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Tim O’Reilly: WTF! [live]

The Art of Manufacturing

Release Date: 06/14/2018

James Webb Space Telescope: Krystal Puga and Scott Willoughby show art James Webb Space Telescope: Krystal Puga and Scott Willoughby

The Art of Manufacturing

$9 billion and a million miles away: we get a special behind-the-scenes tour of NASA’s most ambitious and risky project ever.

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The Art of Manufacturing

An underwater roboticist is determined to map the 70% of our globe covered in water. But exploring our oceans is much harder than you think.

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The Art of Manufacturing

Comedy isn’t always easy: one entrepreneur has learned some tough lessons manufacturing irreverent gifts that don’t meet everyone’s tastes.

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The Art of Manufacturing

Packaging should be your secret weapon, and this episode will show you how.

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The Art of Manufacturing

Meet the 3D printing company that might totally change how we manufacture, design, and even develop products.

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The Art of Manufacturing

Amazon is eating the world! A wellness entrepreneur shares her secrets to launching a consumer product in today’s complex retail environment in this rebroadcast episode.

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The Art of Manufacturing

Digitizing the factory isn’t always easy. A former counter-intelligence officer and former reality TV star, both manufacturing nerds, talk about how they hope to bring modern data tools, the Internet of Things, and Lean Manufacturing to every factory floor.

David Charlot: Charlot Biosciences show art David Charlot: Charlot Biosciences

The Art of Manufacturing

We meet a bioengineering startup with a groundbreaking new tool that might change the way we identify and treat disease.

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The Art of Manufacturing

A startup builds custom, on-demand 3D printed shoes and gives a glimpse of what innovation might look like in the future.

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The Art of Manufacturing

Roller derby inspires a body-positive athletic fashion brand that’s just hitting a tipping point. Though finding a factory that will take her business has gotten easier, the real challenges have just begun!

More Episodes

What’s the Future? The “Oracle of Silicon Valley” shares his contrarian thoughts about technology, capitalism, and preparing for the big shifts on the horizon.

This week we’re talking with futurist and author of the book “WTF: What’s the Future?” Tim O’Reilly. Although he’s not a manufacturer himself, his insightful perspectives are useful for anyone who wants to be prepared for a future driven by technology trends. You might not have heard Tim’s name before, but you probably know his work. He popularized terms like open source and Web 2.0. As an early evangelist for the maker movement, he and his firm O’Reilly Media started Make Magazine and Maker Faire. And he’s been an early champion of the Internet of Things. Going way back, he wrote about the world wide web before most of us ever heard about it, back in 1994.

I was curious, given Tim’s superpowers in identifying trends, where he thinks technology is going today and how it will impact the future of work and business. We talk about his thoughts on the role of capitalism and Silicon Valley. He also shares ideas from his book and many others (links below). I ask Tim how to predict the future, and he tells me that’s the wrong question. But, he gives us excellent tips for identifying trends and some really provocative ideas about our role as entrepreneurs in developing a just and abundant world for everyone. He’s a deep thinker, and it’s no surprise he’s been called The Oracle of Silicon Valley.

This conversation was recorded live at Cross Campus in Downtown LA, as part of the LiveTalks: Business series.

Books mentioned:

WTF: What’s the Future – Tim O’Reilly

Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu

Who Gets What and Why – Alvin Ross

Why Nations Fail – Daron Acemoglu & James Robinson

Murder in the Cathedral – TS Eliot



The future is here, just not evenly distributed” – William Gibson

Social Responsibility of a business is to Increase its Profits” – Milton Friedman


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Tim O’Reilly has a history of convening conversations that reshape the computer industry. If you’ve heard the term “open source software” or “web 2.0” or “the Maker movement” or “government as a platform” or “the WTF economy,” he’s had a hand in framing each of those big ideas. He is the founder, CEO, and Chairman of O’Reilly Media, and a partner at early stage venture firm O’Reilly AlphaTech Ventures (OATV). He is also on the boards of Maker Media (which was spun out from O’Reilly Media in 2012), Code for America, PeerJ, Civis Analytics, and PopVox. His book, WTF: What’s the Future and Why It’s Up to Us, was released by Harper Collins in October 2017.


For more information, check out the show notes at http://makeitinla.org/timoreilly.