Ascending Audiologists
This week I am breaking down your audience’s online experience and explaining why this experience is so important.
info_outline 09: What is a brand? An Audiologist's PerspectiveAscending Audiologists
Believe it or not, branding is something that you can’t see, it’s what your patients say about you when you’re not in the room.
info_outline 08: Education and Counseling as a Component of Aural Rehab with Dr. DustyAscending Audiologists
Set yourself apart from the rest by teaching your patients how to successfully communicate using strategies that will last a lifetime.
info_outline 07: Visual Brand: Why Our Profession Needs OneAscending Audiologists
On this episode of the Ascending Audiologists podcast, insights regarding the topic of visual branding and why the audiology profession needs it is discussed. You have likely noticed a shift in recent years from traditional to online advertising, but you may have assumed that your main clients are continuing to consume traditional media. However, 16% of online consumers and 6% of Instagram users are ages 55+, and your patients loved ones are the most active demographic on digital platforms.
info_outline 06: Identifying & Achieving GoalsAscending Audiologists
Welcome to the ascending audiology podcast episode number 6. Today we are going to be talking all about setting goals. If I were you listening to this podcast about a year ago I would have rolled my eyes. If setting goals isn’t something you practice or haven’t found success with in the past I challenge you to listen to today’s episode and explore the 5 different ways setting goals can improve your personal and professional life.
info_outline 05: "Unbundling" With Dr. DawnAscending Audiologists
Dr. Dawn is an audiologist who thinks outside the box. During this podcast she discusses why "unbundling" has been great for her practice. This podcast will also leave you inspired to start understanding and demonstrating your worth to your patients!
info_outline 04: Why You Should Be Handing Out Discharge SheetsAscending Audiologists
Today we will be discussing discharge sheets. According to Quality Improvement For Institutions nearly 90% of the population has difficulty reading, understanding and acting upon medical information. Today we are going to be talking about how one of the most important pieces of an appointment is the discharge sheet and how it can not only benefit you but your patient as well. Today I will be sharing with you 3 reasons why I feel discharge sheets are important and why it can help your practice.
info_outline 03: Your "About Me" PageAscending Audiologists
You’re listening to the Ascending Audiology podcast episode number 3. Today we will be discussing your “About Me” page that lists your providers and their qualifications. Did you know that your about me page is probably one of the most clicked on pages on your website? Today I will be sharing with you how to create a professional, well written bio page bio page that will leave not only a good impression but also one they will remember when it comes time to schedule that appointment.
info_outline 02: Engaging Busy PhysiciansAscending Audiologists
Today we will be discussing 3 tips to engaging busy physicians. Some of you might not like the term “marketing,” however many of you will agree that the need to grow and protect doctor referrals is important to your practice. So during this episode we will focus on educating physicians about the importance of hearing loss and how we are here to serve them and their patients needs in ways that physicians can not.
info_outline 01: An Audiologist's PitchAscending Audiologists
You’re listening to the Ascending Audiologists podcast Episode 1. Today we are going to be talking about your elevator pitch. Yes, pitch, I said it. It’s not something that we often had to consider doing in the past but now that the market is different, I want to challenge you to think of representing yourself in a new way. Now, if you’re put off by the word pitch then think of it as a way of representing yourself and how you serve others, not as way of persuading someone to do something. In this episode I’m going to give you the tools to stop hiding behind your title and be able to...
info_outlineThis week I am breaking down your audience’s online experience and explaining why this experience is so important.
When was the last time you updated your website?
When is the last time you compared yours to others in your area?
How fast does it load?
Is it mobile friendly?
According to Everett Bowes, a brand strategy consultant, he states there are three major branding misalignments that most companies fall prey too. Which one do you relate with?
Don't wait. Press play. All audiologists need to hear this!