ANTIC The Atari 8-bit Podcast
Steve Kranish, Parker Brothers Frogger Steve Kranish is the creator of the Atari 8-bit and Atari 5200 versions of Frogger, the versions published by Parker Brothers. Parker Brothers had the rights to publish cartridge versions of Frogger. Sierra On-Line had already published versions of Frogger on floppy disk and cassette, so Parker Brothers bought the rights to use that version as the basis for its cartridge version. But there were a few problems: for one, the 13K cassette game would need to be shrunk to fit on an 8K cartridge. Another: the source code was lost. Steve also...
info_outlineANTIC The Atari 8-bit Podcast
ANTIC Interview 453 - Giann Velasquez, Atariteca Hello, and welcome to this interview-only episode of ANTIC, The Atari 8-bit computer podcast. I’m Randy Kindig, your host for this episode. Giann Velasquez is the owner and curator of the popular, Spanish-language, Atari 8-bit news site, Atariteca. Giann is a consummate Atari 8-bit fan and lives in Lima, Peru. This interview took place on June 30, 2024. Links Atariteca - Blog about Atari 8-bit computers. News, guides and analysis on emulators, games and programs for Atari XL/XE series computers.
info_outlineANTIC The Atari 8-bit Podcast
ANTIC Episode 114 - Andy Diller Returns! In this episode of ANTIC The Atari 8-Bit Computer Podcast… we have special guest Andy Diller for a FujiNet update and to let us know about all the great things he’s working on… READY! Recurring Links Interview index: Links for Items Mentioned in Show: What we’ve been up to Kay’s 2024 wrapped - Lee Pappas ANALOG disks treasure hunt: S.T.A.R. newsletter - Rogul game: YouTube video - Installing Altirra on ARM...
info_outlineANTIC The Atari 8-bit Podcast
ANTIC Interview 452 - Dean Garraghty Hello, and welcome to this interview-only episode of ANTIC, The Atari 8-bit computer podcast. I’m Randy Kindig, your host for this episode. Dean Garraghty is the proprietor of DGS Software, which sold, and continues to sell, software for the Atari 8-bit computers since the 80’s. This is a very low cost, 191-disk set that includes an entire utility pack, games, issues of a disk-based newsletter, a sound and music package, an interesting programming language called Quick, and more. Dean has been an Atari enthusiast since the 80’s and...
info_outlineANTIC The Atari 8-bit Podcast
ANTIC Episode 113 - Feeling Fancy! In this episode of ANTIC The Atari 8-Bit Computer Podcast… The clear case Kickstarter doesn’t make it, lots of FujiNet news, and we end the year 2024 with a bang by bringing you all the rest of the Atari news; all while Kay is feeling fancy… READY! Recurring Links Interview index: Links for Items Mentioned in Show: What we’ve been up to FASTBASIC on Mac - () 10-liner option of FASTBASIC - Finished archiving Lee Pappas’ disks!! - Eaten by a Grue is back - ...
info_outlineANTIC The Atari 8-bit Podcast
Daniel Serpell (dmsc), Creator of FastBasic Daniel Serpell (dmsc) is the creator of FastBasic, a modern implementation of the BASIC programming language for the Atari 8-bit computers. He released the first version to the public in 2017. Today, the GPL-licensed language is up to version 4.6, and is a favorite of 10-line BASIC game contest entrants and anyone who wants a speedy, modern take on Atari programming. I'm going to crib from AtariWiki's description of FastBasic: "It is a complete re-implementation of the BASIC system, using a built-in bytecode compiler rather than a...
info_outlineANTIC The Atari 8-bit Podcast
Robert Leyland: AtariArtist, KoalaPainter, MicroIllustrator Robert Leyland programmed AtariArtist, KoalaPainter, and MicroIllustrator (along with Steve Dompier) - the graphics applications that worked with KoalaPad, Atari Touch Tablet, and Chalk Board PowerPad drawing tablets. Prior to that, he programmed The Dragon's Eye (published by Automated Simulations/EPYX), Murder on the Zinderneuf (published by Electronic Arts) and, with Jaron Lanier, the Atari version of Alien Garden for Automated Simulations. This interview took place on January 21, 2023. ...
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Tim Boehlert, Atari's WCI Labs Division Tim Boehlert began at Atari in 1982. He worked at WCI Labs, the New York Atari subsidiary, where he worked on the broadboard of the 600XL, robotics projects, and mass storage devices. This interview took place on June 4, 2022.
info_outlineANTIC The Atari 8-bit Podcast
Frank Foster, Hybrid Arts Frank Foster was one of the founders of Hybrid Arts, the company that made MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) hardware and software for Atari 8-bit and Atari ST computers. Frank was in charge of marketing for the company. After Hybrid Arts, Frank headed the music division at Atari, where he build marketing partnerships with Tangerine Dream, Fleetwood Mac, Peter Gabriel, and other musicians. I talked with two of the other Hybrid Arts founders, Robert Moore and Paul Rother, in . This interview took place on February 20, 2024. ...
info_outlineANTIC The Atari 8-bit Podcast
Robert Moore and Paul Rother, Hybrid Arts MIDIMate Robert Moore and Paul Rother were two of the founders of Hybrid Arts, along with Frank Foster and Alan Hart. Hybrid Arts created the MIDIMate, hardware that added Musical Instrument Digital Interface capability to the the Atari 8-bit computers; and various software for it including MIDITrack. Hybrid Arts continued on to make a wide variety of MIDI and music software for the Atari ST (which has built-in MIDI) including EZ-Track. Paul was the programmer, Robert the music and sales person, and Frank Foster was the marketing person....
info_outlineANTIC Episode 107 - 4 Times!
In this episode of ANTIC The Atari 8-Bit Computer Podcast…we realize there are 4 times as many interview episodes as regular episodes and what that might say, Kay visits the Strong Museum, Randy attends the Indy Classic Expo, and Brad drools over a keyboard for the 400 Mini…
Recurring Links
New Atari books scans at
Atari interview discussion thread on AtariAge
Interview index: here
Links for Items Mentioned in Show:
What we’ve been up to
Strong Museum -
Atari BASIC Tutorial book -
Indy Classic Expo, April 16 & 17 -
80-column card for 1090XL - Brian Reifsnyder -
Disk archiving setup, using FujiNet - new project by Randy at Jason Moore’s Atari Projects -
Andy Diller’s tnfs server for FujiNet - or
Other FujiNet goodness from Andy -
Tim Lapetino Interview -
BASIC 10-Liner Contest winners announced! -
Vitoco has bundled Atari 8 Bit computer games competing in the BASIC 10 Liners Contest 2024 into a single disk -
New Game! Missile Command Arcade (VBXE) -
VCF East update by Thom Cherryhomes -
FujiNet RAPID #6 from Andy Diller -
Atari XF 351 floppy drive clone -
Atari 8-bit machines comparison table - MrFish -
keyboard for the 400Mini - ScreamingAtTheRadio -
RastaConverter - Jakub "Ilmenit" Dębski:
PAS 6502 - added Atari 8-bit support -
Upcoming Shows
VCF Southwest - June 14-16, 2024 - Davidson-Gundy Alumni Center at UT Dallas -
Boatfest Retro Computer Expo - June 14-16 - Hurricane, WV -
Southern Fried Gaming Expo and VCF Southeast - July 19-21, 2024 - Atlanta, GA -
KansasFest, the largest and longest running annual Apple II conference - July 16-21 (in-person), July 27-28 (virtual) - University of Illinois in Springfield, IL -
Fujiama - July 23-28 - Lengenfeld, Germany -
Vintage Computer Festival West - August 2-3 - Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA -
Silly Venture SE (Summer Edition) - Aug. 15-18 - Gdansk, Poland -
VCF Midwest - September 7-8 - Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center in Schaumburg, IL -
Portland Retro Gaming Expo - September 27-29, 2024 - Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR -
Silly Venture WE (Winter Edition) - Dec. 5-8 - Gdansk, Poland -
YouTube Videos
Let's install a monitor jack and upgrade the RAM on a US Atari 600XL - FlashJazzCat -
Simius Sophia 2 : Atari 800XL Install - Vintage Gaming Memories:
ATARI XL / XE += GUNNER =+ BASIC 10LINER CONTEST 2024 - Atari 8 Bits For Ever -
Atari XL/XE -=Tetris=- BASIC 10 Liner Contest 2024 - Saberman RetroNews -
Every Atari 8-Bit Game in the BASIC 10 Liner Contest 2024 - ZeroPage Homebrew -
New at