken this structure, this layout, this template of a build script and used it in their applications. Now, of course, in 2005, it was not running with cruise control .NET. But essentially the same you need a script file that does the stuff, you pull all the unique stuff up into properties at the top. And so you see the project name, my project and later on, you'll see that we can just use that name and then put a .SLN on the back of it. Now we have our Visual Studio

Solution file. We have a source directory where the unit tests are, where the integration tests are, where the acceptance tests are. Most applications have some sort of user interface project and whatever, whatever you need the database path, where you want your build artifacts to be, where you want the test artifacts to be the path to your database, migration tool whether using roundhouse, alias SQL, and and even pulling a version number directly from a build server. You see, we're having some data parameters pulled in Via environment variables but if the variables aren't there, meaning it's running locally, we just default it to something, but if it's running on the team's build server, then it's pulling in variables through the environment. So we see in it, all that's doing is getting rid of artifacts from previous build runs. You see? We do a .NET clean, we do a .NET restore. That's essentially cleaning everything out. Then the compilation Project. Now, this script has you really want to copy this script and use it because over the years, all the command line switches for .NET .EXE are absolutely tuned and running in unit and I know the getting started samples online. They don't have that level of detail, but if you want, if you want a very tuned build with all of the command-line switches that you want to use, then just get this build script and copy it. So that's our

compilation process then we need to run our unit tests. We don't need to do any other environment setup like setting up a database because unit tests don't require database. They only call code that stays in process. So we call .NET .EXE, then test. And again these are command-line switches is the way you want to call it and then after that in the order. I know in order we have integration tests but actually the order of running, we're going to do a migrate database local which is calling our database, migration tool and is going to create the database schema from the folder where the scripts are in after that, then we're going to call integration tests which is going to call the other test library with in-unit and it could just as well be X unit and .NET .EXE Test, acceptance test is not used for a private build. It's used in the integration build for the fully deployed version so on the private we'll just skip that and then essentially we're done. But we have some other power shell functions in here. Because we want to use this exact same build script in our integration build process on the build server whether using your own build server or as Azure pipelines and so we have pack UI and pack admin. Those are two top-level processes that need to be deployed and then pack DB and we pack it in nuget packages. Octopack Octo .EXE is actually an open-source project from Octopus Deploy that is the best at packaging where Deployable applications into properly Formatted NuGet files and whether you using octopus deploy or not, this tool is indispensable. So that's the structure of, that's the structure of a private build script and you can see how when we come back to calling private build and it just runs it. So I hope this helps. Get this template, use it. But even if you don't use this format, make sure that you have an independent script at the top at the root of your git Repository that can set up the local environment and build and run all of the tests and validations that you have for that particular application. Whatever format you use, make sure that you have that asset for your development team. So that you can move fast, and increase and sustain quality and ultimately run your software systems with confidence. Thanks, and if you have a question that you'd like on Architect Tips, Just send me an email at [email protected]


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