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Management of Difficult to Treat HSV and CMV Infections (AAC ed.)

Editors in Conversation

Release Date: 05/01/2023

Training in Antimicrobial Resistance: Gaps and Opportunities  show art Training in Antimicrobial Resistance: Gaps and Opportunities

Editors in Conversation

Antimicrobial resistance is a priority public health problem with complex roots and connotations. However, due to a lack of focus on this topic, research training programs, specifically those focused on AMR are limited. Additionally, scientific meetings that particularly highlight the science of antimicrobial resistance are scarce. We recently published a commentary that evaluates the state-of-the-art of the training programs in AMR in the US. We discuss this topic with the leading author and discussed the issue with leaders in the field. Topics discussed: The challenges that training in AMR...

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Editors in Conversation

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Editors in Conversation

Phage therapy has gained a lot of traction but the challenges created by this approach have not been properly assessed at a big scale. We often read about therapy successes on isolated cases but, rarely, we read or hear about failures. AAC recently published a case series of patients who failed phage therapy. Today, we will discuss this topic with the principal investigator on the research. Topics discussed: Phage therapy as an approach for MDR bacteria. The challenges of phage therapies. Issues that can influence the success of phage therapy Guest: . Director, Solid Organ Transplant...

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Editors in Conversation

The protozoan Lophomonas has been reported to be a pathogen of humans in a large number of case reports and case series. Most of these case reports describe infections of the respiratory tract. Editors in Conversation is joined by two experts to discuss this possible parasite. Some of the questions addressed include: What are the characteristics of the species in the genus Lophomonas? What are the laboratory and morphological data that suggest that Lophomonas species cause human infections? What are the purported clinical manifestations of Lophomonas? Finally, is Lophomonas truly a pathogen...

Treatment of Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis  show art Treatment of Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis

Editors in Conversation

Tuberculosis is one of the most deadly infectious diseases that still causes significant burden of disease, particularly in the developing world.  The emergence of resistance to first line agents severely limits the therapeutic options and threaten the ability to control dissemination of this disease. Fortunately, new drugs and regimens are now emerging as important alternatives against these organisms.  Today, we will discuss this topic with outstanding experts in the field. Welcome to the editors in conversation. Topics discussed: The burden of multidrug-resistant TB. New drugs...

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Editors in Conversation

A new generation of B-lactamase inhibitors is likely to reach the market in the upcoming year. These broad-spectrum inhibitors exhibit activity against the most feared class B metallo-B-lactamases maintaining the inhibition of other enzymes. Recently AAC has published three papers that describe the mechanistic bases of taniborbactam resistance among metallo-enzymes. This knowledge is crucial to understand the limitation of these compounds in clinical practice. Today, we will discuss this topic with some of the authors of the mentioned papers. Welcome to the editors in conversation. Topics...

Favorite Clinical Microbiology Papers of 2023 (JCM ed.) show art Favorite Clinical Microbiology Papers of 2023 (JCM ed.)

Editors in Conversation

We managed to make it through 2023 without a major epidemic or pandemic, and as we get into the holiday spirit and look forward to the new year, some of us took a look back and picked out one of our favorite JCM paper published in 2023, which I will tell you, was no easy task as there were many of good ones to choose from! And personally, after looking through all the issues over the last year, it never ceases to amaze me the variety of topics that we publish on in JCM – including unique things like the evaluation of a molecular assay for diagnosis of Buruli ulcers, to development of an EIA...

Antimicrobial Resistance in Neisseria Gonorrhoeae (JCM ed.) show art Antimicrobial Resistance in Neisseria Gonorrhoeae (JCM ed.)

Editors in Conversation

Gonorrhea remains one of the more common sexually transmitted infections. In North America, the number of reported cases has generally risen for over ten years, with interruptions in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by returns to rising rates of infection. Under the selective pressure of antimicrobial treatment, antimicrobial resistance has risen, which has led to limited options for treatment Today, we will be discussing antimicrobial resistance in N. gonorrhoeae, including these questions:     •    How accurate is gradient diffusion...

New Antifungals (AAC ed.) show art New Antifungals (AAC ed.)

Editors in Conversation

In the last few years we have witnessed the rise of very resistant fungal species some of them likely influenced by environmental conditions and climate change. Fortunately, there has been a bit of an explosion in the development of new antifungals and the pipeline has been strengthened in the last decade. We will have the ability to have new molecules with distinct and novel mechanisms of action in the near future that may contribute to combat recalcitrant fungal infections. Topics discussed: The overall threat of fungal resistance. The antifungal pipeline in the last few years. New...

A Novel Coccidioides Antibody LFA (JCM ed.) show art A Novel Coccidioides Antibody LFA (JCM ed.)

Editors in Conversation

Despite the many advances in diagnostic testing for infectious diseases, detection of Coccidoides infections continues to rely on serologic assessment for anti-fungal antibodies, and what is perhaps more astonishing is that the serologic methods we use today, such as complement fixation and immunodiffusion, were first developed about a century ago. These assays are technically challenging to maintain and perform, and as a result few labs offer this testing, and even if performed on-site, testing can take up to 3 days complete, so there is definitely room for improvement. So today, we are...

More Episodes

As the number of immunocompromised patients rise in our hospitals, the presentation of severe infections caused by HSV and CMV are rising. Most importantly, lack of response and documented resistance are becoming more frequently observed.

Topics discussed:

  • The clinical problems caused by resistant HSV and CMV infections.
  • Mechanisms of resistance in these organisms.
  • Insights into novel therapeutic approaches to treat resistant gonococcal infections.


  • Christine M. Johnston, MD, MPH - Associate Professor Department of Medicine, Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Adjunct Associate Professor, Virology Division, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
  • Roy Chemaly, MD, MPH - Professor of Medicine, Chief Infection Control Officer, Director, Clinical Virology Research, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX.

This episode is brought to you by the Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy journal available at aac.asm.org. If you plan to publish in AAC, ASM Members get up to 50% off publishing fees. Visit asm.org/membership to sign up.

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