EVSN - Planet Formation is (Still) Not Well Understood
Release Date: 04/12/2024
The 365 Days of Astronomy
Ralph Wilkins hosts. Damien Phillips, John Wildridge and Dustin Ruoff produce. From Dec 30, 2022. We say farewell to NASA's Insight mission on Mars. This lander spent 6 years on the Martian surface examining the interior of the planet. It discovered that Mars is not geologically dead as we previously thought. It discovered that Mars has a larger core than we thought, its magnetic field was stronger than we thought and the crust is thinner. And in typical NASA fashion, it made us all sad to think of the little fella dying in the cold Martian dirt. The heartless swines! All videos...
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Two steps (at least). Hosted by Steve Nerlich. From June 25, 2024. Dear Cheap Astronomy – So what can you do with lunar regolith? Lunar regolith is readily available for use by space explorers, but just being available doesn’t mean it’s going to be useful. Nonetheless, there have been some interesting suggestions about what to do with it over the years since Apollo and now that we are in the Artemis era, this seems a good time to blow the moon-dust off some of those suggestions. Dear Cheap Astronomy – Are we really not going to Mars in the 2030s? Well, probably not. NASA’s...
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Hosted by Tony Darnell. From September 8, 2023. There’s no question that humanity is making fast progress in understanding, cataloging and classifying planets around other stars. So far we’ve found over five thousand five hundred of them. But let’s face it, we really want to know, maybe more than anything else, whether these planets have any life on them and whether they are habitable for us to, maybe, live on. Finding habitable worlds has been a driving passion since we first learned there were other planets out there, and to find them, we are going to need a dedicated instrument...
info_outlineThe 365 Days of Astronomy
Streamed live on Feb 3, 2025. Just a few years ago LIGO detected the first direct evidence of gravitational waves coming from colliding black holes. And there you have it. Boom! Black holes collide! But that wasn’t all we learned from gravitational waves, nor will we learn. Sure, the masses of merging black holes are nice to know, but what else can we learn from gravitational black holes? Hosted by: Fraser Cain and Dr. Pamela L. Gay SUPPORTED BY YOU! This Episode is made possible thanks to our Patrons on Patreon. Join at the Galaxy Group level or higher to be listed in our...
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Dr. Al Grauer hosts. Dr. Albert D. Grauer ( ) is an observational asteroid hunting astronomer. Dr. Grauer retired from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock in 2006. Today's 2 topics: - Aug 27, 2024. Presently the surface of Mars is very dry and any liquid water that reaches it quickly boils away since the martian atmospheric pressure is what you could experience in your space suit 30 to 50 miles above the Earth's surface. However, since the martian gravity is about 1/3 that of the Earth, its crust is less dense and more porous than what we find on our home planet. - Sep 3, 2024....
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The Gemini International Observatory consists of two 8.1 meter telescopes located in Hawai’i and Chile. These telescopes have been at the cutting edge of astronomy research since their inception. Gemini Observatory is currently celebrating its 25th anniversary. This podcast takes a look at the first 25 years of Gemini Observatory and looks ahead to the future. Rob Sparks is in the Communications, Education and Engagement group at NSF’s NOIRLab in Tucson, Arizona. Links: Gemini Observatory: NOIRLab social media channels can be found at: We've added a new way...
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From August 20, 2020. Join us today as we look at how citizen science helped discover 100 cool worlds nearby. Then we examine evidence that exploding stars may have contributed to a mass extinction on Earth. Speaking of mass extinctions, an asteroid narrowly missed our planet last weekend. Because 2020. We've added a new way to donate to 365 Days of Astronomy to support editing, hosting, and production costs. Just visit: and donate as much as you can! Share the podcast with your friends and send the Patreon link to them too! Every bit helps! Thank you!...
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Hosted by Chris Beckett & Shane Ludtke, two amateur astronomers in Saskatchewan. The Actual Astronomy Podcast presents The Observer’s Calendar for February 2025. In this episode we talk about what you can see in the February 2025 night sky. This month we focus on all the planets you can see, rays and craters on the Moon as well as a few deep sky objects you might see on a winter vacation. We've added a new way to donate to 365 Days of Astronomy to support editing, hosting, and production costs. Just visit: and donate as much as you can! Share the podcast with...
info_outlineThe 365 Days of Astronomy
Hosted by Mike Simmons. - Mark Neyrick, cosmologist and research scientist at Blue Marble Space Institute, explains the cosmic web of galaxies and matter, and how this large-scale structure mirrors branching structures in nature, like trees and rivers. He discusses the artistic and educational method of using origami and tactile models to teach complex cosmological concepts, making science more accessible and memorable. - Origami models make cosmic webs tangible! By folding paper and fabric, Mark illustrates how dark matter forms cosmic filaments, offering a hands-on approach to...
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Where do parallel universes exist? Could we use wormholes to travel to them? What does time travel have to do with all this? I discuss these questions and more in today’s Ask a Spaceman! Support the show: All episodes: Follow on X: Read a book: Keep those questions about space, science, astronomy, astrophysics, physics, and cosmology coming to #AskASpaceman for COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE OF TIME AND SPACE! Big thanks to my top Patreon supporters this month: Justin G, Chris L, Alberto M, Duncan M, Corey D, Robert B, Michael P, Naila, Sam R, John S, Joshua, Scott M, Rob H,...
info_outlineFrom March 29, 2024.
One of our recurring topics is “Planet formation is not well understood,” and a trio of new papers is making it clear why planet formation continues to... not be well understood. Put simply: the Universe likes to create more diverse solar systems than an entire planet’s worth of sci-fi writers can imagine.
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The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by the Planetary Science Institute. http://www.psi.edu
Visit us on the web at 365DaysOfAstronomy.org or email us at [email protected].