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AHP-144-The Australia First Movement, Part 3

Aussie History Podcast

Release Date: 04/15/2023

AHP-147- The Hornet Bank and Cullin-la-Ringo Massacres show art AHP-147- The Hornet Bank and Cullin-la-Ringo Massacres

Aussie History Podcast

On 27 October 1857 a party of Yiman warriors killed 12 people at Hornet Bank Station. On 16 October 1861 another massacre of settlers took place at Culin-la-Ringo when Gayiri warriors killed 19 people. What emerges is a story of frontier wars where local Aboriginal people fought to protect thier hunting lands and sacred sites which they saw were being defiled by white settlers. Email me at  

AHP-146-Vera Deakin show art AHP-146-Vera Deakin

Aussie History Podcast

Vera Deakin is one of those great women in Australian History that you have probably never heard of. However, if your family has roots that go back to WWI she may have had a significant impact on your life. Vera Deakin was the daughter of Alfred Deakin and his wife Elizabeth. She is known for her long involvement with the Australian Red Cross of over 60 years and establishing the the Australian Wounded and Missing Enquiry Bureau to trace missing and killed soldiers, bringing comfort to their families. My main source for this episode is Carole Woods' excellent book 'Vera Deakin and the Red...

AHP-145-The Australia First Movement, Part 4 and ANZAC Day show art AHP-145-The Australia First Movement, Part 4 and ANZAC Day

Aussie History Podcast

We wrap up our four part series on the Australia First Movement. There's one final inquiry, led by Justice Clyne, to investigate the internments. We look at what happened to some of the key people after the War and ask what to make of it all?   Finally, it's ANZAC Day, the day Australians and New Zealanders commemorate those who have served in war. You can email me at  

AHP-144-The Australia First Movement, Part 3 show art AHP-144-The Australia First Movement, Part 3

Aussie History Podcast

Following the internments of Australia First members, there is disquiet about why, in a democracy, people could be detained without trial. Some appeal against their internment. The Government establishes a number of inquiries and most internees are released over 1942. Except, that is, for Percy Stephensen and a few others. Remember, you can always email me at  

AHP-143-The Australia First Movement, Part 2 show art AHP-143-The Australia First Movement, Part 2

Aussie History Podcast

The security forces, police and political leaders take a close interest in Australia First members. After WWII is declared the Publicist ceases and there is  public opposition to Australia First, particularly in Sydney. In Western Australia the police send in an undercover agent and get evidence of a conspiracy to suport a Japanese invasion, sabotage and the assassination of public officials. The police swoop and arrest key Australia First members on 9 March 1942. Check out Barbara Winter's book 'The Australia First Movement, Dreaming of a National Socialist Australia'. Apologies for the...

AHP-142-The Australia First Movement, Part 1 show art AHP-142-The Australia First Movement, Part 1

Aussie History Podcast

On 9 March 1942 four people were arrested in Perth on suspicion of a plot to contact the Japanese armed forces to help with a Japanese invasion and to assassinate public officials. They had formed an organisation called the Australia-First Group. A few days later 16 people, members of the Australia First Movement, were arrested in Sydney. In Parliament they were all denounced as traitors – because WWII was underway and Australia was in fear of a Japanese invasion. Two were sentenced to prison and most of the others were secretly interned for the duration of the war.

AHP-141-History of Australia Day show art AHP-141-History of Australia Day

Aussie History Podcast

Australia Day is celebrated on 26 January each year. But how much do you really know about the history of Australia Day? 26 January is not the date the First Fleet arrived in Sydney Harbour, nor is it the day the Colony of NSW was  proclaimed. And it may surprise you that the first public holiday to be actually called Australia Day was held on 30 July, not 26 January.

AHP-140-The Death of Queen Elizabeth II of Australia show art AHP-140-The Death of Queen Elizabeth II of Australia

Aussie History Podcast

On 8 September 2022 Queen Elizabeth II died. In this episode we explore what it meant for Australia. Oh, and I also rave on a little about cricket.


Aussie History Podcast

It's ANZAC Day and we commomorate those Australians who served on HMAS Perth which was sunk in the Battle of the Sunda Strait on 1 March 1942.

AHP-138-The amazing journey of Oskar Speck show art AHP-138-The amazing journey of Oskar Speck

Aussie History Podcast

Learn about the amazing story about Oskar Speck a man who paddled his kayak from Germany to Australia, starting in 1932 and taking 7 years to complete his voyage. By the time he arrived in Australia the world was at war and so he was, like many German nationals, interned. After the War Speck settled in Australia, becoming a successful opal dealer.

More Episodes

Following the internments of Australia First members, there is disquiet about why, in a democracy, people could be detained without trial. Some appeal against their internment. The Government establishes a number of inquiries and most internees are released over 1942. Except, that is, for Percy Stephensen and a few others.

Remember, you can always email me at [email protected]