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#175 Mind the Gap

Artists for Joy

Release Date: 05/10/2024

#178: Joy for the Long Haul show art #178: Joy for the Long Haul

Artists for Joy

This week, Merideth chats with two fellow writers, Sarah E. Westfall and Jenai Auman. They explore ways to foster joy for the long haul as they discuss their experiences writing and publishing their first traditionally published books together. (They come out within weeks of each other!) Merideth, Sarah, and Jenai emphasize the importance of community, celebrating milestones, and managing vulnerability, and offer encouragement for finding joy in the creative process itself and staying true to oneself despite challenges. Merideth's book: Jenai's book: Sarah's book:

#177: Your Creative Devotion Routine show art #177: Your Creative Devotion Routine

Artists for Joy

This week, Merideth reads an excerpt from Chapter 3, "Ode to Creative Devotion," from her forthcoming book, The Artist's Joy. THE most important tool for creative joy (after taking care of yourself) is the creative devotion routine. Are you in a practice rut? Too busy to create in this season of life? Do you have a time management challenge? Maybe you’re good at getting things done, but you feel like you’re going through the motions—joyless and blocked? Let's craft a sustainable creative practice that sparks joy with creative devotion. Download your printable workbook for The...

#176: The Themes That Return with special guest, Rebe Huntman show art #176: The Themes That Return with special guest, Rebe Huntman

Artists for Joy

In today’s episode, I give you a sneak peek into the overarching structure of my new book, The Artist’s Joy, and share a bit about the meaning behind its central metaphor. I also chat with Rebe Huntman, author and multi-passionate artist, who shares her Artist’s Oath.    Links:   Rebe quoted the following artists in her Artist’s Oath: Elizabeth Gilbert, Emily Dickinson, Rumi, Buckminster Fuller, Maira Kalman, Ocean Vuong, & Rachel Held Evans.

#175 Mind the Gap show art #175 Mind the Gap

Artists for Joy

Today’s episode encourages us all to “mind the gap” between our dreams and reality, between the current state of a creative project and where we long for it to be. Listen for encouragement to keep going despite all the gap's perils!   

#174: There's another way show art #174: There's another way

Artists for Joy

Season 5 Premiere!   What if inside every creative block is an invitation?   Today on the show: a story about what a chance traffic encounter taught me about responding to block.   Links:

Creating in the Wilderness with Sarah Bessey show art Creating in the Wilderness with Sarah Bessey

Artists for Joy

SEASON 4 Finale!  This openhearted, vulnerable conversation with author and knitter Sarah Bessey is the perfect way to tie a bow on Season 4 of Artists for Joy.  In this interview, Merideth and Sarah discuss:  The spiritual nature of creative practice The important difference between self-care and self-comfort Processing the grief of losing friend and fellow author Rachel Held Evans What Sarah does when she's creatively blocked  Merideth shares some of what she'll be doing during the upcoming podcast hiatus and how you can stay updated on what's new with Artists for Joy,...

Walking the Creative Path with Emily P. Freeman show art Walking the Creative Path with Emily P. Freeman

Artists for Joy

Emily P. Freeman is a writer and spiritual space-maker. She is the author of six books, including the Wall Street Journal Bestseller "The Next Right Thing: A Simple Soulful Practice for Making Life Decisions" and "How to Walk into a Room: The Art of Knowing When to Stay and When to Walk Away." In this episode, Emily joins host Merideth Hite Estevez to discuss discernment, creativity, and joy. They talk about how to make every aspect of life creative, how to overcome people-pleasing (the answer will surprise you!), and the most valuable creative inspiration Emily's received lately.  This...

Mini-Joys: Self-Coaching Exercise–Creative Reflection show art Mini-Joys: Self-Coaching Exercise–Creative Reflection

Artists for Joy

This week, Merideth offers a self-coaching exercise to help you create your path. 1. Name what’s on your mind before we begin: Is there a fork in the road you see coming around the bend? Is there a question you’ve been asking yourself about your creative practice or life that you want to explore with gentleness and grace?  Or take a cue from Emily P. Freeman, in her new book, "How to Walk Into a Room," and ask, "What are the primary rooms of my life right now?" Spend some time naming whatever comes up. 2. Choose one line of inquiry to explore in this creative reflection session. Write...

Creating Your Path show art Creating Your Path

Artists for Joy

What scripts are holding you back from creating your own unique path? What would you do if you weren’t so afraid? What parts of yourself have you been ignoring, squashing down, so you can fit in where you are? Are you ready to move forward but unsure of how or where to go?  This week's episode will meet you right where you are. Inspired by author Emily P. Freeman, Merideth reflects on what role creativity plays in our discernment process and ways we can shift our mindset to become empowered decision-makers and artists creating the most important thing we make: a life.    ...

Mini-Joys: Rewriting the Unhelpful Story show art Mini-Joys: Rewriting the Unhelpful Story

Artists for Joy

This week, a coaching exercise we're calling "Rewriting the Unhelpful Story." Take a few moments and fully realize the unhelpful story you’re telling yourself. Write it all down in the third person. What does the rejection mean to her? What is the main character in your story currently letting this rejection mean, or what is he/she/they afraid it means? Spend time writing it out in your journal or speak your thoughts out loud to a safe and helpful friend, therapist, or coach.  Zoom in again and focus on the main character of your story. Write about him/her/them for a second. What is...

More Episodes

Today’s episode encourages us all to “mind the gap” between our dreams and reality, between the current state of a creative project and where we long for it to be.

Listen for encouragement to keep going despite all the gap's perils! 

See the first Call for Art submission created by Elmer Perry

Join “The Artist’s Joy” Launch Team

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BBC article about Oswald Laurence